If You Should Live On [Inactive]


Lonely Stoner


Charlotte ( xxxNiquexxx )

Adeena ( Kumori~ )

Kinsley ( Akeira )

Mallory ( oOBubblesOo )

Elijah ( Polygraph )

Aiden ( Alyson Bowman )

Lucas ( Mac Burns )

Mason ( StrawberrySuicide )


Mallory woke to the sound of a machine beeping. She opened her eyes slowly to take in her surroundings. "Jeff...? Are you here...?" Mallory whispered, her voice cracking slightly. Once her eyes were completely open, she realized there was nobody in the room with her. Mallory looked closely around at the room, her vision still somewhat blurred. Her senses began to come back and suddenly her memory did, too. Mallory could remember the yelling, screaming, throwing, and even the violence. A single tear rolled down her cheek as the night before replayed in her mind.

Minutes later, a nurse made her way into the room. "Well, hello sweetheart." The woman smiled softly at Mallory, walking over to fix the machine that had began beeping louder. "You're real lucky to be awake, don't you know?" The nurse turned to face Mallory once more, sadness showing in her own eyes. "Very lucky..." She left in a hurry.

Mallory watched the nurse scramble away. She didn't know exactly how lucky she was until she tried to make herself stand. Mallory whimpered, a sharp pain shooting up her side. She remained on the bed for another moment before forcing herself up and over to the long mirror covering the closet to take a look at herself.

Mallory began examining herself and crying simultaneously. She lightly graze the bruises on her right arm and the darkened area around her left eye. Mallory lifted the side of the gown to see large welts and darkened spots all over the left side of her abdomen. There was a large gash on her right knee as well as a stitched one across her stomach. She shook her head lightly before making her way back to the bed. Mallory laid back down continuing to sob for a while.
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Aiden heard the slow yet steady footsteps of someone coming closer to him, closer and closer. He opened his eyes and saw a creepy nurse standing right in front of his face. "Take your pills, honey." He heard the lady said. He was confused, seeing cuts and blood all over his body was horrific. He looked up at the nurse and felt uncomfortable. After he said no the nurse had tried to force him to eat it, he growled and gave her a hard jab to the face.

He remembered seeing his stepfather right before he knocked out, where was he? Was he okay? Instantly came into his mind, scrambling for his things he realized they weren't there. He was in a hospital gown, he waited for people to come rushing in to help the nurse. They did and they didn't punish him.

They just scolded Aiden and looked at him in disgust, like he was an entirely different human being. They left finally and he stood up, running his fingers against the cold, hard bars. He looked around the room, nothing too interesting. A bathroom and of course his bed, he hated this place, being locked up is not what humans are supposed to be doing.
Adeena listened to her breathing as she struggled to open her eyes fully. Her eyelids felt heavy and she could feel the enclosed air around her mouth as she breathed as if she had a mask on. As minutes passed her eyes felt lighter and she regained some energy back. Cracking her eyelids open, Adeena glanced around the room. As she studied her surroundings she noticed most of the room was completely white and dull. She lifted up her hand and touched where her mouth and nose were located but felt something plastic instead of her smooth pale skin. After removing the plastic mask from her face she sat up eventually as a nurse wandered into the room.

"Uhm..excuse me mam?" The nurse smiled brightly at Adeena as she pushed a few buttons on the machine next to the bed. "Morning hun, I'm surprised to see you awake." The nurse spoke in a smooth tone. Adeena leaned her head to the side a bit with a confused expression spread across her face. "Uh-." The nurse had already left the room before Adeena could question the woman. Sitting at the foot of the bed in silence, Adeena thought about what she had done before waking up in a hospital. She remembered looking into the mirror as she continued to take the pills until every last one in the bottle was gone.

Adeena pursed her lips and closed her eyes in attempt to keep the tears in but failed. A single tear streamed down her cheek. "Oh god...Jeremy." She lifted up her head as she said her younger brothers name. Where was he? When were visiting hours, anyway? Could she call him? All these questions ran through her mind as she stood up and tried to find her clothes but all she found was her undergarments. Adeena slipped on the only available clothing she had then put on the hospital gown over everything else.

Adeena wiped the side of her eyes as she entered into the hallway and looked both ways trying to find a nurse or a doctor or anybody. As Adeena crept around the corner she bumped into a taller figure wearing a white coat. "I'm sorry sir." The doctor placed a hand on Adeena's shoulder as he spoke. "You should be in bed. Resting." Adeena nodded her head as she pushed back some of her blonde locks that were in her face. "I know and I'm sorry but I just need to make one phone call and-." She was cut off by the doctors voice. "Go to bed." Adeena was about to cry. She really wanted to see or talk to her brother just to make sure he was okay. Just as Adeena was about to softly argue to the man a nurse came by and whispered in the mans ear. The man and the nurse both went but the man made sure to remind Adeena to go to her room. But she didn't. Adeena pulled back some of her hair with the palm of her hands on top of her head as she bit her lip. She then sat down against the wall of the seemingly empty hallway; wrapping her arms around her legs and hugging her legs tightly against her chest then she buried her face in her knees as she continued to worry.
Grogginess. A typical morning ailment. Not harmful in any way - it just occurs because your body needs a few seconds to turn back on.

So why is nothing turning on? Isn't this a morning like any other?

Well. No. The idea here was to shut off forever. But here I am, lying in my bed, having just awoken from a sound sleep.

Having just awoken?

I should be dead.

Why aren't I dead?

My eyes shot open at this realization. I'm thinking. What before was a dull stinging on my arms had grown into something that feels like concentrated flames. Despite my mind's slowed processing, it still managed to berate itself for messing up something as simple as taking pills. As I struggled to throw a rather thick beige blanket off of me, I realized something.

