If you're Captain Hook, who am I?


Four Thousand Club
You... are a codfish!

Tell me what you think of this merit.


2- or 4-point Merit (2-point for Lunars)

Characters who possess this merit have superb control of their mouth, lungs and throat, enabling them to perform uncanny vocal feats. With the 2-point version, the character adds 2 dice to all voice-related Performance rolls, and may vocally impersonate anyone whose speech they are familiar with, perfectly.

For 4 bonus points, the character has almost supernatural mastery of their own voice. The dice bonus to Performance increases to 3, and the character may impersonate the calls and noises of any creature they know with complete ease.

As masters of their form and gifted tricksters, Lunar Exalted pay only 2 points for the full version of this Merit.
What part of "you must submit" did you not understand?


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