Icarus Academy Sign Up


Four Thousand Club
http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/4018-Sci-fi-RP-Icarus <-- Info

Sign up template:


Age: (between 15 and 21 please)



Alien DNA or Nanites?:

Bio (includes how you came to be a part of Icarus Academy):

My character:

Name: Damien Mathers

Age: 19

Apperance:http://www.gophoto.it/view.php?i=http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6rwu99Rrh1qm6ie8o1_400.jpg#.UHUO_xXR7YQ eyes are blue, his pupils are vertical.

Abilities: Enhanced strength, perception and agility.

Alien DNA or Nanites?: DNA

Bio: Born to a junkie whore in the poor slums of L.A, Damien went without a name until he was picked up by a nun who ran an orphanage, she named him Damien and he kept the name, and since the head mistress of the school's second name was Mathers, and she called all the kids her "children" he decided to adopt her second name, as if she were his real mother.

When he was 11, government representatives came to the Orphanage and "adopted" several children, Damien was one of them, he went with them all the way to Chicago, where he lived what seemed like a relatively normal life, but over time he began to show changes, his eyes changed, he found himself excelling at physical activities, he could see things clearly from vast distances and he could easily do high-flexibility exercises without having to stretch beforehand, and this is all without practice.
Name: Kirah RenAge: 18Appearance: like my avatar, but a girl with bright green, cat-like eyesAbilities: increased agility/speed, stealth ability, manipulation, and intelligence.Alien DNA or Nanites?: DNABio: She was born into a rich family, but hated it. She believed her parents hated her because they were never home. This brought her to running away at age 9. She lived on the run untill she was caught by some government officials that sent her somewhere to live a "normal life." However, only days after being found that something wasnt so normal. But, She lived there without question, excelling in athletics and in academics, and always getting exactly what she wanted.

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