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Multiple Settings I'm new and bring ideas! I'll play male or female.


New Member
Good morning.

I am "working" today and I need some distractions from the monotony. I hope the prompts below spark interest.

I am female, but I am happy to play either gender. I do prefer hetro pairings in romantic settings, the others are just not my thing. I tend to write two paragraphs per post on minimum. I am mildly detailed. I only expect my partner to give me something to go off of and not leave me in the dust because they wrote so much it wrote my character out of a chance to respond. I prefer to write in third person but I wouldn't be opposed to write in first.

In my prompts below, I will make the role I wish to take blue and mark beside it if I wish for a role to be male or female. Most of my prompts can have the genders swapped and work just fine. These are romance centered, but I am not looking for anything that goes against the site rules. Fading to black is a wonderful way to handle such things *if* it even gets that far.

Back Woods
Farmer [m] and Princess [f]
The princess' kingdom has recently fallen to a usurper. An Uncle who, as it turns out, had the legitimate claim to the throne. The people love him as the old king was your text book tyrant, not that the princess knew anything about it. She had been pampered and kept away from all things real. As far as she knows, her father was overthrown unfairly. It certainly seems unfair as the first new law her Uncle makes is that the court of the wicked king is to go into 5 years of indentured service for all the money they took from the people. No one was to be spared, not even the niece of the new king. The princess is sent off to a small hamlet that was relatively untouched by the war that had ensued when the old king was being overthrown. A lottery was held where she and a handful of other men and women from the court were awarded to the people of the area. A small farmer was the lucky one to win the service of the princess, but he doesn't seem to happy about it.

He worries he will end up just the caretaker of a royal arse.
I would love for this plot to be one where the characters teach each other. The farmer has lots to teach the princess. Maybe the princess has a lot to teach in ways that a noble of this world knows like reading and magic if you are up to throw something like that in. Or the farmer could be the one to introduce magic, simple stuff like how to get the mystical beings of the forest to assist. It is up for discussion.

Dragon [m/f] and Warrior [m/f]
Your character is a warrior that has been tasked to rid the world of the evil dragon lord. Your people do not know much about the dragons but assume there is a king and that they are organized with how caravans are constantly being attacked by them. The party you lead has stumbled upon a terrible truth, it isn't dragons but a group of blood thirsty men that are terrorizing the countryside. You question if dragons ever existed. You are gravely injured and lose consciousness only to wake to be in a cavern with an actual dragon who has saved your life. The dragon is nursing you back to health but is reluctant about letting you go since you would know of their existence and that could cause them harm.
I would love for this to be kind of a push and pull of duties plot where the warrior feels obligated to report the findings of living dragons and the true plague of the borderlands, but they know that the hate for dragons would not let their words be heard. A duty to the oath to protect the kingdom and honor to protect a rescuer.

Ghost [m/f] and Living [m/f]
You've inherited land from an Uncle you didn't know you had. It comes at a great time as you just lost your job and your roommate wants you out. It required a move that takes you far from everyone you know, but what other choices did you have? It is a wonderful place, the only problem is, it came with an occupant. You can't exactly say that they are living there as the occupant is dead, very dead, and wants to teach you magic?
I don't have too much on this prompt planned out myself, but would love to build it up. Basically I want to play a ghost that served as your Uncle's familiar and the magic of the home is to be passed onto you.

All the prompts above can be tweaked, twisted, changed. I am happy to hear your ideas and make it fit what you would be interested in. If a prompt is struck through, I am currently playing it. I would be interested in playing it if you have some twist to add. Message me soon!
Hi, i have a prompt idea similar to one of yours, but i was wondering if you do f/f?

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