Story I want to write a scifi novel.


Gareth violently kills a corrupt officer, who had been harassing workers, with his bare hands. He is detained and deemed safe to incorporate back into society. Before he had been a farm worker, a physically demanding, but somewhat comfortable job and area, but is moved to the city. There he is a factory worker making cars. Life is different, harsher. Food, air, water quality is poorer, crime is higher. He moves into an apartment and begins work. After a couple weeks he develops “city sick”, which is common among children, elderly, and new transfers to the city. It is a reaction to the inhospitable environment and hard labor. King, his coworker who he has developed a friendship, offers to take him in. His youngest is also sick. The family includes King’s wife Bee, his oldest Marnie, and his youngest Prince. Bee takes care of them, as she has a cushier job at the marketplace due to a twisted leg. Prince becomes very sick and Bee writes a letter to her mother.


Her mother, Ester, arrives with a preteen boy, Layth, and the family is shocked. The boy is an upper-class elite who has been in the papers, causing a high alert with extra police in the city, because he has been “kidnapped”. Though really, he chose to come. Both Prince and Gareth heal. He goes back to work and his apartment. An officer sees Layth in the window and the home is raided. King is beaten badly, but not killed due to being a fit worker, and the children are roughed up. Bee and her mother are executed, shot in the head.

Rising action.

King returns to work. Gareth and King begin to formulate a plan to escape beyond the country’s border, to take the kids and be free. The original plan is to sneak the child and supplies into the factory space, which is closest to the border. They will then flee into the surrounding forest, having to avoid officers and cross a large river. A seemingly impossible task. King tells a close friend, Nara’ee, who wants to escape as well. Nara’ee introduces a couple, Laurette and Jager to King and Gareth. They agree to bring them into the plan as well. All three of the new people are also part of a underground rebellion group, who despise the current system. King and Gareth are introduced. King keeps his head down, wanting to just escape, and Gareth becomes enthralled. Though both still want to escape and all agree to keep the escape plan to themselves. During this they collect food and items to escape with, bringing them into the factory and hiding them towards the back of the factories.

This is when Knight Tech-Armor (TKA), made by the tech company Hon-C (Hon Corporation). Hon-C is focused on communication tech, creating phones, televisions, as well as working on movies. It is marketed as a well-studied series of enhancement surgeries. Lungs, eyes, bones, joints, brain, basically the entire body is changed. Metal plating across the whole body, and a tech-encoded metal plate that is able to be fused to the brain. It is a permanent change, irreversible. The procedures take over a month to heal, so it is given out to workers in waves. Starting with high-ranking workers, then percentages of the rest of the workers. Then it is supposed to be given out to the middle class. It is marketed to the workers as a procedure that will allow your body to have more stamina and strength, keeps fatigue away, and helps the body process poor quality air, food, and water better. Also lowkey controls the body and brain, but that’s not really said.

King and Gareth, the whole group, are alarmed by the TKA rollout and plans to escape sooner than planned. Marco, their boss, and Marnie, their manager, get the surgeries. Both are lazy individuals, Marnie sleeping most of the day. When they return both are peppier, ready to work. Gareth watches Marnie, an extremely elderly woman, work away like a mindless doll. The rebel group begin to panic, alarmed by watching their coworker’s become robots. They plan a riot, which will take place in a few weeks. The upper management is finished, and workers begin to be put through the TKA procedure. Laurette is taken, and when she returns she is completely different, gone.


The riots happen. Multiple factories have men set fire to the upper management break rooms. People destroy windows, attack officers, and destroy equipment. This leads into a fully city riot, from neighborhoods, to marketplace, to factory. News spreads to the other classes and more officers and reporters go the riots. This causes riots in the other classes. The group runs, and all successfully flee except Gareth, who becomes a distraction.

Falling action.

After killing the officer and taking his gun, he is swarmed by rioters, pushed out into the streets. There he is met with a group of officers, a journalist film’s from above. He fires into them, killing multiple men. Shot in the stomach he collapses, blacks out.


