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Fantasy If all the stars align, we could solve this mystery (CS)

Name: Damaris
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Species: Light/Dark Elf mix


On first appearance Damaris seems to be uncompromising, severe, and unforgiving. She speaks bluntly, and her morals are not on par with the light elves of the community in which she was borne. She speaks her mind whether asked or not and she’s not above using foul play to get what she needs. These traits are often the first and only ones her (progressively fewer still) acquaintances learn, and while not absent, they’re not all there is to her.

Against popular misconception she does have the capability of caring about others than herself—in fact, “the needs of many before the needs of one” is a philosophy she adheres to. She rarely meets anyone worth caring about, though: the people of her community are dead-set on shunning her, and she lives in a place remote enough for few to wander in. People aside, there are several creatures living in the forests surrounding her home, and finds she one of them injured or lost, she does not hesitate to help them.

Damaris carries magic in her; the way she uses it has played into her exclusion from her family further still. Though she does know the basics in most areas of magic, she has found herself most talented, most interested, and most agreeable with the darker arts; such ones that many others deem taboo or even forbidden. Death magic, blood magic and necromancy are none off-limits, although she doesn’t sacrifice innocents for power—but those she finds deserving of the fate are a different story completely.


She has inherited more of her looks from her father; she has much the appearance of a dark elf. She has sharp features and black eyes, and her skin is dark grey with a bluish tone. Her eyebrows are long, thin and arched, making her look as if she is always scowling or angry. Her lips are only a shade darker than her skin, and quite thin. Her nose is narrow and long, and her hair is a mess of black curls, reaching almost to her waist, usually tied up.

She is tall and thin like elves often are, though her arms are quite strong. Much of her skin is scarred due to her experiments in blood magic, and the backs of her hands are tattooed with arcane symbols (death and life). She often wears long, black capes with more easy-to-maneuver-in clothes underneath, such as flowy trousers and simple shirts.


Damaris’s mother had a brief dalliance with a dark elf that ended up in her getting pregnant. When it ended, she never talked about the specifics, and it is still unclear if it were truly mutual or not—her community insisted that she had been violated, and thus took care of her in a way that someone who willingly “fraternized with the enemy” would not have been. A year or so later, Damaris was born—looking much as her father did, to everyone’s disappointment.

Whether they did it intentionally or not, Damaris was always treated with pronounced carefulness and the exception she would do something wrong soon enough. She rarely got to play with the other children without being cast as the villain of their make-believe games, and eventually stopped socializing with them altogether, opting to read and study by herself instead. Though the elders and authorities insisted that “she could become good”, it was difficult not to hear the implied “though your blood is tainted” in those promises.

Her mother was largely the only one not participating in that otherizing; she loved Damaris as she would have loved any child of hers. It was not enough, though: when everyone else in Damaris’ life, the people supposedly her “family”, insisted she was wrong, broken, or irreparably evil it was difficult not to begin to resent them.

Much of her life she wanted to leave, but the fate was sealed when the community eldest found out she had been practicing arts they deemed forbidden. They thought this was proof that Damaris was, for all intents and purposes, nothing but a dark elf; they chose to exile her from their community, never to return again. It was only due to her mother’s pleads that she was allowed to visit, occasionally, to conduct business or meet her mother; otherwise, she had to stay away.

She moved into the woods some weeks’ journeys away, and built a home for herself in one abandoned cave. There she’s lived for nearing ten years now, occasionally traveling to other towns and cities, searching for something but not knowing what.
Name: Izara
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Species: Shapeshifter

Izara is bold and brash, never afraid to speak her mind or to be the initiator of a fight. Her apparent fear of nothing makes her an easy target as she is careless and ruled by her emotions in a fight. She has the ability to care for others but her experiences with other species has left her aggressive towards anyone who she thinks wishes her harm. Although she is often lonely and looking for someone to spend her time with, her fear and stance against strangers make it difficult for her to form relationships with anyone she meets.

Izara has been on her own for about 8 years now. She was born into a human family who shunned her once she discovered her shifter powers. Since then she has wandered the land, never in one place for more than 4 days before she leaves again. She never lets herself get close to anyone, her interactions never going past those with merchants at the market stalls. She doesn't usually wander into the cities though, her shifting abilities coming in handy when living off the land - if she is hungry she can simply shift into a predator and hunt prey before shifting back into whichever form she had been in previously.

Her family, a small human family of 5 members, had been simple farmers. Izara is not unused to hard labour and difficult conditions especially due to the cruel human king who was responsible for the deaths of many of the poorer parts of his kingdom. King Eadred put the fear of un-human creatures into the hearts of his subjects. This meant that once Izara's shifter abilities began to show - starting with simple changes such as her hair growing longer and her body becoming more short and muscular - along with the tell-tale shifter signs of clawed hands and sharpened canine teeth. Once her abilities were realised - she was chased away from the home she had always known and was on her own.

Standing at about 5', she isn't the scariest looking thing when in her human form however, her ability to shapeshift has been perfected over the course of many years and now she is able to change her form effortlessly. The forms that she is particularly fond of are her Kitsune, Fae Dragon and, when she wants her form to be unassuming, a small tabby cat. She has a muscular human form, weighing in at about 120lbs and giving her even more strength. Her fighting skills are strong although she has been self taught in the art of fighting and often times her emotions overtake her - causing her to lose the fight.

After getting into a bad fight with a human hunter, one specifically targeting magical creatures, she limps far into a forest. She didn't know where she was going but she felt as though she was going to die. Her injuries were too bad for her to fix with her basic knowledge of medicinal herbs and remedies.

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