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Multiple Settings "I'll Send You Straight to Hell!" - Novella Queer Stylings - Original Settings - Anime-Inspired


You can call me Ashe! I'm a t-girl lesbian in the EST, and I use she / her pronouns. I have a degree in creative writing and history! I've been writing since I was a kid, and I love all aspects of the process. Diction, wordplay, plotting, character dynamics, symbolism, all that good stuff!

I just graduated from college, and my thesis was centered around Medieval poet, Marie de France, and her lai, Yonec. Certainly a banger both within its context and outside of it. Queer theory has my heart as far as research is concerned, especially when brought to bear on all kinds of fiction. My favorite type of literature is anything that's out there, stuff like the works of Ryu Murakami (especially Coin Locker Babies) and its ilk. Weird stuff that plays with the mind and the form is great.

As far as other media goes, I'm an anime fan (It's in the title after all), and that goes for a lot of different styles and tones. My favorites are in the same vein as my literature favorites: Neon Genesis Evangelion, Serial Experiments Lain, Madoka Magica. We love to see fucked up things that get philosophical. Other than that, though, I'm attached to some shonen, though I've got bones to pick with most of them. DBZ and Yu Yu Hakusho are some of my outright favorites in the genre. There's also stuff like Black Lagoon and things like that!

Now, my expectations for the reader! First of all, please be 18+!
Next, just don't be a creep, I beg.
Third, please be at a novella level or possible adv. lit of writing.
Fourth, please introduce yourself or, at the least, don't have a dry, one sentence intro!

Ok, now, finally, the reason everybody is here: the plot idea!

Recently, I started JJK, and I've been enamored with stories of that kind. Y'know, cool action, unique settings, a weird power system, stuff like that! Now, I'm not here to copy the formula whole-heartedly, I've got some major beef with it, but I'd love to take it as inspiration and run with it! Putting our own spin on these worlds and tropes and going nuts is basically my goal here!

So, if you're interested in the idea and think we'd vibe, send me a DM here! I also have a discord if you're more comfortable there, but please send a DM here first!

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