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Fandom Ilvermorny |~| Characters & Lore



The Origin of The End.
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It Begins.


"The great North American school of magic was founded in the seventeenth century. It stands at the highest peak of Mount Greylock, where it is concealed from non-magic gaze by a variety of powerful enchantments, which sometimes manifest in a wreath of misty cloud."

Mt. Greylock, Massachusetts.

Ilvermorny was founded in 1627, 637 years after Hogwarts, and the school was originally just a rough shack containing two teachers and two students. Ilvermorny was originally a stone cottage constructed by Irish immigrant Isolt Sayre, and her No-Maj husband James Steward. It became a school when their adoptive children Chadwick and Webster Boot hoped they could return to Ireland so they could attend Hogwarts. Isolt then promised they could build their own school at Ilvermorny with the objective of home-schooling them.

Thus, the school started with just the couple acting as teachers and their two adopted sons, Chadwick and Webster Boot, as students. Each of them named one of the four Houses: Chadwick created Thunderbird, Webster created Wampus, Isolt created Horned Serpent, and James created Pukwudgie.

Eventually, the school enrolled more students, and the couple were able to provide wands not just for their children but for the other students too. These students were Native Americans of the Wampanoag and the Narragansett tribes who shared their knowledge of magic in return for being taught the technique involved with wandwork. Therefore, Native American magic became involved in the foundations of Ilvermorny. Over the next few years, the school grew even more and by 1634, there were enough children for inter-house competitions.

For a time, the school acted only as a day school, with only James, Isolt and their family as the only live-in residents. News of the new school reached Europe, and Isolt's wicked aunt, Gormlaith Gaunt finally located her niece. She made her way to the school, and cast a curse on James and Isolt from a distance to put them in a deep sleep, in hopes to kill them and abduct their new-born twin daughters. She didn't know, however, about Chadwick and Webster, and when she cast a spell in Parseltongue to disable Isolt's wand, the brothers' wands (which had the core of Horned Serpent horn) alerted them to the danger. Chadwick went to hold off the Dark witch while Webster attempted, to no avail to awaken their parents. Webster joined the duel and the couple were awakened by the cry of their infant daughters. While James went to protect the babies, Isolt tried to join the fight, but her wand was useless, being disabled prior. In the duel, the whole family was driven to the bedroom, and Isolt called out to her late father William for help and was answered by her old friend William, a Pukwudgie. The Pukwudgie killed Gormlaith and from that day on, William and his family acted as the school's security and maintenance staff.


The unique Snakewood tree that resides in an Ilvermorny courtyard

Following Gormlaith's death, Isolt and James buried her wand within the school grounds. She did not wish to keep the wand as it was the last reminder of her unhappy childhood. Within a year, a snakewood tree grew from the ground where it was buried. Any attempts to kill or prune it were unsuccessful, and it was kept after it was discovered that the tree contained powerful medicinal properties.

By the 18th century, Ilvermorny became a granite castle and more teachers were added to cope with the growing number of students. By this point, the school had become a boarding school. Ilvermorny reached the same reputation other schools of magic had and the founders had concealed their school by clever enchantments, some of which made it look like a misty cloud to No-Majs.

During the 18th century, one of Ilvermorny ex-students, Dorcus Twelvetrees, revealed to a No-Maj named Bartholomew Barebone the location of the school, among other information concerning the wizarding community. However, it turned out that Bartholomew was the descendant of a Scourer, and he revealed all the information he got from Dorcus to the No-Maj community, including Ilvermorny's address. It led to one of the greatest ever breaches of the International Statute of Secrecy, but also the passage of Rappaport's Law, which effectively segregated the No-Maj and wizarding communities. When first-years arrive at Ilvermorny, they are sorted into their house and then they are taken to another area where they get to choose (or be chosen by) their wand. Prior to the repeal of the Rappaport's Law, students were not allowed a wand outside of school until they were seventeen. Even after Rappaport's Law was repealed, young witches and wizards could still not have a wand prior to starting school, as it was a tradition.

