I'm Meacha, and I've RP'd for years


New Member

My user is Meacha, and I'm 15.

I began to RP when I was eight, on a group on a site called 'roblox'. It made me more interested in writing, and people began to compliment me on the way I worded my stories. However, I'm not interested in stories, unless there is someone there to interfere with them. I'm great at describing character actions, but I'm also OK at writing simple operations. I feel like I work extra hard to exchange simple words sometimes with more difficult synonyms, but of course, only the ones I feel most could understand. Truthfully, I'm listening to what I'm typing down and I feel it makes me sound like I'm old and mature, and I'm not. I'm just a relaxed dude and I like to write.

...whom of which can't do fantasy RP's well and would like to stick with modern/HS sort of stuff.
Hello and welcome to RPn! (Nice profile picture) I hope your stay here is exquisite :)

I'm not the best with writing (at least my grammar and my spelling are good, I've got that), but I do that synonym thing also. Sometimes you just stare at the text after you've written it and that word you've used in three sentences in a row just bugs the hell out of you. I feel ya.

If you're as relaxed a dude as you say you are, then come move to this beat with me.

Welcome to RP Nation my homie!
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