I Want to Remember [Inactive]

Lillian Gray

King in the North
Lillian Gray submitted a new role play:

I Want to Remember - Left to die, no memories to construct myself, but there you were.

*Note: This is a restart of an idea I posted before, the other member has since gone on a hiatus, and I would like to try this idea still.
My name? You think I would remember.

My fingers were burned, prints wiped clean with acid. You found me, I was cut and bruised. You thought I was dead. I wished I was, I prayed to every god I could remember to give me release. I begged for death. Then, there you were. My legs were broken, and my face was mangled into a near unrecognizable mask....
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Name: Bastion Del'In

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Appearance: Short cropped beard that's thin on the sides and lengthens out slightly towards the middle and short, brown hair that's never combed. Light blue eyes, a stocky build, freckles on his face from being in the sun all day. Hands calloused from his work with an old scar over his neck, running from his left ear down to his left shoulder. Stands 1.95m tall

Personality: Bastion has always been a kind mind that speaks very little and almost never smiles. His face looked to belong to a man well past his twenties with hard lines and a deep ran. In him has always been a very soft spot for animals, especially the playful, furry kind, such as rabbits, cats, dogs, etc.

Bio/History: Growing up in the city, Bastion had never been one for the noise or the people or the dim air fouled with the pollution of civilisation. He preferred to mostly be alone, out where he could not be found and live his life peacefully. The only way he could find this was to eventually leave the city and join a fishing boat.

The years with them had been enjoyable, beginning at the age of 15. Working hard every day had paid off. Their catches became larger, their pay increasingly better, to a point where Bastion was able to save up enough money for a boat of his own.

With this he started his own small company. It was not big enough to hire more hands but it was enough to allow him to have enough money to buy only that what he needed.

It was also enough to save enough to propose to a girl he had been seeing. Which quickly led to marriage. Some might say it was too quick but they were happy and in love.

Two years of bliss passed by where they lived in each others arms. That was until the accident that took his wife.

The car slid on the old road, slipping off the road and into a boulder. Bastion's shoulder was cut open by the metal of the car, narrowly missing his arteries. His wife was not as fortunate.

She sustained a wound to her head that in two days proved fatal. It was only after the accident that he learnt that she was pregnant and wanted to surprise him with the news.

Since that day, Bastion had grown more distant to others and quieter, receeding into his work and home until he had no one in his life.

Occupation: Fisherman

Likes: Quietness and books.

Dislikes: Noise, people, cars and the smell of old water.

Other: None at the moment.
Name: (Unknown)

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Appearance: The unknown girl has long black hair which she uses to keep her face hidden. When she was discovered, there was a large gash on her face from above her left eyebrow and down below her right eye. She's ashamed of the scar it will leave. Her eyes are a light hazel. The girl is pale, but not sickly so, and it contrasts slightly with her pink lips.

Personality: She's scared of what she doesn't know, but easily accepts what other people tell her. This makes her incredibly gullible, and very vulnerable to lies. Sarcasm escapes her as well. This girl is bright and likes to look for the positive things in life, she's helpful when she can be, and asks for nothing in return. Unfortunately, this side of her is hard to see because of her distrust towards people she doesn't fully know.

Bio/History: The girl has few memories, most of them hazy to begin with. She knows she is either 24, or maybe 25. Her name is also lost to her. The first memory she has is waking up and simply being in pain. Happiness can seem like an odd notion at times, like she doesn't deserve it, and this memory serves to explain this. Misfortune seems normal and certain. (As more things are discovered, I will attempt to keep an updated history)

Occupation: (Unknown)

Likes: Quiet, reading, new experiences and places, as well as cooking

Dislikes: New faces or strangers, fighting, anger, and people who use too much sarcasm

Other: (Will be updated as more things are discovered)

((Either of us can start, and I apologize if the lack of information is too much, not remembering things does that haha))
(I don't mind starting. Either way would be fine as well. But what location do you have in mind?)

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((If you don't mind starting, the original idea I had was that the male character finds the female one. Takes her to the hospital. So, essentially, be it the side of a road, or an alley, or even in the middle of a park. It's open to possibilities. Otherwise, a hospital)
(Sorry for the late reply. For some reason I'm not getting notifications about the thread but all sounds good. I'll start it up! Yay!)

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There was not much left of the small town. Most of the businesses had closed down, most of the families had left. The only ones that remained were those that made a living from the fish.

Bastion was one of those, refusing to leave the small town for money offered in the bigger harbours. He was content as a man could be that had lost everything that meant something to him. He was mostly left in peace, his boat was still a fine piece and money was more than enough to keep him alive.

Of course he couldn't afford a car. That was a luxury beyond his means. Besides, his boat was the only transport he needed, it could take him anywhere in the world.

Bastion still deep in thought, walking the town streets as he headed back home from the small mart. The heavy pack over his shoulder held a good amount of food that would last him the last few days while they all waited for a shipment of diesel to come in.

