
Four Thousand Club
In the past,there was an RP called Final exam,made by EpicFearieTale. It was pretty awesome,and had an interesting premise: A handful of mages from another world are cast into the mortal realm for their final exam (title drop!) in their magical education: To obtain the extremely rare crystalline white heart of a pure mortal,by any means necesary. Only one may pass,and those who fail get stripped of their powers.

That was the original concept. The RP died when several users stopped posting.

I enjoyed the RP so much that I decided to resurrect it. Of course there will be a few changes,but the larger concept will remain untouched.

So,here's the info you need to know.

-There are FIVE mages sent to the mortal world.

-These mages are given FREE REIGN in pursuit of their objective.


-The identity and location of the marked person is UNKNOWN.



So,how about that?
*is in!*

That's a pretty hard penalty for failing an exam. Over here we just get held back a grade or something. XP

Also, why only one person? Story-wise, I mean. Passing wouldn't mean you're a good mage, it would only mean you're a better mage than four other people.
I'm also very interested in this idea. But I also have a few questions.

1. What obstacles are there in this exam other than there being only one soul to get? Do the mages fight each other? Are there people interfering with the test that aren't taking it?

2. By "free reign" are we given complete freedom? Can we kill in pursuit of this soul? I probably won't do it but is that the amount of freedom we get for this?

3. Are the people in this mortal plane not supposed to figure out that we are mages? Or is it okay for one to discover us?

4. When the soul is taken, does the person from whom we took it going to die?

5. As for magic, what are the limitations on it? Do we only get one specific field to wield? Or does magic work through special items like in Edolas from Fairy Tail? Is there any special "equipment" involved in spell casting? And please do not say that we need wands. I've never been partial to the requirement of a twig to use magic.

6. Niv's question.

Sorry for all the questions. : -_- :
1) There are no planned obstacles. The students are competing against eachother,so that may have some "fun times" spawned from it.

2) Absolutely no restrictions. Think Specters from Mass Effect.

3) As said above,no restrictions. So long as the Council gets their soul,they don't care what happened,and don't care if humanity knows about mages. Currently,though,very few humans know/believe in the existance of mages.

4) When the soul is taken,they live. However,they lose all emotion and the ability to dream. If a MAGE loses their soul,the lose their magic on top of that. Much like the Tranquil from Dragon Age.

5) Magic is limited by the mana that's drawn upon to use it,which comes in five varieties and comes from the world around you.

-White mana is alligned with ORDER and PROTECTION. White mana is extremely dense in plains and fields.

-Black mana is alligned with AMBITION and DEATH. Black mana is extremely dense in swamps and marshes.

-Red mana is alligned with CHAOS and PASSION. Red mana is extremely dense in mountain ranges deserts.

-Blue mana is alligned with INTELLECT and DECIET. Blue mana is extremely dense around bodies of water.

-Green mana is alligned with LIFE and NATURE. Green mana is extremely dense in forests and wetlands.

More powerful spells drain more mana from the environment. Any location not listed above has moderate amounts of all five colours.

6) As far as the Council is concerned,if you don't succeed,you're not worth of magic.
Sounds cool, and amdreams asked a lot of the questions I wanted to know. But also with these mana powers, what spells can you do with each mana and can you possess the ability to use more than one mana?
The signup is live,just so ya know. http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/3229-SIGNUP-Final-Exam

Each colour of mana has it's own manifestations. White often manifests as defensive spells,healing spells,or "divine judgement",either small scale or insane scale. Black mana often manifests as decay,entropy,and immediate death. Red mana is quite chaotic,and manifests as raw,destructive energy or force,or forces of nature like earthquakes. Blue mana is the conniver's mana,being able to cast illusions and deny magic as it's being cast,as well as manifesting offensively as water or ice. Green mana is the mana of life and nature,and often manifests as healing,bringing nature to life,and sudden,spontaneous growth.

Any mage may wield any colour or colour combonation they please,including all five colours (which I like to call "skittles").
Just two questions, How would they know that it's the correct person when they find it, and how do they capture the soul?
The soul is marked by the Council,and all mages have access to soul scrying magics. And capturing the soul is similar,all mages have soul-capturing magics. A soul needs a vessel,however,so be mindful of that.
Alright,time to clarify a few things that seemed like common sense at the time,and some non-common sense things.

-No spell is instant. Blue mana,being the mana of deception,thrives on counterspells. Be wary of any Blue mage in the area.

-All mages may draw on all colours of mana. However,it is more difficult to draw on mana outside of their affinity. You won't be seeing a non-White mage calling upon divine retribution,for exampe.

-The technology of the mortal plane is that of today. The mages have replicated the technology to facilitate more subversive approaches to the exam.

-Mana is a finite resource. In any given area,there is only so much mana. After all of this mana is discharged,the land needs time to produce more.

-The soul-scrying spell has two varieties: An individual target,which uses very little mana,and a line of sight sweep,which uses a significant amount of mana.

-All mages have a "mana sense",so they know the relative mana levels of the area.

-To entrap the soul,you need at the very least line of sight. The soul needs a vessel,weather it's the original body or something of your own design is up to you.

-All mages have a means of recall to their home plane. Because no right minded dimension hopper would leave home without one. However,returning without the soul may cause the Council to get...Angry. Expect meteors and divine wrath.

-Items with innate magica properties are known as Artifacts. Artifacts may only be made by Artificers. The art of Artifice is an all-consuming craft,and is pursued at the detriment of magical skill.

-There are rumours of rogue mages in the mortal plane,with deep resentment for the Council and their lackeys...Be wary.

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