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Fantasy I Was A Villain But Was Reborn As A Demon In A Devastated World To Redeem Myself [Characters]



Cuddly enby auntcle
Character template:

Subspecies (optional) (possible subspecies: human-like demon, pointed ear demon, demon wolfkin, demon foxkin, demon catkin, demon goatkin, kobold [beastfolk/bipedal animals], red demon [red skin, yellow eyes, pointed tails], grey demon [like red demon but grey or black skin])
Appearance (no real live people. Do illustrated (art/anime/comic/cartoon) or a thorough description)
Clothing (of course your character needs clothes, silly. Give a general overview of the typical clothing your character likes to present in. Most things go except for more contemporary clothing since walking around in skinny jeans and sunglasses is rather breaking the setting. However demons are allowed to wear short shorts, swimwear and leather if you want to go for the succubus like or anime fantasy attire.)
Occupational knowledge (if your character had a profession, what practical skills do they have? Stuff like carpentry, cooking and so on.)
Combat skills (stuff like magic, hand to hand etc.)
Weaknesses (stuff like low mana capacity, slow runner, physically weak, cowardliness. It has to be an actual weakness and not something that will never take place like "celery allergy")
Likes/Dislikes (optional)
Alignment (optional, see [Hale's Guide] D&D Alignments Explained & Character Examples )
Past life (if not already included in "Background")

Weapon of choice
Personal items (optional)
Home (optional, describe your dwelling)
Name: Korath

Age: 45

Gender: Male

Subspecies: Human-like Demon


Clothing: dark leather armor that allows for protection Underneath, he wears simple black clothing He also carries a hooded cloak for concealment.

Occupational Knowledge: is a skilled herbalist and alchemist, capable of creating potions for healing and enhancing physical abilities etc He is also an adept blacksmith, able to craft weapons and armor with both mundane and magical properties. His knowledge extends to healing techniques and the creation of various magical items.

Combat Skills: excels in elemental magic, particularly fire and earth. He also has some skill in enhancement, illusion, and summoning magic. In combat, he is proficient with a sword that channels his elemental magic for close-range attacks.

Weaknesses: is a slow runner and a poor swimmer

Likes: Quiet moments in nature, studying, and alchemical experiments

Dislikes: being underestimated, and confined spaces.interruptions.incompetency

Personality: is introspective and driven by a desire for knowledge and power. He is methodical and patient, often preferring to think through his actions carefully does have a code of honor though

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Background: was a renowned mage in a kingdom. His ambition and quest for power led him down a path of destruction. Betrayed by those he trusted, he was executed for his crimes

Weapon of Choice: A sword that channels his elemental magic for close-range combat.

Personal Items: A journal where he records his thoughts, discoveries, and memories.

Home: lives in a cottage on the outskirts surrounded by a herb garden. The cottage is simple, with a hearth, a few pieces of handcrafted furniture, and shelves lined with books and alchemical supplies
Obey Me! Lucifer Demon Horns - 2 MAKI


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Name: Kanina Atsusa
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Subspecies: Pointed eared demon
Appearance in past life: 1716677171869.jpeg With red crystal in forehead.

Appearance in current life: 1716677406134.jpeg Though after "awakening" her hair gradually begins to turn brown like in her past life, though it will still remain white at the tips.

Clothing: Normally, Kanina wears a dress with a white blouse or a blouse with a long skirt. However after regaining her memories from her past life, she begins to dress a little less modestly, sporting clothes like thigh highs, short skirts or shorts and more revealing tops.

Occupational knowledge: Pre-awakening, Kanina knew how to hunt, how to cook, archery and tailoring. Post-awakening, advanced enchanting, engineering, arcane theory, tinkering/mechanics, intermediate medicine and alchemy.

Combat skills: Pre-awakening: Intermediate archery, basic hand-to-hand combat. Post-awakening, expert hand-to-hand combat, advanced enhancement magic, intermediate abyssal magic, intermediate healing magic

Weaknesses: Bad strategist, doesn't coordinate well in combat, runs headfirst into fights

Likes: Tinkering, studying the magic of the world, studying the demon body, giving massages, making sweets for others

Dislikes: Loneliness, being avoided, not understanding what she does to scare off others

Personality: Pre-awakening, Kanina is a well mannered and benevolent demon who acts sort of like the big sister to many in the village. Post-awakening, Kanina becomes strange and at times obsessive. While she still cares a lot for others, she becomes a little overprotective and controlling, spying on those she cares for. She often becomes conflicted between her pre-awakening personality and her personality of her past life. Old habits die hard and she knows that the goddess showed her her faults. At least she now only kills to protect others or for hunting.

