Story If people like this, they get more

Ebony Rose

Bloom in death
The auburn-haired male carried a long chain in one hand and his partner’s gun in the other, actually seeking the dual eyed woman at the moment. Spotting the ebony haired female lounging on the couch, he sighed in relief and handed the weapon to her. “For a moment, I thought you had actually left without any sort of protection, Cero.” Violet and black eyes opened to meet his forest green orbs.

“No, that would be suicide for me, Azriel. I hardly desire to be back in the hands of Diamante and his madness.” The pale woman took the gun and placed it back in the holster at her hip. Seeing that her companion had his chain out, she chuckled. “Unless we’re treading out of the hideout today, you can put that thing away. Instead, you can watch TV with me since I somehow managed to get a good channel in this time.” Cero pulled him down on the couch with her and leaned against Azriel much like if they were a couple. It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence for the two, but he couldn’t help but wonder if she would be so affectionate if she knew the full truth.

Azriel watched with her and soon noticed that she had dozed off on his shoulder, causing him to smile. He had rescued her from certain death months before and rather than leave her to what may come, he had chosen exile along with her. They both had unique abilities that Diamante was trying to exploit for personal gain; Azriel could absorb another’s ability and use it for his own with no found limits of how many and Cero was able to enslave a person with her will alone; however, most of the time she was far too weak to even use it. It was worrisome to him that she couldn’t even use her own power because of that weakness and he understood that the cruelness of fate made that he could if he was willing to have her death on his hands.

“Why do you have such a sad look on your face? We’re safe from everyone here.” Cero asked drowsily, now waking up. She moved only the small bit it took to retrieve the remote so she could turn the TV off then returned to using Azriel as her pillow.

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