I would like to play Scion.


So, I'm running a Scion game. Which I'm rather enjoying, I must say.

However, I find running it really makes me want to play the game. I was in a Scion game, but it sort of seems to have died a death. So...

Is anyone running a game and has a slot free/is willing to start up a game?

Also, would they be willing to discuss custom divine parents?
Well, I have been brewing an idea of plot for Scion of my own. Want to test my custom verse for it. It doesn't ignore or change anything in the original game, but goes into more detail on the human side of the world.

You know, things like special agencies, monster hunters, curious FBI agents... Sources of inspiration include: F.E.A.R, Buffy, X-Files, Delta Green, Prototype, Megaten....

So, having an excuse to start... Yes, I'm going to recruit for a game. Any source book authorised. I'll discuss homebrew stuff on a case by case basis.

I was thinking of playing a Scion of Enyo (a Greek war goddess, sister to Ares, whose domain was often the destruction of cities. Associated with Eris and the equivalent to the Roman goddess Bellona) or Iris (a messenger goddess and goddess of rain and rainbows.)
Wikied these two gods. Wow, there's a god higher on the warcrime list than Ares... That's impressive to say the least.

Both seems ok by me. A scion of Enyo could easily count as one of Ares with one or two small changes and Iris could be like Hermes again with one or two small changes.

Haven't quite decided on a location yet, but I've got the basic plot in mind.
I'm in the middle of a classics degree and just finished the Iliad. I can do you a writeup and run it past you, if you're cool with that.
Knock yourself out. I'll be preparing the beginning of the main plot.

If any other players are tempted to join, please say so. One player is kind of small for a game.
I'm tempted to join, as well as curious on how that mix of sources of inspiration would work out.
It's sort of rough, but it'll give you an idea what I have in mind.


Pantheon: Dodekatheon

Other names: Thaumantias

Hera's personal handmaiden, Iris is the Goddess of the Rainbow. The Scion of the water-god Thaumas and the sky-nymph Elektra, Iris was responsible for replenishing the clouds with water from the sea after rains along the rainbow path. She also serves the Dodekatheon as a messenger goddess comparable to Hermes, and saw notable service in the Trojan War, carrying messages to both sides in a mortal war that nearly tore the Pantheon in two. Stunningly beautiful and swift of foot, with all the colours of the rainbow floating around her, it's not hard to see why Hera chooses such a beautiful and useful Goddess to serve her personally. Iris herself is unflinchingly loyal to her mistress and to Zeus. However, she is envious of Hermes for the glory he has always won ahead of her and his high position in the Pantheon compared to hers, and relishes the opportunities the Titan War grants her to prove herself, even breaking her long virginity to give birth to Scions to aid the cause.

In the modern age, Iris has been a oceanographer, a sky-writing pilot, a bike courier and many other jobs of relatively minor importance which are yet essential to the running of the organisations to which she attaches herself. Her Scions are often drawn in to professions regarding the passage and control of information, as well as jobs that tie in with the sea or the sky. They tend to be helpful, energetic, and attractive people, who nonetheless are occasionally given to pangs of jealousy towards those they feel unjustly supercede them.

Associated Powers: Epic Dexterity, Epic Appearance, Arete, Psychopomp, Sky, Water

Associated Abilities: Art, Athletics, Awareness, Integrity, Investigation, Politics


I'll authoirise the Australian pantheon for that one Pants. Iris is approved too.

Custom rules wise, there won't be any changes to the rule system, just some addins (expanded modern weapons list, Hind Helicopters, tanks...) when relevant.

As for the inspiration business, I'm not saying I'm doing a crossover or anything with these. Just that idea's I've used for the verse carry inspiration from these. Say for example, the actions of a high powered scion or titanspawn might be treated by military forces the same way as Alex Mercer (strike teams, tanks, helies..). Or a govermental paranormal investigation team might take insparation from Torchwood in how they work (but they don't have immortal bisexual agents for example). Or while the scion verse might look like mythology for a scion or a player, for a normal human that gets sucked in the story, it might feel like a lovercraftian nightmare and to him, a scion might as well be Nyarla... Nira... Nyarl.... that guy as far as he's concerned.
To help people notice that this game is recruiting, I'll be putting up a recruitment thread. Just give me a couple minutes.

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