Bastion was deep in thought as he walked. His mind thought of what he needed to do. His boat needed a few things. A touch up of paint, maintenance on the engine, some extra line. The list ran off in his mind, ticking them off when he had gotten one or other of the items. In the midst of his thoughts, the sound of a car could be heard.

Not the usual sound if a car simply driving. With tyres screeching after a door slammed shut, there was a sound of someone blowing a horn and speeding off. Bastion stopped walking and looked down the alley. There was not much to see. A few rubbish bins, a couple of cardboard boxes stacked together, it was nothing unusual.

Bastion was about to turn and walk away when he saw something different. One of the boxes in the stack fell over, revealing an arm. Someone was there, laying on the cold street in the wet weather.

Bastion hesitated to do anything. He could walk away. Whoever it was would probably get up soon and take care of themselves. If they didn't, he was leaving someone to die.

Bastion clicked his tongue as he thought, trying to decide what he should do. It didn't take long for him to decide. Heading into the alley, he made for the arm sticking out from the boxes. If this person, probably some homeless man, was not hurt, there was nothing wrong with just checking.

Bastion quickly reached the arm, finding it attached to a young girl. She didn't look well at all. Her face was swollen and blue. From what he could see, he didn't think she would be able to live through this. Someone had beaten her past the point of recovery, but that didn't mean she was not allowed a chance to survive.

Heating the pack on to his back and putting both straps over his shoulders, Bastion tossed the empty boxes aside until he was able to see the full length of the girl.

Torn clothes splattered with blood, hair matted to her face by her own blood and cuts almost all over her body. Someone wanted her dead. Carefully, as if picking up a baby kitten, Bastion slid his arms under the girl, doing his best not to hurt her or move her too much.

Picking her up surprised him. She barely weighed anything. She was lighter than the pack he carried around. She didn't move or make a sound, she hung limp in his arms. There was no hospital here, there was no need for one. There was a small clinic, they should be able to help her, maybe she survived.

Walking quickly but careful not to jolt her, Sangra made for the clinic, walking the shortest route he knew. In the quiet town there were not a lot of people but there were enough eyes to see him carry the girl through the town. Bastion felt embarrassed, afraid that everyone would thing he was the one that had done this to her. Beaten her to a pulp maybe because of an argument. If they did think so, he would tell them the truth. Right now on, the girl's life was far more important.

His steps quickened the more he held the girl, feeling fresh, warm blood touching his chest. She was beginning to look very pale and her breathing became to soft for him to hear.

This spurred him on, heading through the town at an even faster pace. As much as he tried not to bounce the girl around in his arms, he needed to get her to the clinic.

The small building with the red cross finally came into view. Relief washed over Bastion, seeing the red cross lit up like a beacon for a sailor.

With an awkward hand he managed to pull the door open and rushed inside, finding it as quiet as ever. There was one man coughing in a chair and a woman tapping her baby's back as the boy cried.

"Nurse, help!" He called to the closest nurse.

The woman saw the girl in his arms and immediately called two others over. One of them brought and a bed with clean, crisp sheets. He was carefully laying the girl down on the bed, ensuring she at least looked comfortable. There was a rush of activity as the nurses cut open her clothes and pricked a needle into her arm. A few moments was all it took for the girl to disappear down a corridor, leaving Bastion standing alone, wondering.

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For a moment there was a flash of light. The girl's eyes couldn't keep up with the speed she thought. Everything was blurred and out of focus. A woman came near her and began to speak to her, but then her eyes were closed again. She couldn't remember anything, not even her name. Everything was a jumble in her head.

Where am I?

What's my name?

Why am I in so much pain?

The seconds she was occasionally awake for were the only moments she had to experience in the world. For brief moments she was able to see small details in the room. There was a TV in the center of the wall across from her. Someone had brought flowers and placed them at her bedside. Other than that, the white walls mixed with the sheets to form one mass of color.

How much time had passed, she had to wonder. She was never conscious for more than a second at a time, and the light seemed to change, which indicated some passing of time, but just how much? It wasn't obvious to her at all.

Then, finally, she managed to hold up her head. A mask rested over her face, she could finally tell it was there, supplying a steady stream of oxygen. A monitor let out a beep at near equal intervals, her heartbeat she would've guessed. At least she remembered what that was. She opened her eyes and forced herself to stay awake.

This caused some commotion among small group of nurses, and one eventually came to her side. She wouldn't touch the girl, though, probably because she was in pain. It made sense. The nurse spoke to her slowly, and asked her how she felt. One question at a time.

"Do you remember what happened?" She finally asked.

The girl let out a groan and closed her eyes. She didn't know, and when she tried to relay the information her voice sounded raw and broken. "No. I don't remember." It took what seemed like forever to force the words from her mouth.
The world felt silent again, broken only by the occasional sound of an announcement of the intercom system. Bastion rubbed his tired eyes, unsure of why he had gotten himself into this. All he wanted was to be alone, to never bother someone and to be left in peace in return. Now he had pulled himself into this.

It took a few moments as Bastion was still in a daze, looking down into the corridor where the girl had disappeared to before he realised someone was talking to him. Turning around, he saw the woman on the other side of the reception giving him a friendly smile.

