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Realistic or Modern i was in the middle before i knew that i had begun [historical romance rp]


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it's me again, folks! i'm keeping this post pretty general, but at the core of it all, i am on the hunt for an arranged marriage plot because i am a sucker for the trope.

for as long as scholars can remember, a bitter rivalry and perilous tension have existed between the two kingdoms in question. it has been over a century since the last war between them, but the threat of another, more violent one looms in the distance as an ever-present threat. finally, after years of conflict and disagreements, the two ruling families of the kingdoms finally came to a decision, or more aptly, an arrangement. a marriage between their respective heirs. it was the promise of a new age, one without strife or fear. a union not only between two people, but two ways of life.

of course, the decision is not without its flaws. neither royal wishes to marry their sworn enemy, both are equally aware of their duty: marry and (ideally) produce an heir to secure the alliance between their two kingdoms. however, their union does not guarantee a happy end. a third power grows ever-stronger, all too aware of the precarious situation between two of the continent's largest and most influential powers, and aims to weaponize any sign of weakness in order to assure and assert power. the threat of a new war looms, and our characters will have to truly commit to their alliance in order to ensure the futures of their respective kingdoms.

if you find your interest piqued, read the about me section on my profile before reaching out! ^^

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