Ice Valley University




~All RPN rules apply

~No God-modding

~No Killing others unless Okay-ed by both parties

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~No Teacher x Student Please.

~Additions to these Rules will be added with no warning.~

Student Form

Image or Description goes here.

Name:- first middle and last-

Age:- 18+ -

Year:- year in college -

GPA:- grade point average-

Major:- what your character is majoring in (undeclared is okay) -

Minor:- your character's minor (undeclared is okay as well as not applicable) -

Personality:- a little bit about your disposition and such -

Race:- anything but human -

Powers:- limit this yourselves people -

Sexuality:- straight, bi, gay, lesbian, bi curious, asexual, panasexual(what sexualities do you claim if you are pana) ect -

Martial status:- single, taken, engaged, married ect -

Bio:- a bit of history -

Hobbies:- what do you like to do -

Likes:- what do you like? -

Dislikes:- what do you hate? -

Pet:- describe your pet max of 2 -

Dorm:- dorm request here -

Professor Form

Image or Description Goes here.

Name:- first middle and last-

Age:- 25+

Classes:- What classes do you teach -

Specialty:- What is your specialty -

Personality:- a little bit about your disposition and such -

Race:- anything but human -

Powers:- You should be strong, but still limit this yourselves people, remember my rules -

Sexuality:- straight, bi, gay, lesbian, bi curious, asexual, panasexual(what sexualities do you claim if you are pana) ect -

Martial status:- single, taken, engaged, married ect -

Bio:- a bit of history -

Hobbies:- what do you like to do -

Likes:- what do you like? 5 or more -

Dislikes:- what do you hate? 5 or more -

Pet:- describe your pet max of 2 -

Dorm:- dorm request here -​
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Student Form


Name: Oliver Jaye Fisher

Age: 23

Year: Second Year

GPA: 3.55

Major: Healing

Minor: N/A

Personality: Oliver is a quiet young man who prefers a book to talking to people. Shy and unspoken, Oliver is the odd one out. He would prefer to be alone and solitary than anything else. But while Oliver is quiet he usually pays a decent amount of time watching others. In doing so, Oliver can often confront people if there is an argument going on and quickly resolve the issue. Because of his father beating him, he often has nightmares.

Race: Vampire/Elf

Powers: Speed, quick healing

Sexuality: Gay

Martial status: Single

Bio: Oliver grew up in a semi-wealthy home. But Oliver was never happy here. His mother, who was an elf, was never in the picture. His father, a vampire was always working and would often come home in a very bad mood. Because of this, Oliver isolated himself from his family. His father always expected the best out of him from schooling. If Oliver fell below a 3.50 on his GPA, his father would beat him. He has several scars on his chest and back because of this. When Oliver was able, he transferred to Ice Valley, seeing it as his opportunity to get away from his home.

Hobbies: Oliver is usually found reading a book or enjoying the outdoors.

Likes: Cold weather, star gazing, talking to friends, food, and night time.

Dislikes: Warm weather, Werewolves, being touched

Pet: N/A

Dorm: Roommate Doesn’t matter – In need of a Roommate

Professor Form


Name: Collin Deringe

Age: 37

Classes: Practicality of Magic, Psychokinesis 101, 202, 305

Specialty: Psychokinesis

Personality: Collin’s outward first impression is that of a man would be stern and harsh. However, this is just a sham to scare most first year students. In reality, Collin is very laid back. He enjoys teaching his students, but he is very professional and does not tolerate any disobedience. And for whatever the reason, Collin has a tendency to jump or be startled by loud noises.

Race: Warlock

Powers: Psychokinesis and a small amount of healing ability

Sexuality: Bisexual

Martial status: Divorced, Single

Bio: Although Collin keeps most of his childhood under tight raps, he does reveal that his childhood was quite harsh. He shares that he has been in numerous accidents and a train wreck. He has shared that he was in the military for a few years. Collin has moved several times since starting his teachings at Ice Valley. In the same time, he was divorced and had his two children taken from him.

Hobbies: Long walks, Occasional drink or two, playing cards,

Likes: Teaching, Long walks in the forest, Joking around

Dislikes: Children, Immaturity, Loud noises

Pet: N/A

Dorm: Professor Dormitory: Rm # 182​
Student Form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0c5e78fe_EmilyRuddWindow.jpg.a0464410574b31fc3a4b7097b03667b5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34135" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0c5e78fe_EmilyRuddWindow.jpg.a0464410574b31fc3a4b7097b03667b5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Maddison Snow Williams

Born in the cold, icy town, where it seemed like never ending snowy days, her mother gave her the middle name, S n o w.




Second year






Not applicable


S a r c a s t i c a n d S a s s y

'Hey, I got a B+, aren't I smart, Maddie?'

'Yeah, smart
, that's what you are.'