By the 1920s, Ilvermorny had been flourishing for more than two centuries and was widely considered to be one of the greatest magical educational establishments in the world. As a result of their shared education, all witches and wizards who attended are proficient in the use of a wand. They had also developed a school song. Scared parents of Ilvermorny students asked Ilvermorny to hold all students during the holiday season. The New York Ghost reports on their House points and awards. This tradition follows even today, as of 2017. The school as known as the youngest but the "freshest" of all magical schools. They host the Twin Academy Dance every year, in which Ilvermony and Salem Institute gets together for a massive festival celebrating the history of magic in America. 20 years after The Second Wizarding War ends, Ilvermony stands independent and free from the past strains of Europe.

But for they, were about to get a taste of darkness. The year is now. Darkness is eternal.

End is coming.



1. The main one. Respect RPN and its rules.

2. Any questions or intrigue about the plot or story come to me! I love hearing ideas even if we don't incorporate them.

3. OOC will be friendly and respectful. IC be extra and add flair all you'd like BUT...

4. BE REASONABLE. Realistically adapt and grow into character and make logical choices. 4th year? Know that you will not be able to creating the killing curse / master level magic at will.

5. I do not mind if you guys subplot romance. I encourage it actually. Just keep it PG-13 and not TOO detailed.

6. & 7. Try to have UNIQUE characters. This is it's own story. Cameos can occur however. SO DO NOT TRY to force Harry, Hermoine, Draco, or anyone that has no business being in the organics of the plot into the story. Also, having relations to famous characters isn't really a problem but if it doesn't make sense you will not be accepted until it's resolved.

8. If you cannot post due to IRL or other reasons please post in consideration of everyone else. I'm interpreting this RP to go relatively fast pace wise not too speedy, so if you need assistance ask and you shall receive! And...

9. If you do fall too far behind or get in a hole you cant climb out of that doesn't mean you're done for. Unless you're intentionally a jerk or going against the tide of the plot, you can get back up to pace.

10. If you band together, or fight amongst each other IC, coordinate with each other as I will be overseeing those situations with a final outcome, but stay true to character and abilities. Don't force it just because you wanna "be great"


12. Characters DO NOT have to be 5th / 6th years (will be the focal years in the RP) BUT, you risk excluding yourself from plot points in the RP if you decide to make other years. Faculty is open for RP as well, just run it by me first. Humans are recommended, but again other races are allowed.

13. THIS WILL BE A GRITTY RP, be ready for dark themes and suggestive situations. Deathly Hallows on crack type of tone.

14. Now, if you read, accept, and understand all rules: At the end of your CS, write a sentence mentioning something about Voldemort that your character would say about him.



Horned Serpent -
Sometimes considered to represent the mind of a witch or wizard. It is also said that Horned Serpent favours scholars.

Founder: Isolt Sayre


Wampus - Sometimes considered to represent the body of a witch or wizard. It is also said that Wampus favours warriors.

Founder - Webster Boot


Thunderbird - Sometimes considered to represent the soul of a witch or wizard. It is also said that Thunderbird favours adventurers.

Founder - Chadwick Boot


Pukwudgie - Sometimes considered to represent the heart of a witch or wizard. It is also said that Pukwudgie favours healers.

Founder - James Steward




OppositeInverse - Morri Skopos (Horned Serpent)



Arc 1 - Rise of Darkness
Arc 2 - [In Development]



Reimi Holiday - Auror under MACUSA who served as guardian and proctor to Gordon Gallaway.
Ria Pocomtuc - Popular and well-loved 7th year witch from House Thunderbird. Her bloodline is linked back to the very founders of the school, Isolt Sayre and James Steward.



Coming Soon!

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Appearance: (Real pic/face claim only )

Nickname (If any):
Year (if applicable)
Ilvermony House:


Personality Goods:
Personality Bads:

Hobbies and Skills:

Background: (Character bio & History)


STUDENT ID 19971998

Morri Lillith Skopos



Click on each tab below to view info:


"Great... more drama."

Nickname: Lil'
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 117 lbs.
Occupancy: 6th Year Student at Ilvermony; Chaser for Horned Serprent Quidditch.
Year (if applicable): 6th Year
Ilvermony House: Horned Serpent.