Gareth’s video is put out to the media by Hon-C, and he becomes famous. People are enamored by the concept of a rugged rebel taking out multiple men like a beast, being shot, and still not dying. Workers see him as a symbol, the upper class find him to be a hero from some drama. He has been TKA’d and performs in movies, and does media shows speaking approval of the country from a viewpoint of being kinder to workers. He is now a propaganda piece. The riots were subdued, many killed, and TKA has been approved for rollout again.

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Layth has grown up in a wealthy, prestigious family. His mother, Ellise, is a famous painter known for her paintings of children, which she seems to love more than her own. His father, Daveed, is an inventor, who directed the construction of the TKA procedure, who is bitter over his wife’s public popularity. Layth sits at the dining table, his father is talking about advertisement over the phone with work, his mother is reading the paper and notes the rising number of violent crimes against officers. He eats breakfast silently. His father leaves for work and his nanny, Ester, comes to clean up. In her hand is a picture book of his family from generations ago. He is sent to his room to look through the book so that Nanny can clean up the house. He goes through the whole house, which is lined with paintings.

One night he wakes up to his Nanny sneaking through the back door, she is not allowed to leave the house. He asks her where she is going, she lies and says she’s been asked to pick something up for his father, which Layth knows is a lie. Realizing she truly has been caught she gets on her knees, grabbing his hand and telling him about her grandchild who is deathly ill. Alarmed by how pitiful she is, how desperate, he says that he will let her go, but only if he can come with. She begs him to let her go alone, but he says that he will alarm everyone if he cannot go. She agrees. They escape through forests and sewage tunnels. Finally, they arrive in the city as dawn breaks, successfully making it to her daughter’s, Bee’s, home. There they stay in the home for a couple weeks, healing the child. Layth learns a lot about the lower class, becoming friends with the family. Officers are looking for him as it is believed he has been kidnapped by Nanny. He makes friends with Gareth, a worker, who leaves the home once he is better, but visits. During the day he looks out the window, watching out of curiosity, and is caught after being spotted by an officer.


The home is raided, Layth is grabbed suddenly and brought outside. He listens as the family is brutalized and dragged out of the home. They beat the husband, King, and his children. Nanny and Bee are shot in front of the home, their bodies dragged away. He is thrown into a car and brought back home.


Layth is now set with the fire of rebellion, though he did lie and say he was kidnapped. He watches his mother paint, who never even bothers to look at him. They have doubly turned cold to him, ignoring him entirely. He usually is forced to live in his room. He tries to engage with his father, who has been drinking and begins to yell, strikes Layth in the face. It ends when his mother enters the room and tells them she has a headache and to be quiet. A couple nights later he goes to his mother’s painting room and burns her paintings. Alarms go off and everyone rushes in, taking out the fires. His parents lock him in his room for a week straight, only being given food and bathroom breaks. Towards the end of the week, he self-harms. He is caught by a servant bringing in food. His mother tries to talk to him, but is clearly out of depth to be a parent. During the talk he confesses that he wanted to go to the lower class, that he chose to. How he feels so guilty for causing the deaths. His mother says that Nanny would have been killed anyway for running, and leaves. The next morning his father announces to the family that TKA will be rolled out.

A hired bodyguard, Antony, follows him everywhere, except for short breaks and when he takes meal, the bathroom too. Layth hates this and decides that he will escape. He hides a knife in the bathroom, planning to stop the bodyguard if caught and flee in the night. One night he asks his mother if he can visit the lower class again, she becomes very angry. He finds out that his parents are planning to send him to a reform school in a couple weeks.

The riot breaks out in the lower class, and it is aired on television in the news. Layth is excited, decides that he will escape as soon as possible to go to the lower class so he can help the rebellion. He sneaks out, getting pretty far out of his family’s property. Believing he will make it he is caught up to by the bodyguard who demands they return.


Layth kills the bodyguard brutally, taking his gun, and runs back home in a panic. He also buries the knife under a bush. Successfully takes his clothes off and cleans himself, crawling into bed after hiding the gun near the worker rooms.


