Ideas to help kill players?


Unlucky Member
I am a new ST and my players have designed characters that are very defensive heavy. The first few combats I really could not hit them and would like some ideas that would challenge them. I am not actually trying to 'kill' them per say but I want there to be a real threat of death. Note: One of my players is on this forum for sure so if you have specifics please message them instead.

I have my solar game that I have yet to really challenge them. I have a hard time coming up with things to throw at them that make sense for them to happen upon. They are also really really hard to hit so I cant throw little things in large numbers at them and there only so many other exalts in creation (minus dragonblooded) for them to run into.

I also have a lunar game coming up. Was thinking throwing fey for sure but would like some other ideas. I am not as knowledgeable on lunars as I am on solars.

I would like for my players to stop rolling every encounter. They look like they are having fun doing it, but I want there to be more of a challenge for them. Any ideas?
nothing like another group of PC'ish people. If your group of celestial is into something who's to say the next circle over isn't into it as well. And who's to say that group isn't Abyssals or infernals or just really grumpy solars and lunars. Why settle for one big bad when you can have a whole group of rivals
Attack them with things that can't just be dealt with using perfect defenses. Trap them in a room that is flooding with water. Make them walk through lava to get to their goal. Attack friends and loved ones instead of the charcters directly. Think like Lex Luthor attacking Superman.
Also, note that while Enlightened Mortals don't generally have access to perfect defenses, you can say use a group of Enlightened Mortal Martial Artists with Falling Blossom style and make them feel like they actually NEED to put that sort of effort into things, using the perfect attack in such a bit. Similarly, there are Gods, Demons, Faeries and Enlightened mortals can greatly increase the number of credible threats. Other Exalted alone aren't the only true dangers in the world. A dojo of Enlightened Mortal Martial Artists, without a single Exalt involved, can be a threat if they work together, use coordinated attacks and the like...and make good use of their charms and things like Exceptional and Perfect equipment. Thaumaturgical boosters and things like Shock Pikes and Gunzosha Armor can also be useful for boosting mortals to a more credible threat, though the latter shouldn't be overused. Enlightened mortals can also potentially learn either Sorcery or Necromancy. A clever mortal with a few long ranged spells and the willingness to snipe and run can be quite...frustrating. A mortal sorcerer who is kingpin of an elite cartel, where the members are Enlightened Mortal Martial artists, running a town through their magical power that the locals can't do anything against...who enhances his/her men by enchanting their equipment with the Ritual of Elemental Empowerment, wears Silken Armor and the like...perhaps has a few bribed Gods or Demons on their payroll...something like that can make for an interesting situation to deal with, without bringing a single Exalt into the fray.

Will it necessarily mean that Team Curbstomp won't win? No. But compare that to mincing through Extras...and especially if they have to worry about collateral damage, targeting of friends and allies, potential assassins from surprise and the like...and you can make people feel threatened, without actually making it enormously likely you'll kill them off.

Just remember. Targeting friends and allies can be a useful tool...IF USE IN MODERATION. Too many STs start overusing it, which often makes people become less than inclined to form such in the first place. This isn't a good thing. On the other hand, having a Lois Lane around to bring Superman into the fray isn't always a bad thing. Just don't abuse it.
In all the games of Exalted I've run, there is one huge problem I always run into: players only have one character each to deal with, while as ST, you have to work up and coordinate all the opposition.

Exalted uses such a complex system of powers and abilities that handling a character in combat is not an easy task. Creating an effective enemy or group of them can be very time and effort-intensive. I've taken some of the load off myself at times by using the stats for different published characters and even steering the story into mass combat so that I can create units that are challenging without stretching believability too much. I've also found that I'm not afraid to throw big challenges at my players early on. My newest game has 2 PCs who are at about 100 exp right now. They have already tangled with Peleps Deled and a full Wyld Hunt. Mnemon has found the Orb of Peace and Harmony and the PCs are currently trying to stop her from taking the Scepter from the Perfect of Paragon and using the Instruments to seize the Scarlet Throne and reunite the Realm. Yeah, one Solar and one Lunar, dawn and full moon, and they are handling this stuff at 100exp. Don't be afraid to get them in over their heads. :)
Well, a simple blunt object propelled with enough force to the back of the skull should do the trick. You might also try sticking a sharp bladed object like a knife in the back, between the 3'rd and 4'th rib. Depending on access, fire-arms or explosives will give you more range and alternatives.

If you have experience with chemistry, try using acids to dissolve the corpse.

That is, if the OP wasn't talking about Player Characters.

This may be a bad way to deal with it, but...


it's steady and reliable

Make something that may hit them every single time (or hit them hard less often) so that they have to decide weather to use perfect defences or not. Chose an enemy who can do this but doesn't have perfect's of his own, like a bunch of well equipped (and well aged) Dragon-Blooded. Or Dragon-Blooded beastmen. Or demons. With someone to coordinate them.

So, to win they have to chance injury, and combos will only help them until they run out of WPs.

I'm not experienced ST, but that's what I would try.

Edit: Or you can wait for 2.5 to come, all the cool kids do.

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