Alignment in past life: Chaotic Evil

Alignment in current life: Neutral Good (pre-awakening), Chaotic Neutral (post-awakening)

Background: Kanina was born as one of eight siblings to pointed eared demon parents. Most of her life, she trained to become a hunter like her parents and help supply the village with meat while the farmers supplied the vegetables and grains. Most of her life was relatively uneventful and she was very trusted and played a responsible role of a big sister to both family and non-family. But one day, the village was attacked. As she saw three of her siblings be brutally murdered by the invading humans and elves, memories flooded her mind. The amount of memories all at once even hurt, but once the memories had come to her, the next thing she remembered doing is rushing into the fray and ruthlessly killing the attackers one by one with her bare hands. Once it was over, she was confused to what she had just done and was still struggling with the memories until a realization hit her to which she said: "Ah, right. It makes sense now." A disturbing smile grew on her face and something about her eyes had changed. Since then, the villagers say she had changed a lot.

Past life: Kanina was known as Sia Everhaze in her past life. Sia was a royal mage who became obsessed with medicine and enhancement magic to the point that she transferred her soul into a soul gem and controlled a magical shell that had the appearance of her old body. While her achievements helped the kingdom at first, she started going down a dark route until she was banished from the royal court for violating sins and moral codes. From then on, she would kidnap innocent people to experiment on them against their will. She even made a village girl who brought her food every morning into her assistant and forcefully made her a soul controlling a magical vessel too. But one day, after years of service, the assistant betrayed Sia. Before Sia could be incapacitated and arrested, she managed to kill a couple dozen royal soldiers. For her crimes, Sia was sentenced to death. Before the trial, her soul crystal was separated from her magical vessel so she couldn't be dangerous. Before her soul crystal was destroyed, she watched as the person who betrayed her was betrayed by the royals herself and executed. Her mortal collaborators were magically decapitated and finally, the abominable witch was executed herself. But before she was reborn, she found herself in front of a goddess who showed her her faults and made her go through the experiences of her victims, before finally telling her that she has another chance to not be the villain. Soon after, she awoke as a newborn demon without memories of her past life yet.

Weapon of choice: Hands/Fists, raw strength
Personal items: n/a
Home: Lives in a small house near the center of the village not far from her parent's house.
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(Obviously will be a work in progress)

Name: Fangaryl •Fein-gar-el• (Fang) (formerly Conrad Hauser)

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Subspecies: Demon Wolfkin (obviously)

(Usually appears as the smaller version, about 4’5”. Larger version is only when she uses enhancement magic or gets older like 30. She stands at 6’8”)

Clothing: presented

Occupational knowledge: hunting, taming, summoning, tracking (After awakening) marksmanship, trapping.

Combat skills: summoning, taming, and enhancement magics, CQC.

weakness: often quick to anger, head strong, a bit of a loner, easily gullible, passes out after using up all her mana.

Likes: other demons in her village, to run around and act like a child despite her age. Loves sweets.

Dislikes: others being nasty and rude, those that hurt others for no reason.

Personality: lovable goof, friendly and helpful. After awakening she acted the same as she wanted nothing to do with her past life.

Alignment: previously chaotic evil, now chaotically good.

Background: Fang grew up with her parents happily playing with a wolf pup she managed to tame when she was very young

Past life: Conrad Hauser was the self proclaimed greatest hunter and poacher in the world. He had spent decades illegally hunting every know creature on the planet, and had them displayed in his mansion. Endangered or one of a kind, he’d hunt it, kill it, stuff it, and then display it. His entire manor had taxedermied beasts and bleached skulls adorning every corner of wall space, and despite this glaring evidence authorities never arrested him. Eventually the thrill of the hunt vanished, which was bound to happen after he’s caught and killed every know species on the planet (yes including insects) he wanted more challenging opponents.

He and a few trusted associates took to the great national forest around the world and began kidnapping families from their vacations and hiking trips, he’d then take them back to his private island and set them loose before beginning a hunt the next day. Through this practice he ended up murdering thousands of families for his own selfish and disturbing entertainment. Until one day a man with nothing left to loose after seeing his wife and daughter slaughtered by a couple of panthers that Conrad had on his island, this man decided to go full Rambo as he was a marine.

Eventually our marine survivor managed to outsmart and avoid our dear Conrad, whom after finding no evidence of the man and assuming he had been eaten retired to his hidden compound on the island to relax before setting out to find his next prey. The marine tracked him and followed him to the compound, taking careful notes of the security and layout of the outside to determine the best way in.

Sadly for Conrad his security was rather lacking when it came to the animal known as mankind, it was rather easy for the marine to infiltrate the compound and slit Conrad’s throat in his own bed, ending the deranged hunters life.
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