Poetry 'I Wonder...' Poem Series | Amateur Writer (Feedback Appreciated)


too much caffeine
Like A Woman.
I sit,
waiting for the moon
because I think it misses me.
unlike other things
unlike other things.

I wonder
where she went.
The girl who blushed.
The girl who played.
The girl who wished.
Sometimes, I wish…

like a girl,
crying tears.
like a teen,
spitting fire.
like a woman,
biting my tongue.
Never like a person.

Now, I see sunken cheeks.
shadows over eyes.
eyes that droop.
I see a 'woman.'

I wonder…
when the girl left.
Dead Man.
I see a dead man.
A million scars
covering his body.

Some days, he dies of fire.
Others, he dies of gas..
I wonder…
when I'll stop hating him.
Sheeps To The Slaughter.
A modern Moses,
Leading your people
to the promised land.
But do they know
the cost of your 'God?'

I pity the sheep,
The ewe that can't tell apart
a spring to drink,
from a pool of blood
as they flock at the altar.

Now, with red hands,
You pray at the shrine,
drowning your sin with blood.
I wonder…
Do you believe in salvation?
We are all the same.
Children with a father.
Fathers with a shrink.
Shrinks with a child.
But then, why?

you say 'I,' not 'you.'
You take 'us,'
and turn it into 'you.'
But, it's still 'I.'

A million voices,
raised to one.
As you stand,
I wonder…
Do you see flesh?

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