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Realistic or Modern I'm Bored, hmu


Fat Queer Butch
Hello, my name is Ross, I go by they/them pronouns. Rn I'm hella bored and all my rp partners are currently out of their rp swing a the moment, so here I am.

What I’m looking for in a roleplay:

-open-mindedness, respect, kindness. Some basics for, like, working together with anyone on anything.

-I’m in the Pacific time zone, I work from 4:30 in the afternoon to 9:30 at night whenever my work decides to schedule me throughout the week and weekend, other than that I spend a lot of time sleeping, smoking pot, and writing. (right now I don't work for another three days)

-I like at least one to two paragraphs per reply if possible, I’m not a super strict person really but if writing one-liners start to become the norm you bet your ass I'll start to get bored. I myself am naturally a very detailed roleplayer, generally, I write multiple paragraphs per reply, and I love to have a partner that can do the same.

-I’m online a lot, so I totally dig it when I’m able to roleplay with someone back and forth for hours at a time. Though of course, I don’t expect everyone to be the same way. I generally like one or two replies a week at the least.

-I like to write explicit characters and scenes, I like the rough and gritty and unattractive parts of life and characters, though if desired I don’t have a problem putting a trigger warning before an explicit or graphic scene.

-When I roleplay with someone I’d like for my partner to be willing to add as much to the scene and storyline as I am, and I’d also hope that my partner would enjoy doing so. I’m a fan of wild twists, added drama, intense scenes. I really enjoy being at the edge of my seat excited about the role play’s I’m a part of.

-Also when I’m roleplaying I like to include a lot of diversity, this means please please don’t come at me with your basic, shallow, neurotypical, white characters. Varying genders, sexualities, ethnicities, please. Characters who have mental illnesses and disabilities pretty please. Characters with realistic faults and heavy backstories pretty please with a cherry on top. Characters with complicated past relationships and experiences mmm yeah. This, to me, is a key component to any great role play.

-I’m mostly indifferent to including romantic elements between the characters. Though most of my characters are nonbinary/transgender or otherwise lgbtq+ so keep that in mind. I will not modify the gender of my character for any specific pairing.

-On that note I'm not going to do any roleplay where romantic relationships are the focus- hey listen, I love relationships and even the occasional romantic one, but If it's not complex and realistic as well as being entertaining then I'm not gonna be into it.

-OOC chat is welcome and encouraged! I’m always happy to talk about the roleplay, but I’m also happy to be a listening ear or to otherwise get to know the person I’m roleplaying with.

Pm if you're interested because that's generally where I do my role-playing. Right now I don't have any idea what I want to do specifically but I'm thinking something at least semi-realistic/modern. Maybe with some extreme twists and exceptions, who knows. I'm pretty open, hmu with whatever you got and I'll tell you outright whether I'm into it.

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