If you were a demon, what would you do?

Skeptic Tank

New Member
So, here's a hypothetical campaign altering question. First, the basics:

1) In this world exists at least one (known to be more than one, but unsure of actual number) artifact of N/A level potency. It is a puzzle which can be solved by anyone of reasonable intelligence given time, as long as they can attune to it. It allows the summoning of 2nd circle demons, as well as a single third circle demon, by those with the improper sorcerous ability or timing. Though made more difficult by those lacking the proper prerequisites, a dragon-blooded could theoretically summon a 3rd circle demon.

2) This artifact is specifically keyed to summon Erembour, That Which Calls to Darkness, a 3rd circle of the Ebon Dragon, and all of her second-circle demons.

3) A terrestrial with delusions of grandeur managed to summon and bind the expressive soul, Alveua, Keeper of the Forge of Night. He died shortly thereafter, and the demon, free for a year and a day, took the artifact with her.

4) Our location is at the North edge of the White Sea, about 500 miles south of Diamond Hearth.

So, here's the question:  If you're the demon, free in Creation with an artifact like that, what the heck do you do? I've got a few ideas, but I'm curious to mine the board.

P.S:  How might this change if she was bearing the terrestrial's child?  :twisted:
Take over the North with an eye to finding ways of freeing the Ebon Dragon.

Laugh at the Realm and eat their satraps.

Destroy any Solar whose existence becomes known beyond rumor.
It depends on the personality of Alvuea, but since I don't have GoD with me anymore, I can't look that up.
Alvuea basically likes to make things.

A quote from her states that if she had the making of creation, the gods would know their place, as would the humans and all would be right...

So make what you will of that.

Personally? I think she'd hook up with the demon/spirit/entity up north with the 13 DB 'maidens' out looking for secrets and start summoning up the rest of her kin... including Erembour.

Once that is done... work towards a way to free the Ebon Dragon... and corrupt any solars what looks for her. ^_^
Given that you can in theory summon a 3rd circle demon who can lay waste to entire cities simply by being there? And BIND it?

That's solar circle level sorcerery there.
So any artifact that emulates one single spell from adamant circle is N/A? The eye of auto does much, much, much more than that and is also N/A.
But have to stay in the character of the demon.  If all that demon likes to do is make things, then she'll probably want to make things and cause chaos that way, make small magic items and give them out as gifts to mortals only for them to not be quite what the mortals suspected.  You could watch "Neeful Things" for some inspiration for something like this.
If I was a demon fond of crafting I would craft weapons that would empower mortals to kill exalts. And history repeats itself.
Safim said:
If I was a demon fond of crafting I would craft weapons that would empower mortals to kill exalts. And history repeats itself.
I too, have had such ideas. Thanks for the reminder.
Firstly.. there are many -many- different scales of N/A .. there's 'ooh, I have a cargo-airship with some weapons on' N/A, and there's 'I'm in ur Imperial Manse, blowing up ur creation' N/A

Secondly.. is someone forgetting the minor downside in that the eye of autochthon comes free with a dark fate N/A package? :P
How might this change if she was bearing the terrestrial's child?  :twisted:
I remember you mentioning this, now. I still suggest you lay off on the tentacles.

Edit: Actually, will the child be a First Circle demon, then? I'm not sure how it works, but s/he/it will be progeny of a Second Circle. In that case, does a First Circle reflect an aspect of their parent? Wonder how this will work out.

Oh Amilar. You got busy quick. "Enjoy!"
But it's not one use... you just keep summoning up demon after demon after demon...

And demon kids? If the DB had a higher essence, there IS a chance it'll be a DB half-caste. Otherwise, it'll be a Demon-blooded. Both those choices can STILL result in exaltation as a dragonblooded.
What book in 2e has the writeups and descriptions of the various demons?  I thought I saw them somewhere, but I'll be damned if I can remember what book.  Perhaps I'm just thinking of Games of Divinity...  but I thought I've seen some in 2e.
The demon book in 2e hasn't come out... yet. There are snips here and theer, such as in the core book, the west book. But they're tiny bits.
Some of these responses raise a few other interesting thoughts:

:?: Would 2nd Circle demons neccessarily get along? Would it be different if they were from the same progenitor?

:?: Could a 2nd Circle demon presumably summon her own kin with the artifact? That being said, could she actually -bind- them, or is that a task which is left to mortals and other beings of Creation by the surrender agreement that the gods enforced on demonkind?

As for demon stats, I'm mostly just running whatever ad-hoc conversions I can from the GoD book, though (as someone who started in 2E, and collects some of the old books in PDFs) it leaves me scratching my head trying to guess at the function of powers like Creation of Perfection, or the difference between Portal and Transport. That's probably one of my favourite tiny things from the West book thusfar:  Better understanding of spirit charms.

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