-A smile in a place of death- was the thought that entered his mind. It brought back his memories, memories of a car accident and others reassuring him with smiles that everything would be fine. It never was fine, it would never be again.

"Did you know her Bastion?" The woman asked in a caring voice.

"No." He replied, shaking his head slightly.

In a town as small as this. Everyone knew of everyone else. Bastion could point out people and name nearly all of them but that was the limit of it other than stories that floated around. He was certain there were stories floating around about him as well.

"Nothing? A name? Home address? I know this seems cold, but we have ton contact her next of kin. Someone must know who she is. And if course there is the matter of the bills which will have to be settled."

The woman spoke in such a friendly voice, calm as if speaking to a friend from childhood. Bastion almost missed the last part.

"She's not covered?" Sangra asked, not too surprised.

He would never be accepted into any hospital. Everything that happened to him he had to take care of himself. Stitches, medicine, it was all done by himself when he could.

"We don't know who she is." The receptionist said spreading her hands at a loss. "We need to find out so we can get the admission fee covered."

"How much?" Bastion asked without a second thought.

"Two hundred for admission, One hundred and fifty a day for the room and the doctor of course will still send his bill."

Bastion didn't have all that much money on him. He had some, but every cent he had he saved, keeping aside for when the boat had to be maintained.

Fishing out his wallet and pulling the old card from the slot, he handed it over to the woman. She expertly used the card, putting it through the system.

Bastion could only imagine all his money disappearing, seeing all the work he had done going away with the simple swipe of a card. The woman did all she needed and returned the card to Bastion with another friendly smile.

"The doctor says she will need to stay for a while, to make sure there is nothing wrong. When she's awake and feeling better, we'll move her to our recovery wing. It's also a lot cheaper." The woman explained with a wink. "Is there anyway for us to contact you if she wakes up?"

"Yeah." Bastion nodded and took up a pen the woman offered.

He wrote down the number for the satellite phone on his boat as well as the frequency he used on the cb radio. The woman skipped the paper into a newly created file and stacked it with some of the other new files.

"We'll let you know as soon as she's awake and if she's doing well Bastion."

Bastion only gave a nod and turned around. Sticking his hands in his pockets, Bastion left the clinic and started his walk back towards his boat. At least there he would be maybe be able to get some sleep.

As he headed for the docks, Bastion couldn't stop feeling confused. He knew it was the right thing to do to help her, but did that mean he has to give her all the money he had left in the world? He would have to work twice as hard now to make up for his loss, if he was able to do that.

Bastion rubbed at his tired eyes, wishing life had been more simple, easier, and less painful. A part of Bastion hoped the girl did well and that the clinic called him. He wanted her to do well, not to suffer as he had.

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After the first time she had truly woken up, the girl instantly fell back into a deep sleep. She needed the rest, as it would be a long recovery. Something was wrong with her, she knew that much. It hurt to breath, her chest felt like it had been crushed beneath a boulder, and her face always felt hot. There was a stinging sensation that ran across her face, from eyebrow to just below her opposite eye. She didn't dare touch it to find out.

The second time she was able to sit up for a while, and she examined herself in the buzzing light of the room. She had black hair, she had figured out, and her skin was pale as a doll's, excluding the purplish bruises on her arms and she assumed her legs as well. After these discoveries she tried hard not to look any more.

The rapping of knuckles, she heard it on the door before a nurse popped into the room with a cheery smile glued on her face. "I see you're feeling well enough to sit."

She nodded, the oxygen mask on her face moved along with her. It was a nuisance her face had to bear with, but she feared that taking it off would be a mistake. It bothered her more that she couldn't see her own face, but, she wasn't sure she wanted to see that either. Instead, she asked the nurse with a quiet voice. "What color are my eyes? I don't remember."

The nurse took a few steps towards the girl with her hands clutched together in front of her chest. "They're light brown, no, hazel. I'll be right back with something for you to eat, alright?" She left, just like that, and the girl was left alone.
Things had never been simple and many times they were hard. On days that turned to this, it became a day you could forget everything.

Sitting by himself on the large boat, leaning over the main console of the cabin, Bastion held a hot cup of soap in one hand whole stating out through the rain drenched windows. The world was becoming grey and blurred, leaving all the problems for another time. Until the rain passed, Bastion felt he could sit at peace and watch the world.

The reverie he found himself in with the sound of the rain drumming overhead was interrupted when the cb radio next to him chirped into life, turning even the man lies of voices in to a higher pitch, he still had to get that fixed.

italic"Blue Dreams. This is South Clinic. Do you read? Over?"

Bastion picked up the receiver from the small latch and clicked the button on the side reluctantly. "This is Blue Dreams. I read you. Over."

italic"I'm sorry to bother you Mr Bastion, but would it be possible for you to come in? Doctor Lorenz would like to speak with you. Over"

"When? Over."

italic"Tomorrow would be the best time. Say, nine o'clock? Over."

"Alright, I'll be there. Over and out."