The next morning the body is found and officers search the property. They do not find the knife, but do find the gun. A worker man is accused of the murder with very little evidence, it was close to his room and he had been disliked amongst everyone. Other workers are agitated by this because of the riots and demand a proper search. An officer becomes rough with the workers, and a riot breaks out.

His mother and father grabs Layth and brings him into a backroom. Officers are off fighting off dozens of workers, with more growing. His dad has a gun. Layth asks his dad why he made TKA, they argue, and Layth gets the upper hand, grabbing the gun. Forces his parents to get on their knees. They bicker, Layth shoots his mother, more bickering, then his father. He runs away with the gun. Tosses the gun and runs.


He is put in a foster home, found guilty of no crimes. A victim, someone who got lucky to not be caught up in the violence. A worker had killed his parents, at least that’s what everyone thought. He’s being integrated into a program for troubled children, it’s like a resort. All his parent’s wealth has been left to him, including the property, which he will receive on his 18th birthday.

Speech Thoughts
Gareth is a young man and one of the main characters.

Layth who is a preteen or young teen who is one of the main characters.

King is an older man who is Gareth's friend in the new city.
Bee is King's wife and has a twisted leg that prevents her from working.
Marnie is King's older daughter.
Prince is King's younger son.

Ester is a nanny who takes care of Layth, she is also Bee's mother.

Ellise is Layth's mom and a famous painter in the higher class.
Daveed is Layth's dad and a tech designer and creator of TKA.
Antony is a bodyguard hired to keep Layth from trouble.

Nara'ee is King's friend and a member of a rebellion group.
Laurette is Jager's girlfriend and a rebellion member.
Jager is Laurette's boyfriend and a rebellion member.

Naidya is Gareth and King's manager.
Marco is Gareth and King's boss.

Gorge Macefield is the officer who decides Gareth is capable of reform.
Officer Kennedy is the officer Gareth kills.
Marella is the woman Gareth kills officer kennedy for.

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King, Nara’ee, Jager, and the children made it out. It’s been years. They’ve made a simple home, a garden. Nara’ee is pregnant. They communicate with another group of deserters regularly. They consider leaving the grey lands and going to another country which is rumored to be more liberal, well off, and fair. All are unsure, but consider it.

Speech Thoughts
Scifi novel where humans are being turned into robots to continue working forever and ever. It’s disguised as “make yourself stronger” “new technology”, but as the rich stay human and workers become robots a darker side emerges. Suddenly these robo-humans find themselves not always controlling their bodies and thinking things they didn’t before. They need less sleep, less food, make less waste. They are the buyer and the product. Why? Because who wants a world filled with robots? After all what’s better than an unfeeling, unfunny, hum drum machine? A happily subservient friend with a beautiful, white toothed smile on their face. These people still need all the basic human needs, but are denied it or don’t believe they do. The physical symptoms and death are negated by robo effects. A constant hunger, perhaps, or a delirium from lack of sleep? Two perspectives (?), one of a robo-human poor losing their humanity-will and a rich human watching it all unfold.

Scene where protagonist sees an elderly woman. She must be 95, too old. Her knobby hands look like paper mache as she pulls a metal lever down. A fog of chemicals surround her, so thick you can almost see it enter her nostrils. Her body shudders with the effort of movement, though it does not slow. With an unnatural efficiency she pushes buttons, considers flashing lights. Her eyes droop and though they are a striking light blue they hold no life. Even the lights of the machine do not reflect on them. The image of my grandmother arrives. She had worked at a gas station before fuel-based cars were replaced. It was where she worked from 43 to 72. Then, when she could no longer sit and take people’s money, our family supported her so she could quit. I remember when she moved in with my mother. I could close my eyes and see her knit. A smile on her face, warmed from a fire. Yes, she had worked long, but she could now rest. That soft, orange-tinged memory seemed so cruel against the grey factory.