Wand: 7.5" Horned Serpent Horn Core, Black Mulberry finish. (Picture)


Personality Goods:
  • Strong-Willed
  • Intellectual
  • Honest
  • Driven
  • Adaptable

Personality Bads:
  • Stubborn
  • Melodramatic
  • Domineering
  • Aloof
  • Mysterious

  • Amounting to nothing in the end.
  • Scrunches her lips when she's thinking really hard
  • Shrugs when she's being stubborn.

Skills and Abilities

Hobbies and Skills:
  • Enhanced knowledge of a plethora of spells, preferably the Dark arts being her specialty.
  • Likes to experiment with potions now and again, a natural affinity for alchemy.
  • Has great awareness and detective like detail attention, which is why she plays Chaser. This sometimes causes her to be a bit too nosy.
  • She loves to write poems, but she'd never show/tell anyone this in fear of showing a softer more creative side.
  • Her mother's necklace is her most prized possesion, but Morri enjoys collecting other artifacts and relics of magic; From crystals to items.
  • She looks mean all the time, but underneath the girl is exceptionally smart and bright. Very honest and stoic.
  • Her adaptibility has been raved by even teachers, her improv skills in spell-casting very commendable in unexpected situations.
  • She enjoys cooking in her spare time, as well as exercising or playing sports. She loves watching movies and is a secret cinephile.
  • Another secret hobby is hosting parties in the Horned Serpent dorm after hours, called The Slither.
  • Knows no-maj first aid, as well as some healing spells.
  • Great reflexes, stamina, and endurance due to her physical activities.
  • Speaks English, Italian, Spanish; Knows Latin, and Greek
  • Most of all, she loves to gather information. Books, history, experience. She's dedicated in random wisdom and knowledge.
  • However, there is a secret she holds that she'd rather not talk about. To anyone.

Bio & History

Morri was born in 2001 to a rather reclusive single mother, Gerra. Gerra Skopos was an American Pure-Blood, who seemingly had no magical prowess, otherwise known as a Squib. Thus, she raised Morri in seclusion in the hills of New England, where Morri began to show her powers early. Upon her cries, things would often shake and rumble, upon her happiness, a wind would come from nowhere. Gerra was proud to have seen the magic in her blood pass to her daughter. Gerra would teach Morri how to hone her skills and begin to tell her stories of the history of the magic community. This would spark Morri's nag to learn and gain knowledge, becoming fascinated with magic. Until she started to grow up and realize the focus, mental fortitude, and stresses that would have to come with the grand splendor of magic. Her magic seemed to become volatile to the age of 6, in which Gerra needed to find a conduit to keep Morri honed. By special request, Morri was privately given a wand against regular protocol, but was restricted by MACUSA until she was of age to attend Ilvermony. It was the same wand she has to this day. Until then, Morri had to rely on the use of a necklace given to her by her mother, the crystal a conduit to control magic. The necklace was named Stardust. She was given a grand life of luxury and spoils given her isolated home and single mother's wages. Gerra did all she could for Morri, but also gave Morri tough love and discipline when needed. Morri responded with appreciation and love for her mother in the end, knowing that it was hard to be two parents as one person. She was grateful.

With that being said, Morri knows how to be clever. Appears to be playing by the book, when behind the scenes she's embracing a wilder side of herself. This really showed when she got to Ilvermony, as a 1st year most would be excited but nervous. Morri was excited but hyper amplified, like that of a werebeast ready to run rampant. Upon being sorted into the famed Horned Serpent House, Morri felt like she fit right in, her prowess only complimenting the house founded by the descendant of the Perverell family themselves. She made a name for herself due to her willpower. It seemed to have attracted everyone around her to demand an unspoken respect for the girl, even standing up to 5th + year students as a 1st year. She defends everything she believes in, no matter what..or who might be trying to oppose that. She has the heart of a lion, but since Gryffindors are a country over, the drive of a serpent will do just fine. Upon the girl's Gordian Knot...only one House moved. The others were silent, dead silent. Upon the crystal glow, the slither and hiss of The Horned Serpent, Morri took the mantle of her new house. And the special wand requested for her was provided by MACUSA, causing much talk among students as she technically broke tradition. Her first year was spent being the spectacle of conversation because of her special wand. However, she begin to excel in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Flying, and History of Magic. Her being the outcast was combated with her mother buying her the fastest broom out at that time, placing her among one of the social magnets. Also to make more of an impact, whenever she'd see older years bullying younger kids, she'd step in and defend them, and much to be expected, the older years would target Morri, only for them to stop after she attacked a 5th year Wampus for trying to bully her. Morri had made a statement.