Placing the receiver back in place, Bastion let his head hang low for a moment. This was about the girl, he knew it. He didn't want to know what it was about. It might put him in even deeper trouble.

For all he knew, the police suspected him on giving her such a beating. Getting arrested now would make him possibly loose everything. The rain would be over soon and that always meant a good catch.

Finishing his soup and placing the cup on the console, Bastion pulled the rain jacket tight around him and stepped out into the wind and water. It was not a hard rain but it was enough to drench a man before he could get to safety.

Bastion had not needed to go far. Circling around to the stern of the boat and entered the stairs leading down below deck. The small modest boat was what he would call home most the time.

Stripping off his wet clothes and laying down on the small cot, he waited for sleep that would not come. His thoughts were plagued with doubt and troubles, some of them existed and some sid not, but all of them managed to keep him awake.

Eventually sleep came, taking him off to a world where his problems did not exist. However that was not enough to keep him in his sleep for too long. When Bastion woke with a start, he found himself back in the cot, taking a few moments just to remember where he was exactly.

The fisherman groaned as he sat up, seeing the time on the digital watch. Only five in the morning. He still had a lot of time before he would see the doctor. In the time he had, Bastion cooked a good breakfast for a change.

No canned soup or instant, rather some eggs, bread, tomato, two sausages and a cup of strong coffee. It was a breakfast he dearly needed.

After the good meal, he dressed himself in clean clothes that he wore rarely. He needed a shower as well but a boat was not a place for that. Instead he took what he needed. Collecting his wallet and keys, Bastion headed back for the town at a slow walk.

It was a long walk back, taking it at a comfortable pace. He still had a lot of time to think and finish before he had to be at the clinic. Out of all the scenarios he had imagined why the doctor had called him in for, he hoped the one he had been called for was to inform him on how the girl was doing.

The road turned only when needed, going around a certain hill, or twisting away from the ocean, bending slightly to join with the bridge. It was a road Bastion had walked a hundred times.

Today he didn't have to walk the road. Instead he managed to get a lift from one of the other fisherman on the back of his pickup. It made it easier to get to town but it also meant he got to town a lot sooner than he had expected.

He still had a good amount of time on his hands so he did the one thing he knew he needed. He had been putting it off the last few days, giving excuses but back then he didn't have to meet with anyone.

Not everyone in the town lived here and not everyone could afford a decent room and board, so some of the owners, especially the bar owners, offered an extra needed service for a small fee.

Bastion went to the bar he knew, the one close to the docks that most of them used. This early in the morning the bar was still closed and would be for some time still. The upper apartments that were rented out were still operating though.

Bastion climbed the stairs to the top, finding the receptionist Sitting behind a desk, feet up on the counter, a book in her lap and a radio playing some music.

"I want to use the shower." Bastion told over the sound of the radio.

"Hey Bastion!l The girl greeted with a big smile while chewing on her gum. "Just grab anyone. They are all still empty."

"Thanks Yvonne." Bastion smiled and placed the needed money on the counter.

The shower was just what he needed. It warmed and cleaned him and allowed him to get rid of the beard he had been sprouting. At his age, a beard was not uncommon, most sailors didn't bother with the worry over shaving. Bastion just wondered how many of them his age already had a streak of grey in their beards.

Ignoring the fact that his age was moving on, Bastion finished up and left the showers again. This time he only gave Yvonne a wave as he walked past. She just smiled and continued where she had been interrupted.

The sun was warming the day well now that the rain was gone. The streets were still wet and the buildings had roofs glistening in the morning sun, it was a good sight.

Bastion ignored all of this as he headed for the clinic, feeling a ball of tension in his stomach. If they wanted to tell him something good, they would have done so over the radio. If they wanted to tell you something bad, they always called you in.

He checked his watch when he got close to the clinic. He was already running late by eighteen minutes. Quickening his step, Bastion crossed the road into the clinic, finding the same girl from the other day sitting behind the reception counter.

"I'm here to see Doctor Lorenz. I am late. I should have been here at nine." Bastion told, feeling a awkward that he had so much time but managed to be late.

"O yes, Bastion. You brought in that girl. The doctor's office is just down this corridor." The girl explained, pointed to her right. "Go to the end, turn right and look his name on the door. It will be on the left."

"Thank you." Bastion nodded and headed in the direction the girl had pointed.

He moved st a quick pace, trying to not make the doctor wait for him even longer. Moving as instructed, he found the door quickly, the doctor's name printed on a piece of metal that could be slid out and changed at any moment.

Not surprising since no one seemed to stay in the town for that long. Bastion knocked on the door and entered when he heard a voice fr the other side.

The fisherman stepped in, greeted by the smiling face of a young man with a white coat.

"Ah Bastion, I've been waiting for you." The doctor greeted, thrusting out his hand.

"I'm sorry I'm late doctor." Bastion returned, shaking the doctor's hand.

"Oh no, it's alright. I was just enjoying a good meal. Come, sit."

Bastion sat down across the desk where the doctor pointed to. The chair was comfortable, wrapped in the leather and the room smelled very pleasant.

