im gonna pop your bubblegum heart ✿






Cho Joong Ki

















Sweets  • Movies • Hamsters • Naps • Road trips • Polka dots • Books • Bubblegum • Aesthetics • Candles



Spicy food • Most animals • Vegetables • Math • Mustard • Smoking • Thunder • Rap music • Crowds • Littering


Habits / Quirks

• Big advocate against littering.

• Writes movie reviews online.

• Owns a hamster named Sugar.

• Makes facial expressions way too much.

Has a large vocabulary and often sounds pretentious.

• Shoots air kisses at his friends.

• Goes to the dentist once a month because he eats too many sweets.

• Don't ask him for a book or movie recommendation unless you want to be there for an hour.

• Say "Red Velvet Cake" in front of a mirror three times and he'll appear.

• Always chews gum except at work, and only the original bubblegum flavor.



• A very good writer

• A good baker

• Good social skills, good with people



• Thunder - The loud sounds disturb him quite a bit. It used to be a lot worse when he was younger when he would cry if it got too loud.

• Wild animals - If it's non-domesticated count him out. Zoos overwhelm him a bit.





Joongki can seem a bit daft or aloof at first glance. He usually gets absorbed in whatever he's doing to notice whatever's going on around him. A lot of people describe him as bubbly because he's easy to make happy and easy to make others happy, always having a positive energy around him. He's very charismatic once you wake him from his trance, not shying away from asking a stranger a question or talking up someone cute on the train. Despite this, he's far from a playboy. He likes to be seen as an overall friendly person and as approachable as possible, and cares for his public image a lot, maybe a bit too much. He's very concerned with his looks, which many people may interpret as him being vain, but he's actually just trying to look his best for others. He's a very reliable friend, and will often try his best to help his friends out. He's a bit of a clumsy person, and is pretty much incompetent at any form of movement, including dancing, running, etc.


He's kind and compassionate, in a way that many perceive as him being flirtatious. This makes him widely adored by the many people he meets, despite him rarely getting crushes or being infatuated with someone like others easily are. He's an indecisive person, despite always being willing to be a leader of sorts, and he's working on trying to get better at it. His indecisive nature stems from his habit of thinking things ahead and seeing what consequences could possibly happen as a result of his decisions. He's also quite gullible, putting too much trust in people most of the time. Sometimes it's a good thing, but sometimes, not so much. He's a touchy-feely person, often opting to playfully push someone after making a funny joke or hugging all the time.



Joongki was raised in a rural town. Because it was a little more secluded, it was a bit more quaint, which he liked. The natural wildlife and flora around his secluded home allowed his creative mind to flourish, and he began writing poems and stories inspired by the stories his teachers read him in school. He got a laptop for his fifteenth birthday, and he was overjoyed, his writing becoming better and better. Meanwhile, he was quite popular at his school. As he started exploring his sexuality, he realized he was bisexual. He came out when he was sixteen, and to his surprise and delight, his friends took it quite well. They were a close-knit group, but when graduation came around, they knew they were going to split up. His friends all had big dreams of getting out of the small town and making something of themselves, the idea of living out the rest of their lives in the town was dull to them, and it was to Joongki as well, he had to admit. His dream was to become a great author, to write a book or book series he could be proud of.


In order to familiarize himself better with the writing business, and to just get out of the dull, yet nice town, he moved to Seoul for college. However, Joongki realized that he wasn't really ready for college. He was still trying to figure out if he was going in the first place. On one hand, it could be a positive experience and it could better his writing skills, it could also point him in a new career path. On the other hand, he could make it big just by writing at his home, not having to enroll anywhere or pay anything. For this reason, he took a gap year. During this time, he picked up a job at the new cafe Sweet Sensations.




Do you have any talents / skills in cooking?

"Yes! My mom taught me how to bake for myself since I always asked her to make cookies, brownies, cakes, cupcakes.... Yeah. I know lots of recipes by heart too!"


What made you apply for this job?

"Well, I'm in my gap year and need some source of income; also, I saw that this cafe served sweets, and I love sweets."


How will you handle difficult customers?

"Hmm... Depends on the situation... I guess I'd try to really understand what their plight was and try to resolve the situation, but if a resolution was impossible... uh... I'd try to hear them out, because I know I don't like it when people seem like they aren't listening to me... then probably find someone higher up than me who might know what to do."


What would you do if a flavor of ice cream was out and the customer is being difficult?

"Hmm... In this case, I guess there are only two options: give them the estimated time of when the next batch of that flavor is ready, or suggest another flavor."


How would you handle a situation that you've never dealt with before like a customer yelling?

"I guess I'd try to console them and if it looked like it was only going to get worse, I'd call the police."


Can you handle working with others?

"Yes! I'm very good at working with other people, I believe I have good communication skills."



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