Protag. A kind, poor man. Mid 20s or early thirties. Has a strong sense of community and always finds a way to help those around him. Finds himself always on the losing end, often by his own hands. He has difficulty keeping himself in check against those he thinks are unfair or cruel. However, almost all would describe him as polite. He especially has a soft spot for children and the elderly. Brash, action first think later. Gareth==============

Protag. Child/teen rich person, unsure of gender or age. Far too smart and critical for their age. A grumpster who doesn’t like to deal with the unfamiliar despite a raging curiosity. Devours books, really any information they can get their hands on. Loves specifically one person who they cling to as they distrust others. Perhaps some kind of trauma as a young child?

A world with an extreme difference between classes. There is the higher class, those who have power and wealth. The lower class are workers and farmers, very poor. There is a middle class of soldiers and police-types, who live relatively well though they have no real power. The wealthy is the smallest, than the lower class, with soldiers/officers being the largest. Perhaps by design, to dissuade risings.

The wealthy are sectioned off further. Government officials and their families, those who actually have command are of course at the top. They are granted really whatever they want, are given first rights with healthcare, food, clothing, etc etc. Above all else they are untouchable. Then there is inventors, acclaimed artists, “great minds” of their generations. Those who contribute somewhat to their country. Then there are those who simply came from generations, or married into the generations that were in the og upper class.

The middle class is similar with higher ranking soldiers, those who lead them, etc etc. The higher the rank the nicer the home, maybe the more freedom or traveling rights or something. Higher ups get gifts or something from the upper class. As a whole they all seem to operate under the same privileges. Treated well. They have good quality water, good food, nice homes, a lawn. They live as a typical American, really.

The lower class are very much a whole company, or business. There are bosses who do live better, not by much, but better. The higher your position in whatever factory, farm, warehouse, whateva the better you live. Though they don’t have really any healthcare, barely drinkable water, pantry-type food (never fresh), shitty houses. They do not live well. They have been pretty much trained to fight tooth and nail to gain the best position, not to gain access to a higher class. It is very rare for classes to mix, though marriage is a way to step up. It does happen, rarely. The lower classes do live in higher classes areas, though as servants and workers. They live in group homes separate from the rest, and have specific areas they can go to on their off time. This is an extremely fought over job as these types of workers tend to live better. They also will be given gifts by kind higher class folk from time to time. There is also rumors that wealthier folks have asked for servants hands in marriage. A dream to any poor.

There was some kind of apocalypse or whatever that destroyed our modern world, and was replaced by the future/present one. There was a group of people who survived and created a new “world”, new country. They were the ones with resources to survive whatever happened and still had plenty of resources. They then found those who had survived by luck and brought them together, these are what compromise the other classes. If they were strong, healthy they were told they were soldiers, they were given extra resources so they could protect and hunt. Those who were injured, left sick or maybe mutated or whatever the fuck happened, happened real bad to them. They did the real bullshit jobs because they were seen as extendable. That was forever though and it has evolved into a real, built country not like… Idk when them bitches on the boats came over to the US, you know what I mean?

The poor class is mostly angry at the middle class as they are mostly working for THEM. They create all the products the middle class use and do all the shitty jobs they don’t. It’s often hard for them to focus on the higher class who barely directly involves themselves with the poor except through public officials and entertainers and such. It’s as if the high class don’t really exist because they are pretty much secret.

The middle class is used to working with the lower class, but they don’t do much more than that. There are some friendships, distant families, and at times a poor will marry into a middle class family. However, it’s not like they mingle much at all. It’s common to have a strong bias against the poor. They could be thieves, dirty, dangerous, criminal. HOWEVER those who directly police the poorer class are especially cruel. They see poor as thugs who are always looking for their chance to attack. It’s not an outwardly said belief, but it’s known by everyone. It’s common for officers to beat reactive workers, and sexual assault isn’t unheard of. They don’t like to arrest, they will however break your leg and force you to keep working under threat of losing food/water/etc, or threaten to harm family.