"Now, that girl you brought in Bastion. Do you know her name?"

"No, I don't." Bastion replied with a shake of his head. "I found her in town and brought her here. Didn't she have her ID on her?"

"Nothing we can find." The doctor admitted with a spread of his hands. "We sent her finger prints in to be tested, maybe we can find her parents but it's not always liable and sometimes can take a long time. That's why I asked you here Bastion.

The clinic needs all the funds it can get. Without her parents, no name, no idea who she really is, we have to make sure she stays here until she's recovered. When we find her parents, I'm sure they will pay for her medical fees. Until then, well, we'll have to make some sort of plan, or arrangement. Without it, we have to stop treating her."

Bastion didn't need to ask any more questions. It was clear now why the doctor had asked him in, as he had suspected, bad news.

"How much?" Bastion asked, feeling dread grip his stomach already.

"With medicine, ICU, room, food, and including the treatment she will still need and the medicine for her to make a full recovery, about two hundred thousand."

Bastion's breathe caught in his throat, not sure he was hearing right. He had heard of expensive treatments but this was ludicrous. The amount of money the doctor was asking was beyond what Bastion owned, except for his boat.

"Well?" Doctor Lorenz asked when Bastion did not reply.

"There is no other way?" Bastion asked.

"Not until we find her parents."

"When do you need the money?"

"Today, tomorrow at the latest."

"I'll have it tomorrow." Bastion told quietly, regretting what he was thinking already as he got to his feet.

"Bastion, you're saving someone's life. Remember that."

"I will." Bastion nodded as he left the office and headed for the only place he knew he could go, and sadness gripped his hart.

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The girl never had any idea of what time, or day, it was when she woke. Asking proved pointless, because she always forgot by the time she fell back asleep. The clock meant nothing, just two hands that rotated in meaningless ways. She tried her best to remember anything she could, but nothing came to her. It was beyond frustrating.

"Miss, please, you have to eat." The nurse came in and interrupted her thoughts. Or, she had previously come in, because a tray of food was set in front of her. She hadn't even noticed the woman standing there. At least she could sit up now, eating proved to be quite difficult. Every bone, every muscle, ached just in the simple action of picking up a spoon.

"Do you think anyone is looking for me, even?" The girl whispered. A part of her wanted to know. Why had it been so long, and not even a single person had bothered to see her? Did she even have a family at all, or did they just not care? The theories were endless, and none of them seemed to be good.

"Of course." The nurse had no doubt in her voice. She rested a hand on the girl's shoulder. It hurt somewhat, but she didn't try to shrug it off. Even if her kindness was fake, something she did for work, it was appreciated.

After she had eaten what she could, the nurse began to take the tray. Her heels clicked against the clean linoleum floors with every step she took closer to the door. The girl called out after her. "Wait a second."

It was so lonely, being here, because no one ever came to talk to her. She was going mad inside her head trying to come up with who she once was. Maybe if she asked, the nurse might stay with her to talk for a while. She was always here anyways, what stopped her from sitting to chat with the girl who had no memories? Her arm hung uselessly in the air as if to grab the tail of her shirt to keep her closer.

"Yes?" The nurse responded with a practiced smile.

"Would you, I don't know." The girl shook her head. It hurt, she made a note not to do that again. What was she supposed to even say to the woman? Now that she had spoken though, she couldn't take it back. It was too late to be awkward. "No one's come to see me, talk to me really, except you. Do you think you could, just, stay for a bit?"

"I'm sorry sweetheart, but I have some paperwork I need to fill out, but if I finish early I'll come right back, okay?"

At least it was a start.
Bastion stepped out of the clinic, the sun beginning to shine brighter as the hours started to go past. There was onky one place Bastion needed to be now and it b8thered him. Thinking about what he wa going to do brouht doubt into his mind.

Selling his boat was not anything he had ever really thouht he would ejd up doing, especially not for a girl he didn't know at all. His dilemma was that she needed this. Without it she would die and he would always have known he could hwve done something about it. The boat can always be replaced. He would have to accept work on the side for a good long while before he would be able to get a boat again, but where he would be able to replace the boat, the girl's life could not be replaced.

The people of the town kn him but he had never visited sny of them at their homes or accepted any onvitations they had given him. Bastion only gave them a nod and a smile when some of them greeted him. The town was not the same anymore. When he had first come to the town all those years ago, the town had been thriving.

Now there only small groups of children riding their bicycles, a few women doing shopping in the stores that were still open. At least there were still people in the town, there was still some life left here to think about. The town though was dead, all that remaind was for the town itself to realise that much.

Bastion did all he could to ignore thr thghts in his mind, the doubts thst plagued him. There was no other choicr, thr girl had no onr else she could rely on. With his thoghts still conflicting in his mind, Bation finally managdd to reach the docks. The smell of fish was strong here, reminding him of the boat he eas about to get rid of.

His boat was all he had left in his life after his wife had died. Now his boat would be gone but at least he knew he saved someone's life after he was not able to do anythig for his wife. The few boats that were docked here were all racing with activity, ensuring their catches were weighed properly before they left to catch another school or two.