This is not, in fact, my bed. Or my blanket. Or my room.

Where am I?

I began to panic. Well, I tried to, anyway. The depressants still had hold of my functions, after all. Upon inspecting the room a bit more, I quickly came to the conclusion that I was in a hospital.

I still can't believe I messed up.
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Lucas' eyes felt like they were stuck together. He squinted them and opened them to a bright light that made his eyes water, and blinded him. He was blinking for some time before he they adjusted and he shook off the cobwebs of sleep. He groaned not from pain but from not waking up from an alarm; he was going to be late for work. As his eyes adjusted and he looked to move out of his sheets, he saw something different. He was not in his bed, and not even wearing his own clothes. As the vision sharpened moreso he looked around the white walls, and finally to his right where he saw the IV line dangling into his arm. "Great the hospital.."

It was not the first time he had woken up in a hospital. He looked down to check over his body and saw his feet, good; his legs, good. He went to move his arms, but when he attempted to move his left arm
excruciating pain shot through his body. This time a groan of pain emerged from his his mouth as he doubled over, but only to nearly yell as he looked down to his abdomen. It was all bandaged up at least an inch thick, and he could still see discoloration from blood. Just above it was a sling for his arm, which held his arm in place very well as he could not move it. He very carefully turned his head and looked through the corner off his eye to see that his shoulder was bandaged all around it, by wrapping over and under it and then around his torso to hold support the strands that immobilize the joint. "Oh my god what did I do?" He moved his right arm to run through his hair, but his head was bandaged as well. He sighed with deep regret, anger, and confusion.

He looked to his right side, and pulled the cart in closer to him. He looked through and did not find the same sort of stuff they give people, no food or drink including jello and chicken broth. He eventually found the button which requested a nurse, and pressed it. As he waited he pressed several more times, as he had nothing more to do. It probably did not please the nurses however he did not really care right now; he wanted answers.

The nurse came in rushing, and asked in a loud but not intimidating voice, "Are you dying?!" Luke stared at her for a bit before saying, "I don't know, you're the nurse aren't you supposed to tell me that," his voice was weak and hoarse but the emotion behind it was there. He began to laugh to himself but quickly stopped due to the pain. The nurse was not as entertained by the humor as Lucas was. "No, I am not dying but I am in terrible pain. Can you give me anything?" The nurse looked at him for a while and then nodded. She went to a locked cabinet, and unlocked it. She did a variety of things out of sight, but nonetheless returned with a syringe full of a little amount of clear liquid. She pricked the IV line and let the fluid into the bag, slowly the liquid went into his arm. It was rather chilly and gave him the shivers. "This is morphine, and all you can have for now, Mr. Porter," said the nurse as she re-locked the cabinet and exited the room.

The high of the morphine rushed over him, and is vision once again became slightly blurry. He became tired and fell asleep, in ecstasy.
Darkness. This was all Kinsley saw, as her ears and sense of smell became more apparent before her eyes did. Feeling as if they were glued shut, she gasped internally, wondering if she was stuck in a coma. She laid there out on top of a surface, listening to the heart monitor tracking her progress near her bedside. Kinsley could not place exactly where she was, but her intuition knew this is not were she wanted to be. What happened to me? She thought to herself, the last thing she remembered blood on her abdomen. She had held the nurse's hand hard while she yelled at her to push harder, her eyes blurring throughout the bewildering experience. it did not make any sense to her, as she thought she already pasted on into the grave.

White. She thought to herself, her eyes slowly beginning to open and clouding her vision with a blurry white emptiness. Her eyes felt heavy, as if three hundred ton weights had been attached to each eyelid to prevent her from opening them with ease. Along with these, she felt there was glue sticking them together, making her task even more difficult than she thought originally. Kinsley groaned and tried to fight the weights, muttering to herself that she could overcome this. After what seemed like forever, the girl was able to blink her eyes a bit more and get them to open. That's right, Kinsley, you can do this. She thought to herself, a smirk almost gracing her face while this accomplishing this feat made her feel invincible. Her eyes began to adjust to the light, noticing that the walls were indeed white tiled.

When she finally found her voice, the first thing Kinsley did is scream loudly, alerting all of the nurses in her area that she was indeed awake. A few moments later, a middle aged nurse scurried into her room, moving swiftly toward the bed and looking down at the teenage girl.
"Is something wrong miss?" The nurse asked her, quickly glancing over Kinsley's body for any signs of bruises or harm. When the girl in the bed noticed the nurse's look, she backed away and stared at her. "Yes, something is wrong if you haven't noticed. I'm here instead of on my comfortable four poster bed at home! Where the f*ck am I!? Get out!" She screamed loudly, pulling her covers up toward her body and shuddering in fear and confusion.

That was just when she noticed that she was wearing a hospital gown. She shuddered, realizing that her entire backside was open instead of being covered in expense cashmere sweaters t
hat her parents bought her constantly. She gasped and peeked underneath the covers, seeing remains of blood on her stomach and down her legs. That was when it finally hit her. "W-Where is my baby?" She gasped out in fear, a hand automatically going to her stomach while she blinked back tears. The nurse looked at her with a sympathetic look, sighing as she patted Kinsley's shoulder gently. "We can discuss this once your vitals are in good condition." The nurse, whose name tag indicated that her name was Petunia, answered. Kinsley nodded slowly, feeling more fear build up inside her, as the truth was probably so terrible that the nurse did not want to share the horror with her until she might be ready to hear it.


(OOC: I'm sorry this took me a bit to get up, but here it is.)

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