S t r a i g h t f o r w a r d

'Do I look fat in this, Mads?'

'Well, you do look chubby around the sides. Im not saying you're fat, gorgeous, cause you're gorgeous.'

A B i t S h y

Although Maddie may seem very confident, she's really insecure, not to mention she's not very good with people. Especially not new people. Meeting new people always makes her a bit nervous.

C u r i o u s a n d O p e n - m i n d e d

She has questions about almost
everything. From why cats don't have silver eyelashes, to why the universe is supposedly endless. She's also very open-minded, and willing to try almost anything. From sky-diving to trying new foods, she's willing.


S p a r k l e * F a i r y * S p a r k l e



B i s e x u a l

Sure, guys are hot, but that doesn't mean girls are not. Oh wow, I am a poetry master.

Martial status:-

S i n g l e


Growing up, Alice was an orphan. Her father abandoned her mother when Alice was only six years old, and her mother disappeared soon after. Alice never had the easiest life, beginning from birth. Her family was never very rich, and she was supposedly an accident. Her family had made her sell gum on the side of the street as soon as she learned to walk, often roughing her up a little to make people pity her more. When both her parents disappeared, she got taken in by a anonymous family that was presumably quite rich. She stayed with them until she was of legal age, taking their surname when she entered society, and the university. She never found out what race they were, though they knew she was a fairy. They could of taken advantage of her powers, yet they did nothing but care for her, nurture her, until she was ready for the world. At age eighteen, she moved out of the Johnson's estate, entering university and starting a life of her own. Later on, when she was twenty, she learned that their intentions weren't as pure as they seemed. They had been nurturing her to full growth. You see, the Johnson's were a family of trolls. Not the under the bridge kind, as they looked human-like, but they were greedy. Greedy and patient. They were waiting till Alice was full grown to auction her off in the underground black market. Fairies were worth a lot. They decided to send her off to University, since fairies with educational degrees are worth twice the price. The funny thing is, Alice found this out herself. She got mixed into the black market business at one point in her life, and she found the offer herself, eventually tracing it back to the Johnson family. She cut off all contact with her, and ran to this icy, cold town, hoping they would never track her down.


F l y i n g

Who can resist flying, right? It's nice when you need some alone time.

E x p l o r i n g

The beach, forests, anything nature-y.


F o o d

I mean, I could die for some good french fries. Some candy would be good.

B e i n g B a b i e d

It relates to her abandonment issues. Never receiving the love she deserved from when she was a kid, she craves the attention.


M u s h r o o m s a n d C o c o n u t s

Yuck. Ew. Completely gross.

S m o k i n g

It's bad for you, the people around you, and it smells bad.


Can... Can I have a dragon?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0c5f2f03_BabyDragon.jpg.3a948068d2a4aef424df0be08d985b42.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34137" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0c5f2f03_BabyDragon.jpg.3a948068d2a4aef424df0be08d985b42.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Not fully grown. Barely two months old.

Dorm:- dorm request here -

Roommate request. Not specifically anyone.



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Yes you can have the baby dragon.

Please change the color of your pink font.

I can barely read it - sometimes not at all.

If I can not read it, others will have the same issue.

Please fix this.

Student Form


Name:- Alexander Eren Hellstrum

Age:- 20

Year:- First Year

GPA:- 3.9

Major:- Sanguistractus

Minor:- N/A

Personality:- Alexander would be defined as a rich, fancy kid who doesn't care about anyone else, and just cares about himself and his grades. He'd also be defined as smart, but that is very usual in earth-bound demons, due to their racial cleverness. Alexander is not usually hated by most others, though, because his soft side shows often in dire situations, his rather caring side. He is also defined as a bluntly honest person as well, if he finds you stupid, he will tell it to you straightforward, no sugaring it up.

Race:- Demon, Middle Class. ( Daemon )

Powers:- Innate Middle Class Magical Abilities, such as Minor Teleportation, Matter Manipulation, and Retractable Wings, which most Demons possess and progress throughout ageing.

Sexuality:- Bisexual

Martial status:- Single

Bio:- Alexander Eren Hellstrum is the first son of the third son of the sixth son of the only son of Prince Charles Mein, making him technically related to him. He grew up within Japan, and moved to Britain after the rule of the new son, Exil Mein, and the disappearance of Yokoshi Mein conflicted against their family's personal interests. Alexander's father was a Higher Class Demon, Grim, a Reaper, while his mother, Mary, was a Middle Class Demon, a Daemon. They may have sent him to one of the schools he wanted to choose for so long after the years of homeschooling he had endured, but they sent him to Ice Valley University instead. The reason? Well, Charles had informed them in secret about his existence there, and they were eager to make contact through their beloved son, Alexander.

Hobbies:- Studying, Reading, Drawing, Writing, and don't forget playing Video Games.