Her second year she added Divination and Ancient Runes. She begin to make her mark on the school by excelling in studies of almost every spell available in the library, honing her dark arts knowledge, and then becoming the highest graded student in her Divination class.. that was until the incident. Morri was using a focusing crystal ball to attempt to see visions of divining, when suddenly she went into shock as the crystal ball lit up brightly. She said she'd had a nightmare about dark skies and lightning before she passed out, once again placing her back to being an outcast by students. She joined the Quidditch team to become active and find a hobby that could compliment her love of flying, it turned out to become a real passion of hers.

Third year was her focused on herself and becoming a young woman. She started to focus on Charms and developed an affinity for potions and messing around with various mixtures and recipes. She added her academic arsenal slowly but surely, silently becoming potent on all fronts of wizardry. It was then where some of the 6th and 7th years tried to force her into the dueling club at school, with Morri genuinely not interested in becoming a jock who's obsessed with being the strongest. They begin to harass her until a very beloved 4th year stepped in, Ria Pocomtuc. She would ease them off of Morri, explaining that she too used to be an outcast, but for Morri to "follow her own way, and become the butterfly that makes its own destiny." From there Morri and Ria would become good friends, Ria being the only person an introverted Morri didn't mind hanging with.

Fourth year was when everything changed. Morri was no longer just a teen, she was maturing into a young woman in every way. Ways that made boys not see her as so much an outcast anymore. Her and Ria gotten even closer, her mother was now explaining to her the ways of womanhood, and it was all uncomfortable for her, yet she thrived. Morri's reputation of now being a stellar chaser had spread quickly, with her performance in class matching if not excelling her athletics. Her dark arts and defense thereof were being referred by teachers, setting her up to have great word to become an Auror someday. But Morri didn't care about the hype. She simply wanted to be the best she could with what she had, as her mother taught her. She begin to make more friends from her reputation, the duel club practically begging her to join now. That and being on the courted end of many secret admirers. Any girl would love the attention. Morri rebuked it. She begin to make adept class progress in her many spells, reading every incantation and knowledge thereof. She figured everyone else was focused on being the strongest, but how could they if they don't understand the why of the spell? Morri ended 4th year top of her class without even intending to.

5th year was when Morri had fully blossomed into much of who she is now. Stoic, observant, yet all the while so very witty and devious. She and her dorm begin to throw parties called The Slither, using noise cancelling spells to mask the parties going on. To be honest it was her roommate's idea, but as Morri was growing up she realized she needed to be more proactive in her school, and actually live life while she had the opportunity. Ria would also help her with this, seeing that Morri often put the weight of life on her shoulders, Ria would be the one to help get her out of her shell, and that she did. During the declaration of NEWTS, She added into interest of Alchemy and Apparition, with a side elective of Magical Theory. Her versatile pursuits would culminate in making her a queen of all trades, the only thing was she wasn't good at everything, she was great at everything. She was now the star Chaser of Horned Serpents, and with her hailing the Whitehorn X, it was the pinnacle of her academic, athletic, and magical experience thus far. All the while, she remained humble and stoic.

She's made friends far and wide, and is now in her 6th year of studies at Ilvermony. All years respect her, teachers look to her for standards of excellence, and it's around that time where boys don't think she's so gross anymore... she's becoming a woman. It's now close to mid-year at the school, almost time for the Twin Academy Dance between Ilvermony and Salem Institute. But... when the tragedy involving a very popular, well-loved student puts everyone on edge and terror, the light of history that has shone on Ilvermony may now be replaced by something the inhabitants of America and its magic community has never seen before. For that which opposes light...