Bastion felt his heart beating hard in his chest, he didn't know if this would still work or if the offer even still stood, but he would only find out by asking. The man Bastion searched for was there as he aleays was, overseeing everything on the docks. As far as dock masters go, this , man did a eonderful job, as long as you stuck to the rules.

Bastoon walked along the docks until he reached the man he was seeking. The old man with his grey beard stood looking out over the boats he owned, probably counting catches in his head to figure out how much money he had. He was not known to be the nicest of men in the town but in everything he did, he was fair.

"I was wondering if I would ever hear from you." The man said, his arms folded across his chest.

"Is your offer still holding?" BAstion asked, feeling his heart beat hard in his chest, both because he hoped the price had not changed and that he was actuaoly doing this.

"It stands." The man nodded. "But I want everything to be included. Rods, tackle, fuel, all of it."

"It's yours, only if the price had not changed."

"You'll have the money tomorrow when I come get my boat."

"If we can do this now, I'd appreciate it."

"Fine." The man huffed and flipped out his phone.

He tapped a few quick buttons and put the phone to his ear and listened as someone talked on the other side. It went quick. The man gave his replies to whoever was on the other side and gave any other relevant info before hanging up the phone. Without a word, he took out his cheque book, wrote down an amount and handed it to Bastion.

"Tomorrow morning, early." The man said before he handed ove the slip of paper.

"I'll be there." Bastion nodded and stuffed the check away where he hoped it wouod be safe.

Without another word, Bastion turned around and headed for his boat. He wanted to give in the money to the clinic before something could go wrong but instesd he headed back to his boat. They were picking up his life in the morning, he had to be sure it was ready for them to take. It would be sad to see the boat in the ownership of someone else, but in time he would replaced it.

Heading back to his boat at a comfortable walk, Bastion took the time to go over his thoughts and reassure himself that he was doing the right thing. It didn't feel that way just yet, maybe if he could see her and talk to her, then maybe he would feel that he was actually doing something and that all of this was not just a trick of his mind.

Once back at his boat, Bastion headed straight to the cabin and fell down on the cot, his eyes staring at the ceiling and his one hand on the check on his pocket. He would have to give in most of the money. He might get something back after the girl was well agaim but Bation doubted he would see a cent of the money once he gave it away.

Problem after problem entered his mind as he waited but he never moved from the cot. It was the last night he could enjoy the boat had called home, he was going to spend that time in his home, even when his conscious told him he should go pay the money to the clinic to ensure the girl got everything she needed to become well again.

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The nurse hadn't come back, or the night after. She still came to help the girl eat every day, but said nothing more than she needed to. As it turned out, she really was alone here. Her only company were the staff who passed in the hall, or the birds that flitted by the window from time to time. Their chirping was her only company at times, it couldn't sustain her.

The people working at the clinic had started to call the girl 'the Misses', due to her dislike of being called Jane Doe. It was ominous to share the same name as the missing or dead, because she was neither. Technically, she was missing, but it felt odd because she knew where she was. At least, she knew she was in a clinic, she didn't feel missing. Hopefully there was someone looking for her, she had to hope every day that there was someone who wanted to find her.

As it turned out, there were people looking for her, but not in the way she'd hoped. A pair of policemen entered her room after she'd eaten and it was a bit of a surprise. The girl hoped they'd found something.

"Miss, we came to see if you know anything about the night you were attacked." One of them said.

"Attacked?" She blurted, the girl sat up in bed and waved her hands to deny the statement. "Who would do something like that? I honestly don't' know what happened."

"Well, Miss, for now we're treating it has an attempt on your life." The other said, he held a small notepad in his hand and a pen in the other. As if she would eventually have something noteworthy of saying. "Broken leg, bruised and broken ribs, not to mention that scar on your face."

The girl twitched. She hated to remember the gash on her face. It hadn't hit her eyes, and she thanked whichever God spared her her own sight. It was probably true, someone had to have swung a knife at her at some point. How else would she have gotten the gash across her face? It went from above her eyebrow to just below the opposite eye. She held up a hand against her cheek and fingered the edge of the bandages covering the slash.

"I don't remember anything, really." She explained. "I don't even know how I got in this bed, how am I supposed to pay for this? This is all so, it just kind of sucks." She finished lamely.

"Nothing at all?" The first officer asked. He looked suspicious, but she truly didn't know anything. There were flashes and short memories, but nothing recent.

"I feel like I remember being in a car, but that's it." The girl sighed. She doubted the memory was even real, the odds weren't exactly in her favor.

"Well, thank you for your time. We'll be back if you remember anything." The first man said, and he handed her a card with what must have been his name written onto it. Harold Johnson, it read. If only remembering her name were as simple as glancing at a card.
The morning came sooner than Bastion would have liked. He had been up since dawn, stading on his boat, looking out over thr ocean spreading out as far as he was able to see. When the sun finally came up, Bastion knew it was time

In the distance, before he could hear the powerful diesel engines, one of the boats of the new owner came in to sight. The grey vessel moved along the docks from thr direction of the docks. The private dock Bastion used did not belong to him but the owner allowed him to hire the place for a very reasonable price. After today, he would have no need for the dock, he woukd at least be saving money there.

