Idle Arrangements [Four Factions ]

Defending our humble abode from foul infiltrations, assassinations and the like.

Remember: It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you.

If you're not a member of Team Conviction, then leave now before you read secrets that will destroy your very soul.

You have been warned.
Idle arrangement -

Day wandering the troop barracks or practice grounds. Keeping my mace skills sharp.

Definitely in my armor.

Night - Sleeping in the barracks. Still in my armor.

Taking my armor off to erase fatigue, infrequently bathe - out in the woods with the armor's cloaking device on until I'm sure I'm not being followed (several awareness checks) then climbing out of the armor (while it's still cloaked) and hiding for a good 8 hour rest and a bath in a cold stream.

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