Is darkness.


"The Dark Lord, so cliche... to be honest, Voldemort didn't seem like all that great of a wizard to me. Unpopular opinion."

Code by apolla apolla
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"Trust me on this buddy, I've lived with the Navajo. You do not want to mess with their wizards and witches."

Name: Gordon Gallaway
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0
Weight: 179 lbs
Occupancy: Student; Leader of the Transfiguration Club; Healer-in-Training
Year: 6th year
Ilvermorny House: Pukwudgie

Wand: 11 inches - Thunderbird Tail Feather Core - Ebony - Pleasantly Springy
  • Gordon and his wand once had problems working together, but it has strengthened the bond between him and the wand once they got over it.
  • His wand casts curses when Gordon is in danger
Personality Goods:
  • Charming
  • Helpful
  • Cheerful
  • Optimistic
  • Protective
  • Courageous
Personality Bads:
  • Stubborn
  • Hard-Headed
  • Individualistic
  • Blunt
  • Doesn't put as much effort in things he isn't interested in
  • Opinionated
Hobbies and Skills:
  • Particularly "masterful" in the arts of both Transfiguration and Potions which is complimented by his Herbology skills
  • Knowledgeable in terms of healing spells as well as No-Maj healing
  • Can hold himself in a duel because of his fast reactions and his wand's tendencies on casting curses when he's really in trouble.
  • Currently undergoing training to become an animagus under the watchful eyes of his Transfiguration teacher
  • Can cast wandless magic, but is restricted to only knowledge of casting healing magic but only a very small variety out of that
  • He typically hangs around the Transfiguration Club and loves to help other members to get to the next level
  • If not in Transfiguration Club, he's probably in the clinic helping however he can while also learning from the Nurse
Background: Gordon's life is a roller coaster from start to finish. Being born to two No-Maj parents - essentially being a Muggleborn - it was understandable when they threw him out directly after he started to exhibit telltale signs of magic. For the first two years of his life, his parents cared for him like any other couple who had their first child. They gave him anything and everything. However, it all changed when he was two years old and he just so happened to accidentally levitate his whole crib while his parents were in the vicinity - showing quite the skill at such a young age. His mother, being a religious person, called him a 'devil' and then proceeded to leave him at the forest - far away from where they were in fear that his spirit would follow them back to their house if he was within the city. It was believed that the two No-Maj was obliviated courtesy of MACUSA and set off to find the child - to fruitless results.

Two year old Gordon had no way of actually surviving in the forest - alone and with no one to care for him. Luckily, however, a pair of Navajo people found him as he was placed near a reserve where the tribe had lived. Wondering why a toddler, of all things, would be abandoned in the forest and feeling sorry for it, the two brought him back to their tribe. Despite him not being part of their tribe by blood, they decided that they would raise him for a while before handing him over to the government. Baby Gordon still had no way of controlling his magic, but instead of being scared away, the Navajo tribe was impressed. Being one of the tribes that were magically inclined and not part of the Wizarding Schools, they decided that raising the child themselves would be the correct decision in this case.

And so Gordon grew up in a tribe that was not of his own blood - but one he could call his family. He learned their culture firsthand, along with their natural magical capabilities. They taught him about wandless magic, as was normal with them, along with the teaching of magical plants for Potions to be made for medicinal purposes. They didn't get to teach much outside of that because of their lack of actual knowledge of it as none of them went to Ilvermorny to learn. There were two animagi in the group, but never taught him how to become one because how he was still being burdened by MACUSA unlike them, who are in isolation. Basically, they were still thinking of giving him up to the government, but this time to MACUSA in particular once he entered school.