The high class encounter the middle class through business, and that’s really it. They only show the poor monitored individuals, those who read scripts. Unless, of course, it is the poor who live with the rich. The poor who do live with rich do not go home, they however can send monitored letters and videos messages to family. There is never going home though. The high class tend to be quite cruel towards the poor on-residence workers, and they also don’t need discussions of wealth differences.

The poor are punished via starvation, beating, and such. Last resort is arrest as workers are seen as precious resources. This is often used to mock the poor, they are just tool to use. To lose a worker is to slow the machine by it’s cogs. When arrested the worker is usually let out relatively quickly. They will be arrested for stealing from their job for the most part, if it’s severe they will be executed though this is really the only reason they will be executed. Other crimes is mostly don’t get caught, not that they are really looking. Murder, rape, stealing will have you released quickly. Rioters will be executed. Crimes against any high class individual means execution. The middle class have the highest arrest rates, mostly among non-officers. Crime rate in terms of actual legal punishment is actually very low for the entire country. Most modern laws apply to the middle class though, while the poor operate under a more supervised dog fight sense. Once arrested they tend to have the longest sentences, and are the most executed of the classes. High class criminals tend to get away with everything, but if it’s severe or public enough they will be arrested. They are put in a separate prison and tend to have short sentences. The high class aren’t above execution, but it’s so rare few can remember such a thing.

The military aka soldiers has to be addressed.

“What part of the machine are we? Why, we’re the one putting it to use!”

The poor are often very crafty which leads to exploring clothing styles, as they make their own clothes. While they don’t have fancy cloth or a wide range, they do have access. If they work at a factory they have to wear very rigid work uniforms in hair for safety. On farms and more less rigid jobs they have to follow typical clothing, generally if you are in non-residential areas you are expected to be lowkey, but some throw an accessory or such on. Perhaps a path on the pants or something. In residential areas however they wear vibrant hand-dyed clothing with wild styles. There is no nudity, but skin is often seen by men and women. Trends come through, but personal style is essential. Maybe a kind of hat or color. Jewelry is crafted scraps, no jewels. Lots of flowy, comfy clothing.

The rich enjoy a sleek type of clothing with luxurious materials. Skin is usually covered up even on warm days. Earthy, neutral colors are common though adding a specific color is the changing trend. People wear very similar clothing, but tailored and with minor personal touches. Big emphasis on shiny, jewels, precious materials. Big on what the clothing is made of, and not the actual style. Government officials wear very conservative clothing, even the families, with an emphasis on modesty. Law makers and their families don’t really sport especially showy, expensive materials. Maybe the first wife will sport an earring AND a brooch. Under that it does become more versatile, and there are thoughts who explore. It isn’t totally strange to differ, but you better look expensive doing it. Many enjoy styling their looks in a way that references their interests or careers. Lots of tailoring to the body, clean lines.

Middle class is almost entirely compromised of uniformed or suited individuals. In residential areas they generally have factory made clothing. Lots of jeans, t-shirts, sweat pants, lots of modern basic American styles. People will modify the clothing themselves like cutting them, stitching, etc etc. Using accessories in unexpected ways. Most people don’t, it’s common among youths and some individualists. Most people do like writing on their tops about anything really.

The poor are very community driven. Neighbors help each other, children are raised by the village, everyone tends to know everyone in their area. There is lots of crime, but this tends to be from outsiders from the community. Communities and their given residencies are sectioned off from each other, though all have access to every area. People don’t move between communities too often, but people are known to move all the same. The middle class are very suburban. You know your neighborhood, your coworkers, people you went to school with, but that’s about it. There’s a more independent sensibility, but you can ask your neighbor for some sugar. The high class mix and match and then do it some more. You have your core group, your family, friends, coworkers, but it’s expected to socialize. Plenty of events, parties, networking. It’s a superficial thing, but that isn’t an issue. It’s simply how it is.

Need to consider how water, food, and such are given out and work. Money? I know there are lots of markets in the poor district though official supplies are given out, perhaps by middle class “social worker” types do it? They also get supplies from what they create. The middle class get supplies from what the poor produce. As do the high class, plus extra.