The boat slowed down and pulled in next to Bastion's, the owner standing on the deck, a broad smile on his lips. When the two boats were close enough, the owner jumped over, moving far more nimbly than his age would dectate.

"As lovely as the first day I saw her." The man commented with a huge grin.

"I have the papers for you Erick. Everything should be in order." Bastion told s he hold out the pspers, all neatly arranged for the new owner.

"Wonderful! She will make a good addition." Erick smiled happily.

Bastion only nodded quietly, he didn't want to share his feelings or thoughts with a man he didn't know all that well. In fact, Bastion preferred it when no one asked him how he was doing.

"Best of luck with her." Bastion greeted, shaking the man's hand before he disembarked.

It would be the last time he woukd see his boat but he didn't look back. Picking up the heavy bag that held all the belongings he had in thus world, Bastion followed the dock back to the mmain road and began his shirt trip back to the town, the hefty amount of money still stuffed in his pocket. It was not easy walking back to town. He knew waht he was going to do in the town and part of him did not look forward to loosing his life.

The slow walk gave him time to think about everything and just what exactly he was doing. Giving away everything he owned and cared about for a girl he found half dead with probably a little chance of surviving. It made him thinkl if he was going to do this for the girl, give away his life, the least he could do was meet her, talk with her and hopefully in some way find that doing this was not for naught.

Once he reached the town once more, this time with no luck of receiving a lift from one of the cars that passed him. The town was exactly the same as the previous day, only more quiet it seemed. The town always had some life to it, today it seemed as if there was nothing. It could also just be his imagination, maybe because of everything that had happened this morning. Shifting the pack's straps on his shoulders to adjust the weight to be a bit more comfortable, he took the corner that would lead him to the clinic and the end of his life.

The clinic was as quiet as the town. With barely anything happening at the front of the clinic, Bastion wondered if he would he find Dr Lorenz would be here today. If he was not, Bastion could still pay the needed money for the girl somewhere else. His shoulders ached from the pack snd his back cried in agony but soon this would be done, soon all of this would be done.

With a sigh to himself, Bastion entered the quiet clinic, walking up to the receptionist desk. The woman gave a large yawn, barely covering her mouth as she leaned her head on one hand while reading. There was not a single person in the waiting room, all the chairs stood empty and the clinic was a place of silence.

"Excuse me." Bastion greeted softly when he reached the reception. "I'm here to make a payment for..."

"Jane." The woman helped, closing her book after putting a mark in place.

"Jane?" Bastion asked a little surprised.

He was expecting her name to be something else. Jane was not what he was expecting.

"You brougt her in a few days ago?"

"I didn't know her name." Bastion admitted.

"I can take your payment." The woman offered, holding out her hand after she knew not to push the subject any further.

Bastion took out the cheque slightly reluctantly and handed it over, seeing his life disappearing in one quick motion. Without a word she entered the amount, adding it to the system

There was not even a flinch at the amount she entered the amount, simply adding the totals. With it all done, she pulled the paper from tge printer that listed the payment and handed it Bastion. He was a little taken back by the way everthing went so easily, how there were no struggles or hassles. The fisherman folded the paper and placed it in his pack where it would mot get lost. With that huge some of money, he was not going to make the mistake of not having any proof of the money.

"I know this is a bit...strange, but can I maybe see her?" Bastion asked, feeling nervous all of a suddenly.

"I think that will not be a problem. She hasn't had any visitors since she's been here. It would be good for to see someone." The woman said with a friendly smile. "Just go down the hall, follow the red line until you find the wards. She's in room thirty six. Ask the nurse to see her."

"Thank you." Bastion smiled, trying to keep his heart in his chest.

He didn't know why he was feeling so nervous, he was just going to see if the girl was alright, if she would recover well. His thouhts didn't help calm him, no matter how hard he tried to himself he was just seeing a girl he was helping. Moving down along the hall towards the wards, Bastion couldn't help but wonder why he wss doing this, what was drawing him towards this girl, but he felt that he needed to know if she was doing well. With that thought in his mind, Bastion entered the wards and looked for the nurse.
The girl hadn't slept very well. Every time her eyes closed, she was plagued with nightmares about what happened to her. None of it made any sense, either. At one point there was a man with knives for hands, which wasn't possible, she tried to reassure herself it was only a dream but it was a failed attempt. She sat up and focused on her hands.

The nails were short, cleaned when she arrived. However, the rest of the skin varied from sickly shades of yellow, to deep purple where bruises were. The end of her thumb was green. She didn't know if that was a good sign or not. Is that what the phrase 'green thumb' meant? She didn't remember.

At some point she had turned the TV on, but it was only the weather, and a strange sitcom she'd never seen before. She turned down the volume, just for the sake of having some background noise.