When he turned 11, a MACUSA agent was sent to him once they had tracked him down. Gordon was then handed over to the MACUSA. He wasn't shell shocked with the different cultures since they often send him out with a guardian to get acquainted with his 'real' culture. While Gordon doesn't seem to mind that they were trying to integrate him little by little to the more modern world, he does wonder if they really do consider him part of the tribe. Before he could get an answer, he was whisked away by the MACUSA agent, named Reimi Holiday, and taken to her own home. She now serves as her guardian and she was the one to walk him through what happens in Ilvermorny and the explain the rules of the magical world to him again, as well as the No-Maj world. Since then, Gordon has been living with Reimi, even though she isn't exactly as ecstatic since she lives alone and being a MACUSA agent took up most of her time, so she wasn't sure if she would be a prime candidate for taking care of an 11 year old boy.

Thankfully, Gordon was sent to Ilvermorny shortly after where he also got his wand. When he stepped onto the Gordion Knot, he was unsure of what was awaiting him - so when two Houses - Wampus and Pukwudgie - moved to take him, he was not sure which one he would pick. Gordon decided to choose Pukwudgie and then joined that House, and he doesn't regret that decision to this day. At first, to be honest, he was a bit lost. He didn't know what went on in Ilvermorny while others seemed to have a detailed report on the happenings within the school - from the various classes to the layout of it! Gordon was overwhelmed with the fountains of knowledge their library had. It made the knowledge of his tribe pale in comparison, but he still kept their teachings to heart. It wasn't soon until he began opening up to the others and making friends from all of the Houses - provided they had something in common.

He picked up skill in Transfiguration during his second year, when his interest in it grew larger than ever because of the fact that this branch of magic dealt with self-transfiguration / human transformation along with the animagus spell. This caused him to work even harder to achieve the highest grade to make an impression on the teacher. By the middle of the same year, he was invited to the Transfiguration Club - making him one of the youngest members there. Gordon didn't mind now had more people with information to guide him in his personal pursuits for knowledge and power. Come fourth year, his obsession with the animagi had dwindled a bit as the teachers always forbade him from trying to become one because it was highly dangerous and not something to be tried by a young wizard such as himself. During this year, he focused on honing his healing spells and decided that frequenting the Infirmary was better than just sitting around with his nose buried in books.

During the end of his fourth year, he was elected to become the next Leader of the Transfiguration Club after they had all convened to talk about it as the previous Leader would be graduating that year. Gordon took up the name with pride. Gordon's name became quite famous soon after that as he would often provide small performances for the first and second year students in an attempt to recruit more members - and sometimes even getting caught by one of the teachers because he casted a major spell or two. Despite this, he was still pretty much what one could equate to a shining student of Transfiguration. But young Gordon never really used much of his popularity - nor cared for it. Not until he's achieved what he wants. When he became the Leader of Transfiguration Club, he was then allowed to pursue his quest to become an animagus under the watchful eye of his Transfiguration Teacher and Club Advisor. With this in mind, he started.

Relationship with Reimi has greatly improved over the years, up to the point where they treat each other as siblings. Reimi has been promoted to an Auror after her valiant service in catching a rogue wizard. Now a sixth year and rumors of him finishing his training as an animagus spreading, Gordon is ready to tackle the new year with the same old goal but with a grin on his face. He's continued helping young students who are having trouble with their studies. He's made friends far and wide within the school, and he intends to make more. There's even been rumors of him becoming a MACUSA agent after this, along with him planning to disappear into the reserves to be with his adoptive Navajo tribe. No one knows what his plans for the future is, and he's kept his mouth shut about it so far.

Recent events had left him shaken but still holding his stride. People know of just how much it affected him as young Gordon was a great friend to the Thunderbird as the two shared many a class with her. More than that, however, Gordon was actively pursuing the student romantically since their fourth year. Having become interested in her until his feelings just festered up and won't go away, he's been making moves to try and get her to like him back. Though, he made sure to keep her comfortable even with what he has been doing and is still respectful to her wishes. He doesn't know if she would eventually return his feelings, but he just really hoped that she would.

"Ol' Lord Voldy huh? They told me he was pretty dangerous, but I don't know. He was defeated by a bunch of teenagers our age, so he shouldn't be that bad right?"

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I’ll make you proud, Roon. I promise I’ll make you proud.