Neighboring countries, global politics after hundreds of years after apocalyptic destruction? Has the Earth changed from the modern world, how? How have humans, animals, food, etc etc. Need to discuss the augmenting process, how it actually effects the body. Don’t need to be science with it, but semi-sense is better than no sense.

Gareth works on a farm. It’s hard work and he finds his back aching despite being maybe 32. He has a low level literary skills, but exceptional with numbers. A smart man who lacks knowledge. Essentially taught all he needs to know and that’s it. He’s strong, active, and fast. Has to be careful though as he does have a tempter towards assholes and authority. To his common folk he’s known as a very giving, gentle individual. Though it isn’t unheard of him to get into fights. He had learn his lesson with acting out of turn with officers many, many times over. There are scars to prove it. Still, he was never arrested. Known to give lots of his supplies to others and always give a helping hand. Doesn’t have any family, but multiple close friends. Despite a strong sense of community he is a solitary man at heart.

Layth has a nice life as a beloved philosopher’s grandchild. It’s a life of conscious ignorance He sees the workers as pitiful, sad. Mother refers to them as housecleaners, baby sitters, chefs, but those titles don’t feel right. They are workers. Underneath the mask of pity is a sense of great shame and strangely, fear. The way mother speaks it makes it clear that her words are final, and he finds comfort in her voice. It is a cold, hostile world in the eyes of this child. Father, siblings, neighbors, they are others. It is only mother and his nanny. She is an elderly woman named Ester. There is a boldness not found in the other workers. For good reason, she has worked with the upper class since childhood. To maintain the role was rare. Workers liked to steal, to leave borders, to break rules, but Ester didn’t. He felt it was more she had truly learned the rules and used them just like he did, not them. He finds comfort in books, knowledge, and expanding his mind. There is a voracious curiosity he constantly feeds into. Sticking his nose where he doesn’t belong is everything he’s about. He’s incredibly intelligent and knows a lot of things, but he is not a wise child.

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The homes that mother painted were remarkably happy. Everything mother painted was happy, rosy cheeked, with colors like eggshell and pink. That's where mom found her joy, between frames. Real life was a distraction from that, one she had to deal with. He was jealous of them, the paintings. They were her creations, her passion, her driving force, her thought when she woke, the last she had at night. He was a nine-month fuss that continued to stick around. A stranger in her home being raised by people she looked down on. The paintings though, all filled with the faces of joyful babies, bashful boys and sweet girls, those were her real children. If only he had been lucky enough to be made of paint and not flesh, to be cherished, even if he was kept on a wall at least mother would look at him.

Poor father could be king of the world and still feel the rippling resentment of being a lesser to his bride. He was one of the most educated men in the country, a leader in medical technology, but everyone knew where he came from. Just a middle-class young janitor who caught a prodigy's eye. He was Cinder fucking Ella. Given a better life by the daughter of a politician, a prodigy of the arts herself, his savior. He wanted to cut her fingers off and laugh as she never painted again. Always lost in her sad little world, she couldn't even be a wife, or a mother. All Layth was, and could ever be, was a reminder of dear old Ellise. Frigid, cruel Ellise.

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Layth is like 14, so he's a really melodramatic intense teenager going through it. Because of neglect he's kind of just a little paranoid, miserable weirdo. Despite being extremely intelligent he doesn't have a lot of common sense. He finds a lot of comfort with his Nanny and when she dies his whole world goes upside down. Angry and wanting revenge he really like the idea of fighting for the rights of the lower-class workers. He focuses this on his parents, one a generational wealth nepo baby and the other creating tech specifically meant to harm workers. Radicalized by Ester's death and worsened neglect from his parents he starts to really go wild

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Gareth is like 25. He is a very sweet, kind man with a strong sense of justice. Except, this is towards most people. Anyone who is against him is an enemy, and he's capable of a whole lot of shit. Hurt his friend he will beat you to death, literally. Brash decisions are his bread and butter.

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