Likes:- Cleverness, Honesty, Intelligence, Professionalism, and Etiquette.

Dislikes:- Sugarcoating, Low Grades, Idiots, Unnecessary Conversation, Recklessness.

Pet:- N/A

Dorm:- Doesn't care, but would prefer someone who can study with him.

Professor Form


Name:- Sir Charles Mein, (Real Name: Yokoshi, meaning Devious)

Age:- 32 (4750)

Classes:- Sanguistractatus, Pyromancry, Summoning.

Specialty:- Sanguistracatus

Personality:- Sir Charles Mein, also known as Yokoshi, is known for his

cleverness and devious ways. He is also known for his

sudden disappearance, and his legendary magical abilities.

Charles enjoys to manipulate others for fun, especially if it

involves testing them in some way. Combat being his favorite.

Charles loves sweets, many do not know why, but it is because

his old friend, Maxwell J, had often made sweets in his home,

and they tend to remind him of his old friend. Charles doesn't

usually help in dire situations of need, but rather sits and watches,

only stepping in if need be. Rarely does he break his childish yet

professionally clever attitude, however if he is forced past the limit,

he may get angry. The stages to Charle's anger is somewhat like this.

First, he goes silent, and usually sticks some kind of hot candy in his

mouth. He'll begin walking towards you, running will only make it

worse, and then.. well... incineration is the most popular outcome.

Race:- Demon, High Class, Devil

Powers:- Advanced Racial Abilities, Sanguistracatus Mastery, General Magic Mastery, Amazing Cooking

Sexuality:- Pansexual, Sapiosexual.

Martial status:- Single, Last Wife died.

Bio:- Sir Charles Mein, or rather, Yokoshi, was a Prince of the current Demon Homeland,

known as Germany, Turkey, Britain, and Japan on Earth, all connected by flight towers invisible to

the other races of the world. Arthur Mein was the Prince of Britain, Ahmet Mein was the Prince of Turkey,

Habgier Mein was the Prince of Germany, and of course, Charles, or Yokoshi Mein,

was the Prince of Japan. Their father, the demon lord Saturn Mein, or Satin, ruler over the entirety

of their race, had a new son. Exil Mein, who was in need of a kingdom,

as a new tower could not be built.

Earlier that year, Charles had received a letter from a Professor, Maxwell J, who is now long dead,

that he found his university quite interesting. After his friend had died, and as his new brother

was born, Charles agreed to give his brother his province in exchange for a propago, which

Satin fulfilled as a request. Since then, with his powers dampened and his family far away,

Charles has stayed at the University in hopes of experiencing what his friend had experienced,

and perhaps in hopes of unknown reasons. But that will have to wait, for now.

Hobbies:- Manipulating others for fun, writing, drawing, playing video games, fighting.

Likes:- Intelligence, Trouble, Sweets, Fighting, Personal Gain

Dislikes:- Losing, Idiots, Bitter Food, Losing Items, Children

Pet:- Daemoncanis, named Melli, meaning Sweet.

This dog has a mind of it's own, and really is intelligent. It can talk, but usually

chooses not too. After all, why not talk to one person and make everyone think they're crazy?


Pet 2:- Succubus, named Bonbon, meaning Sweet. Noticing a pattern?

After finding her all alone as a young demon, Charles took her in. Since then,

even if Bonbon is a Succubus, a lower-class demon, she has been treated like

a princess by her new father. She doesn't speak much, only to people she finds nice,

and even then she is usually quiet and tends to speak in whispers, but it adds to the cuteness.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-10_18-17-33.jpeg.12be69ac27963643a3ef358f8ea0c028.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34157" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-10_18-17-33.jpeg.12be69ac27963643a3ef358f8ea0c028.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dorm:- Professor Dorm, Room #183


Sanguistractus - Blood Magic

Bonbon - Sweet

Melli - Sweet

Succubus - Lower Class

Satyr - Lower Class

Imp - Lower Class

Chubacabra - Lower Class

Ghost - Lower Class

Ghoul - Middle Class

Daemon - Middle Class

Shinigami - Middle Class

Balrog - Middle Class

Horseman - High Class

Reaper - High Class

Devil - High Class

Daemoncanis - Demon Dog

Mein - Demonic Royalty

Pyromancry - Fire Magic

Propago - A Demonic Ritual where the Demon's Age and Power resets.

Filiitenebris - Technical Name for Demon.

Praedaímonaşah - Demonic Title for King of the Demons

Messiah - Demonic word for nephew.

Konihaba - Hello in Demonic.

Leif - Wings in Demonic.​

My character may be a Prince, and

the son of Satin, or Saturn Mein, King of Demons,

but please do not be intimidated. Princes are

indeed very powerful, but during his propago,

Charle's power was also reset, therefore he is as

powerful as any other High Class Demon.​



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