Name: Cecilia Taverly
Nickname (If any): “Cici” or “Celia”
Age: 16 y/o
Gender: Female
Height: 5’ 4”
Weight: 125 lbs.
Occupancy: Student ; Beater on Quidditch Team ; Duelist
Year: 6th
Ilvermony House: Wampus

Wand: 11” Aspen Wand with Dragon Heartstring; Unyielding

Personality Goods:
- Steadfast
- Ambitious
- Determined
- Generous
- Intuitive
- Loyal

Personality Bads:
- Compulsive
- Abrasive
- Temperamental
- Rebellious
- Easily Frustrated
- Impatient

Hobbies and Skills:
- An exceedingly experienced and talented Duelist, her and her wand favoring martial magic and spells over any other.
- The core of her wand helps her to specialize in quick, powerful spells; this pairing well with her quick reflexes and strength. Though her offensive magic is her strong point, she also is well trained on the defensive. She performs healing magic pretty poorly.
- Whenever she would get fed up while working on her schoolwork or an argument with a peer, she would get on her broom and fly about; commonly ignoring the angered yells of teachers as she would do so. This by and by lead to her love of Quidditch, the role of beater fitting her somewhat violent nature.
- Performs non-verbal magic and spells well for her age and skill level.
- Though the exact opposite of a bookworm, has a strange affinity for history.
- This lead to a pass time of fencing and swordplay, though somewhat strange amongst magic users. She refuses to use magic in her sword fighting, though even an enchanted piece of metal going up against a magic user would prove to be fruitless.
- Commonly found on the Quidditch field training in all sorts of weather, working out off and on her broom whenever she finds the time.
- Surprisingly, she enjoys tutoring and working with younger students; no matter the house. Though she is not the best tutor, being decently abrasive and sometimes getting fed up with her “students”, she’s puts a lot of effort into helping them improve as her own mentor did for her. Will try to help them with all sorts of school related activities, but mostly excels in teaching dueling, of course.

Cecilia was born to a lower class family within the Midwest, both father and mother being decently well established magic users despite their lower standing. She was raised in a home filled with magic, and as she began to develop her own it was lovingly cultivated by her parents. Though, in light of their financial situation, the materials and time needed for her to feel comfortable using her skills were out of reach, and Cecilia spent most of those pivotal years of magic usage struggling through school and trying to help out around the house.

As a younger student Cecilia was exemplary, receiving only the highest of marks and being regarded highly by her teachers. Though, as her growing magic began to boil over, she found herself a bit too tough for her teachers to handle. A carefree and calm child grew quickly into a small firecracker of energy and spunk; outbursts of magic and other tantrums quickly changing school into a living hell for her and her family alike. As more special teaching was needed to help Cecilia grow and prosper, her family lost the ability to pay for it; the young girl continuously confined to dreary classrooms with no intellectual stimulation to speak of. The environment became too suffocating around her second or third grade year, and her accidental injuring of a child during one of her magical “fits” quickly got the young girl expelled from her grade school. She was now back at home, and her parents continued to fret over how to keep the family afloat and deal with their daughter.

Cecilia spent several months at home as her parents ran to different schools between their work, trying everything they possibly could to get their daughter back into a school. However, her reputation had quickly spread, and they had no such luck getting their daughter accepted into even the most lowly funded public schools. Running out of options, they tried to turn to MACUSA; pleading for help with their daughter’s magic education in light of the injury she inadvertently caused at her past school. Though they received light advice and a gentle pat on the back, the interaction ended up bringing nothing of help to the family, and Cecilia’s exhausted parents slowly felt as if their desire to teach their daughter the ways of magic would never come to fruition. However, this changed at the drop of a hat when another witch heard of their situation.

With a light knock on the door came the help of one who would come to be Cecilia’s mentor, a gorgeous witch that went by the name of Roon. Having heard of Cecilia’s “incident” at the school, she found herself intrigued by the young witch with such a natural knack for magic. Somewhat destructive magic, at that. Both in fear of her not learning to control her abilities as well as out of warm kindness she offered the family a deal; if they allowed her to take Cecilia on to work with her, she would teach her how to work with her magic. Roon described herself as a “freelance magic user”, offering up her services to several different magical factions in whatever way she could assist them. She couldn’t be bothered to align with one or the other, so she bounced between them; doing whatever jobs she could to help out without locking herself down into one job. Though nervous to give their daughter away, Roon’s kind heart and genuine interest in their daughter’s future swayed Cecilia’s parents, and after a few weeks of negotiations Cecilia was officially taken on as an apprentice.

