Iggy Parkinson


belle épave

Full Name: Ignatia Penelope Parkinson-Smith

Age: 16

Role (student, teacher, Dark Lord/Lady, e.t.c): Student


Personality: Iggy is the definition of a good soul. Having been created by two dark hearts, it comes as a shock to almost everyone that she turned out the way she did. While she is still immensely fiesty and speaks fluent sarcasm, she has an immensely large heart and her compassion is of such a large quantity that it often times over rides her logical thinking. Aside, from that, Iggy is an incredibly smart and ambitious girl willing to fight her way to where she wants to be if necessary. 


History (optional): Iggy's birth parents were the notorious death eaters, Pansy Parkinson and Zacharias Smith. However, upon her parents arrest and imprisonment in Azkaban, Iggy was given to her mother's twin sister, Penny, who had denounced her families ways and married a muggle named Josh. Josh and Penny raised Iggy as their own and they are probably the reason she turned out the way she did. 


Family: Her birth mother and father are Pansy Parkinson and Zacharias Smith. She was adopted and raised by Penny and Josh Atkinson.

Wand: 12", willow, pheonix feather core

House: Slytherin

Blood : pureblood

Fears: that there may be an inherent darkness within her

Pets: a black cat with white paws named Tabitha

Other: to be played out in the roleplay

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