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Realistic or Modern ✨Illustrious Lives✨ [Main thread]



That man is playing Gallaga
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
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[div class=tabs][div class=tab style="border-top-left-radius: 5px; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;"]Rules

[div class=tab]Plot[/div]
[div class=tab style="border-top-right-radius: 5px; border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;"]Links[/div][/div]
[div class="tabsContent tabsContentRules"]
  • Only one role per person
  • Realistic face claims only
  • Must have a Discord available for OOC
  • No perfectly perfect characters
  • No god-modding, powerplay, or spotlighting
  • Respect the admin, or appointed mods
  • Have a form ready within 3 days of joining
  • Be active, literate, and kind to others
  • Total 3 boys, 3 girls
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentPlot" style="display: none;"]
In Heavenfall, Iowa, the three known faces of well-respected and reputable celebrities take their vacation, facing the bracing winter in the same luxury log cabin they always rent. Each coming January is the same. After New Year's, the idols fly out to their private childhood holiday spot, expecting the tranquilizing peace and calm that comes with escaping the popular scene. But what happens when a new owner takes over their popular spot, only to mess up their reservation? They show up, only to find three strangers kicking back in their log cabin. To be fair, it wasn't their fault.

They didn't know that it was their place every January. But how will this go down? Will they agree to split it? Will they demand to have their appointed time alone? Or will they end up intertwining as friends, and perhaps even more? Oh, and did I forget to mention that these three happen to be entirely smitten fans?
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentLinks" style="display: none;"]

Discord: Here | Interest Check: Here

Code by apolla apolla
  • Only one role per person
  • Realistic face claims only
  • Must have a Discord available for OOC
  • No perfectly perfect characters
  • No god-modding, powerplay, or spotlighting
  • Respect the admin, or appointed mods
  • Have a form ready within 3 days of joining
  • Be active, literate, and kind to others

In Heavenfall, Iowa, the three known faces of well-respected and reputable celebrities take their vacation, facing the bracing winter in the same luxury log cabin they always rent. Each coming January is the same. After New Year's, the idols fly out to their private childhood holiday spot, expecting the tranquilizing peace and calm that comes with escaping the popular scene. But what happens when a new owner takes over their popular spot, only to mess up their reservation? They show up, only to find three strangers kicking back in their log cabin. To be fair, it wasn't their fault.

They didn't know that it was their place every January. But how will this go down? Will they agree to split it? Will they demand to have their appointed time alone? Or will they end up intertwining as friends, and perhaps even more? Oh, and did I forget to mention that these three happen to be entirely smitten fans?
[IMG='width:321px;']http://americaneagleoutfitters.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/christopher2.jpg?w=672&h=672[/IMG] [IMG='width:253px;']https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6e/ba/86/6eba86f0b9aa204a2dff189f68a4ef8a.gif[/IMG]

The air was crisp, biting at his bare skin as he stepped out into the night. A cloud of white drifted from his mouth as he let out a breath and tucked his hands deep into the pockets of his jacket. The winter was frigid this year especially at night when it stung his skin. He cursed himself for not bringing a scarf and made a mental note to pack one for the trip as they'd be leaving when he got home. Keys jangled in his hand as he dug them from his jeans. The lamp overhead created a pool of light on the junky toyota on the opposite side of the parking lot. The dull paint glinted slightly in darkness. It was empty besides a few cars closer to the campus, a startling sight seeing as it had been packed just a few hours earlier when he had arrived.

Sliding in, he started the engine before his hand went to the switch to turned the heat up. It took several minutes for the car to warm and all Eli's patience to wait for it. He knew that a particular blonde waited for him at home with their suitcases ready for a much needed break from life. Riley was just as excited as he was, though the fact that they had to part from Dox for a long vacation had dulled the idea some. He ran his hand through his blackened hair before pulling the car out of its spot. The drive home was the longest twenty minutes of his life. He tapped his hands against the wheel at every red light, his knee jiggling as he fidgeted. By the time he finally pulled up to their house, a place they rented with a few other roommates, he was practically itching to leave again. He checked his phone, their flight left in few hours so they needed to get going. Locking the car, he headed inside eagerly.