Roon quickly learned of Cecilia’s knack for violent magic, and through their training aimed to give her the control and determination to funnel it into something powerful and stable. This, however, was not an easy task. As her easy window for training and working with her magic had come and gone, she had to start trying to control her already growing power; requiring hours of intensive practice whenever she and Roon weren’t with a client. This continued for several years, Cecilia learning to adore her nomadic way of life with her mentor and desiring for it never to change. However, her mentor had other plans.

Cecilia received a letter early into the summer of her turning 11, being nothing but confused as the script spelled out her “acceptance” to Ilvermony. Roon, knowing that even she could not cultivate the young girl’s magic as she hoped, had applied for Cecilia; knowing the stubborn girl would hate the change and refuse if given the option for herself. Though her parents and mentor were proud and excited for Cecilia to begin a new chapter in her life as a witch, Cecilia couldn’t help but mourn the freedom that came with her life with Roon. Many tearful nights ensued as she was slowly convinced to accept the invitation to the school of wizardry, setting off on her first day with nothing but high expectations to make her mentor ever more proud of her.

The young witch quickly made a statement at Ilvermony, being known not quite as a troublemaker but rather simply “independent”. She would follow the rules without complaint, if they suited her that is. Though never making too big of a fuss with her rebellious tendencies, a few stern scrying sessions with Roon put her back on track; Cecilia quickly funneling some of her energy into her house’s Quidditch team. As a Wampus she felt at home with the bustling energy and offensive tactics of the team, and quickly picked up flying with the broom Roon had so lovingly purchased for her. Dueling became another quick hobby she excelled at, and she began to duel competitively outside of her normal classes in the subject. Slowly she found herself settling in to life at school, but things could never be simple in the world of witches and wizards.

However, things didn’t go completely smooth during her first few years. During her third year Cecilia was told about the fate of her mentor, Roon; it wasn’t pretty. After being in a duel with a rogue wizard, Roon had been killed. The circumstances were still muddy, and no one knew where the man who did it had dashed off too, but for a while the world felt like it was crumbling down around her. She stopped going to classes, stopped listening to teachers, stopped doing really anything. Messages from her parents and friends came and went, all the words of love and encouragement falling on deaf ears until Cecilia found a scratchy note tied to her broom one day. With the words of, “Make me proud” inked into the parchment Cecilia immediately broke down into tears, living up to her mentor’s expectations flooding all of her thoughts and desires for the next few years. As she burned herself out, beating herself up over the smallest of failures, she finally found her stride; her mentor on her mind constantly. It only continued to motivate her to work harder, do better, and be the best she could be as a wizard for both herself and for Roon.

Having been able to settle into her somewhat neutral area of popularity, as well as smoothing things over with the teachers she had managed to upset in years prior, things finally started feeling stable and normal in Cecilia’s world. She continued to strive to meet Roon’s expectations, and to feel more comfortable with the perfectionistic tendencies of her own, and thus continued to work and thrive within the school; never feeling satisfied and being alright with it. However, the sudden events within the school sent her for a spin, the nervousness and fear seeping into the students even beginning to prickle at her courageous nature. The uneasiness that filled the school seemed foreign and nerve wracking, and Cecilia could feel that trying to act as though all this hadn’t happened wouldn’t solve a thing. She needed to keep working through the awkwardness and fear that permeated the school, and be ready when the time came for this darkness to rear its’ ugly head.

Quote: “Voldemort? Yeah, I’ll say it. You think after all this we should still be scared of his name? Nah...he’s not the one that spooked everyone. It was his followers. The idea that some guy could get away with all that, and have people really follow him, believe in him...The fact that people could do that is the thing that was scary. That is scary.”

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