I'm new here


One Time Luck
So as I'm sure you can surmise from the title and location of the thread, I'm a new member, and frankly:


Okay, that's not entirely true. I've been playing tabletop RPGs for about a year now, not that it's a perfect analogue to the role-playing that occurs on this site, to which I am a complete newcomer. Nonetheless, I'm really excited to be here.

The automated mail suggested talking about myself and my interests; I guess the most important pieces of personal information would be that I'm currently working on my MA dissertation, and that I live in South Africa, so if my posting habits seem erratic, it's either due to stress/lack of sleep or time zone sorcery. In terms of RP, my interests are predominantly low/medieval fantasy like A Song of Ice and Fire and sci-fi, particularly post-apocalypse and cyberpunk.

I think I've rambled on about myself for long enough, feel free to ask about anything else you might want to know, or ramble about yourselves. If you've read this far (or just skipped to the end), it's a pleasure to meet you. :smile 2:
Welcome, so you decided to join now rather than later after I recommended this place to you. I hope you enjoy it and have some fun here!
Hey, how are you? I just started reading a game of thrones and I am on the first season. Welcome to the site.
Thanks, @Nanolly :) They're fantastic books which I could talk about endlessly, given the opportunity. Westerosi politics and intrigue could make for a really interesting role-play, I think.

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