"Ri," He called. "Come on, we're going to be late."

He hooked around the corner into the living room where the luggage was waiting for him to pack into the car. He prayed he had packed warm enough as he snatched his scarf from the closet in the hall and looped it around his neck. Eyes roaming the room, he studied the belongings to make sure he had everything. Where was Riley? He had texted her before class ended saying he was on his way. Hopefully she hadn't got caught at work. They had gotten lucky when his parents had opted out of their winter vacation plans and had offered them to him. It wasn't often they were generous enough to do so. The opportunity was definitely something they never would have been able to afford on their own so he had accepted at once. Their trip to Heavenfall, Iowa was planned out and waited for patiently. Finally it was time to go and his girlfriend was nowhere to be found.
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"Alright, I gotta get going. See you guys soon," Riley said, attempting to stand up from the couch. As soon as her butt was off of the cushion, a small rocket collided with her legs and almost knocked her over. The young woman laughed and looked down at the small blonde boy clutching tightly to her legs.

"Please don't go, Aunt Riley. I'm gonna miss you," he said. He looked up, his arms stretched around her legs and his blue eyes pleading with her not to leave.

"Look, I promise I'll be home soon and I'll bring you guys presents when I do come, alright? Now, Kodi, why don't you go play with your daddy and brother, huh? I'm sure they'd love to have you join them." She looked over to where Elijah and Luke were on the floor with legos spread out in front of them and a half built house.

"Come on, little dude," Elijah said, grunting slightly as he stood up. He carefully untangled his son's arms from her legs and held Kodi in one arm as he reached out to hug Riley with the other. "Text me when you get there?" he asked, letting go and holding his son more securely.

"I promise. Bye, Elijah!" Riley waved to her brother as she emerged into the cold wasteland of winter. She shivered slightly as she ducked inside her car, glad to see it was still fairly warm. She got it running and huddled deeper into her hoodie as she backed out of the driveway.

After work, Riley had returned home to finish any last minute packing and set their bags out on the couch. Once that had been finished, she had loaded Dox and his supplies up into her car and dropped the golden off at Elijah's house. Her parents weren't home, but Eli would bring them the dog tomorrow.

She was disappointed to leave Dox behind. After all, she hadn't been separated from the dog for this long since Elias had shown up with him one day. However, she was still excited for this winter getaway to some luxury cabin. It seemed like a miracle. They never would've been able to afford this on their own. So fact that his parents had not only been unable to go, but had decided to give the reservation to their son, was incredible. She and Elias deserved a chance to take a vacation together.

She pulled into the driveway to see that his car was already parked and a goofy grin covered her features at the idea of being reunited with Elias. She emerged from her car and locked the door behind her before heading up and letting herself in the front door. When she reached the living room and saw him looking at the luggage, she reached up to kiss his cheek.

"Sorry, EJ. I meant to get back home before you, but I was bringing Dox over to Elijah's house and the kids didn't want me to leave," she said with a small laugh. Her brother had three kids - Luke, Allie, and Kodi - and they all loved their Aunt Riley.

She gave him a quick hug from behind and then slipped around to grab her suitcase. It was rather small, but managed to fit her clothes as well as some other important items like her toothbrush and toothpaste and stuff. There seemed to be a little more energy in her movements than there had been recently as she set her suit case down to slip on the pair of gloves that had been resting in the pocket of her hoodie. She used one hand to grab her jacket, but just slung it over her shoulder for the moment. She wanted it available if she needed it, but knew that the walk from their house to one of the cars would only take a few seconds.

She turned her head once again, blue eyes coming to rest on her boyfriend. "Did we decide who's car we're going to take?" she asked, tilting her head slightly. She knew they'd been discussing that before, but wasn't sure if they'd settled on one.

SweetTooth SweetTooth

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