I'm New...


Fandom Trash
Hello, I'm new to the site and forum roleplaying in general. I usually rp in kik or facebook chat, but I decided it was time for a change. I wanted to try forum roleplaying!

I'm used to doing paragraph style roleplay

I am pretty descriptive

I'm into a lot of fandoms, so you could say that I am fandom trash xD .

I like most genres of rp, especially fantasy!

I don't know how a lot of this forum roleplaying works, but I'm a quick learner.

Anyway, there's my introduction :)
Tronethiel said:
I feel sufficiently introducted. :P Welcome, Pariah, you may be trash, but you're our trash now. ;)
I'd like to join a roleplay, but I'm terribly shy xD . I'm also not quite sure how to join one...

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