Idea "Forgotten by the world"


New Member
First of all, this is just an interesting idea I had while I was writing another story. It's just an idea though, so you're free to use it in whichever way you like it (though it's always nice when people credit you of course, but you don't have to).

Technically this is a distant but not too distant future. Quick and earodynamic electric monorails have already been invented for example, but flying cars is still way out of their league. Most of the cities have started to look modern by now and small technological advancements can be seen everywhere. The most important piece of technology has been the brain implant. It was feared by many at first and it took a while for people to get used to it, but once it did, everyone got one. The best part about it was, it was totally free, because the goverment assisted it. The reason to get an implant was to fight back against mental illness and possibly prevent mental trauma to cause further damage. That's what it originally was designed for, but quiet quickly it's true colours began to shine. A person's abilities and limits could be changed just by adapting a few synaps in the brain using the transplant. And a lot of people started doing it. Luckily it never got out of hand and people lived in harmony with one another, the chip aiding them with it.

The roleplay's set in a big busy metropol. A map could go along with it, indicating important places.

The characters of the roleplay slowly wake up in the middle of the overloaded pavement. And already something strange seems to have happened. You don't know how you got there. You remember doing something, but not how that relates to getting here. And more importantly, the people around you seem to have stopped taking notice of you. They walk around you. You ask for help, but no one reacts. You scream for help and still no one reacts. You suddenly grab a man by his arms and ask him why he was being ignored, but the man just suddenly frowns and angirly hits you before walking on like nothing had happened. You want to chase the guy or ask someone else when you suddenly hear a ringtone. You grab into your pocket and find an old phone. One they used in 2010. How did you get one? After a little bit of a hassle you manage to view the message you've gotten telling you to go to the main square in the centre of the town to get a full explenation. And that's where all the characters meet up, with the same old telephone and the same message.

Eventually, on top of a large statue, a strange man appears laughing loudly while once more, none of the common folk seem to take note of it. He announces "Welcome to the game that will decide which one of you will live and which one of you will die. It's up to you though if you want to work together or compete. The rules are simple. You get a task via the phone and a timer that will be set also on the phone. If you don't complete the task whitin the time limit, you'll lose the game! Start!"

Technically every single time the characters will be faced with a cryptic puzzle that can have them roam around something or find something or steal a piece of bread from a place or clean a statue. Anything. And they have to figure out what it is. So it's important to have a map, so the puzzles can give small identifications for what landmark to go. Another important role to play as the author is to give small descriptions of the area every time someone enteres a new place. This will be enough for them to work with.

All in all it's just a game where you can decide what you do and how you wanna do it, while the game master just enjoys his puppet's jollying around, while he can make tasks as difficult and as hard as they need to be.

The explenation of the story is that the game master is a crazy man, who's brain implant started to malfuction, causing everyone to ignore him and everything he touched. He quickly found out that the system works on a harmony system where people don't get recognised without their implants. So he randomly selected a group of people and tazed them, making sure their implant malfunctioned like his. And instead of just having other people join his world, he decided to play a game with them instead, having those people, feel his pain as well.

Feel free to criticize. I know the whole plot and idea is crazy and ridiculous, but it was just a random idea I felt like sharing. Just for the fun of it.

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