[IDEA] Bloodpurge


Four Thousand Club
So,I had an idea. Vampires in modern culture are a curio. Entertainment. In the past they were bogeymen,and terrified entire nations into anti-vampiric crusades. But what about the future...And what if they actually existed? And no,they only sparkle if they're fed a live wire.

The Setting

It is the year 3077. Earth is crowded. None of the ocean is visible from space;it was covered with synthetic landmass to accomadate the rampant growth of humanity. The entire surface is just one massive metropolis. Water is synthesized. Atmosphere is synthesized. Power is achieved via hybrid fusion/fission reactors in enormous quantities,with one load of fuel lasting two centuries. Transportation is provided by VTOL airliners and supersonic subways. Personal vehicles are a thing of the past. The "military" has dispensed with the concept of tanks and armoured vehicles; instead their infantry are adorned with powerd exoskeletons,and are delivered via APC,foot,or via the famed Noah Infantry Deployment System. Weaponry has changed little; Weaponized LASERs were ignored,due to their ineffectiveness on most targets. In their place rose magnetic weapons,firing tiny caseless ammunition at near light-speed,and plasma weapons,which melt through anything with absolute ease. Crime is the same as it was in the past; the poor or desperate,often both,doing whatever they can to scrape by,or the particularly stupid doing particularly stupid things.

The Vampires

Vampires went underground between the Gothic era and now. During the second millenium,they were even popularized in popular fiction with things like "Twilight" or "The Legacy of Kain". However,now,they have made a resurgence. They are the immortal denizeins of the night,and wield power far greater than that of normal humans. However,vampires have many weaknesses. Items blessed by a culture,such as cows of Hinduism or cucifixes of Christianity burn vampiric flesh from bone in short order. Flowing water burns like high concentration acid. Holy water combines these. Sunlight will vaporize a vampire,even if it's through a stained glass window. Impalation,although not lethal,will certainly paralyze a vampire for a time,and if it's through the heart,the vampire is put into a vulnerable stasis state until removed,and recovery is long. Furthermore,vampires need to eat and drink like normal humans,along with regularly consuming blood. If blood isn't consumed regularly,they will degrade into a feral state,with no hope of recovery. Furthermore,the vampiric race is divided into multiple clans with their own strengths,weaknesses and politics; The Nosferatu,Daywalkers,Malkavians and Bruha. Clan-specific traits will be covered in the signup.

The Story

Well,since I tend to keep the plot secret to nearly everyine,since spoiling the entire plot will take a lot of the fun out of the RP,the general premise is up in the Setting section. Now,here's the major point...

There are essentially two categories of vampires; those who live as a part of the "Secret vampire nation",who live away from humanity in relative peace and seclusion. And then there are vampires who live among the humans,hiding their nature,seeking the Vampire Nation. While there are vampires in human society who just want to be vampires,without seeking the Nation,they are in the vast minority. Humans,on the other hand,are also seeking the Vampire Nation. With the intent of wiping it out; vampires were great in fiction;they made interesting characters. But now that they're common knowledge...The mere thought of the terrors that they have the potential to inflict on humanity as spurred nearly all of humanity into a genocidal campaign against the vampires. How this war turns,however,is up to you.
Heavily populated Earth, no visible water, hidden societies... Damn Rid. The idea pretty much looks complete, only there's like one or two things i wanted to ask about. The clans, the vampires are divided into groups that are like... Depending on weaknesses and strengths. Does that include immunity to choice weaknesses of a regular vampire not out of the norm?
All clans have their own specific strengths and weaknesses to ADD to the universal weaknesses and strengths,and modify the existing ones. You can guess what the Daywalker clan does to the universal weaknesses,for example. Your strengths and weaknesses,as well as their magnitude,are directly proportional to which "Generation" your vampire is. More of that will be covered in the signups,though. I don't want to put too much here.
This sounds Like an awesome idea, I would like to join this if it comes to existence. I would like to be one that wanders among the silly humans, essentially a Bravado Rogue or as close to it. not exactly seeking the vampire nation but still helping any vampire that requires it. when you get the stats and what-not I will expand a bit.

You had me from 'no,they only sparkle if they're fed a live wire.', it just got better after that. I'd definitely be interested in joining.

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