When would she be able to leave? How was she supposed to pay for this? The girl didn't have any money, no home, she wasn't sure what would happen when she got out. It was all so uncertain, she couldn't focus on healing when she was missing. Someone had to find her, she needed help, she knew she did.

"Jane?" The nurse poked her head in. "Are you feeling alright this morning?"

"Well enough...considering." The girl shrugged. The oxygen mask was off of her face now that she wasn't sleeping, wearing it was awkward anyways.

"Well then, would you mind a visitor?" The nurse asked. The girl did a double take, did she hear her right?

"Someone is here to see me?" She asked.

"Yes, do you mind?"

"No, no, let them in!" She said excitedly. Who was it though? If it was the police, they wouldn't have asked. This had to be someone who came to see her, actually see her. A normal, human being.
Outside in the quiet of the ward halls, Bastion found himself feeling very uncomfortable. He still didn't know what he was doing here. Standing in the hall to see a girl he didn't know, paying money for a girl he had never even talked to, left him speechless. Why was he here, whst was he doing here? Questions that left him feeling nervous and unsure of his recent decisions.

Waiting in the corridor, Bastion waited for the nurse to return from the room. He didn't know if he woukd even be able to see the girl. For all he knew, she was fast asleep. Bastion waited nonetheless for the nurse to hear what news the nurse brought him. He didn't have to wait for very long before she did return, coming out of the room with a friendly smile on her red lips.

"She seems to be doing very well. Just go on in and you can see her. But don't keep her awake for long. She needs to rest." The nurse cautioned with the same friendly smile.

"Thank you." Bastion smiled in return and walked towards the door, his palms going sweaty from being so nervous.

Rubbing his hands on his shirt that was in serious need of replacement, Bastion pulled the door open and stepped inside. The room was far too white, far too sterile, it gave Bastion memories he didn't want to have. Ignoring the memories, he looked to the girl in the bed, covered in the white sheets and white hospital gown with blue strips. She was bruised and battered further than what he remembered her being, but then the last time he had seen her, she had been covered in blood.

Despite her bruises, bandages and an unflattering white gown, Bastion still thought she was amazingly beautiful. Her hair was a mess and not a smudge of make up was to be seen, but he could not look away from her. Her eyes was the one feature of her he found the most...distracting.

With a bervous smile on his lips and his hands going sweaty again, Bastion built up his courage quickly.

"Hi. I'm Bastion." He smiled carefully to the fragile looking girl.
The girl stared at the man for a second before she could muster up a sentence to respond with. He looked tired, his brown scraggly hair stuck out in all directions. Who was he? The new presence made her nervous, but at the same time fairly excited. He was her first visitor.

"Hello, I'm..." She paused, still unsure of her own name. "Well, everyone here calls me Jane. I don't remember my name."

She smiled weakly and sat up in her bed. Suddenly she was nervous about her face. Would he find the gash across her skin disgusting or even strange? Not many people had to deal with large scars on their bodies, it wasn't common she thought. The girl looked down at her hands and then reached up to touch the bandages again. She hated to think someone would do this to her, slash her face. But, it had happened it seems.

"See, I, I lost a lot of memories." She kept on talking, only glancing up from time to time to look at the visitor, Bastion. "So, nobody knows who I am."

Maybe he did. It brought a new hope to her, to think that was the reason he was visiting. Had she been found? She looked expectantly at Bastion. Did he know her?
It wasn't easy facing the girl. He knew what he had done but he didn't know why anyone had done this to her. She looked kind and soft, like she woukd pick up a bird and take care of it after falling out of a nest. She looked like the sort of person that would help others when they were in need. Though he didn't know anything about her and to hear that she didn't know anything about herself, it was a bit sad.

"I'm sorry, I wish I couod tell you everything about your your life but I honestly don't know. I just found you snd brouht you here. I didn't even know our name until now. I'm really sorry I don't know more."

Bastion didn't know why he was apologising. He didn't do anythingto her or cause to her but he still felt bad, he still wished he could do something for her. He wanted her to feel better.

"Doctor Lorenz says they are having your finger prints scanned. Maybe they can find your parents and you can find out who you are."

He hoped that woukd at least make her feel better if nothing else. If he could, he would go looking for her parents himself, but he had no idea where to start or what to do. All he could do was keep her company and hope he was doibg enough.

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The girl's face dropped, she felt as if she'd been kicked, her first visitor didn't even know her. Still, he'd saved her, so if not for him she might not have been alive to feel that way. She smiled a little and bowed her head, "That's, well, it's okay. You saved my life, so I certainly don't have the right to be upset with you." The girl turned her head to the side and stared at the wall just beyond him. It was hard to make eye contact with him. Sure, he had saved her, but she still didn't know who anyone was.

"I really should be saying thank you, Bastion, for not leaving me where you found me." Even the girl didn't really remember where she'd been found. A hint of a memory suggested she was on the side of the road, but she wasn't sure. "I guess I can only hope they find my parents then." She said sadly.

She rested her head back against the pillows and sighed. What was she going to do now?
"I just found you, I didn't save you." Bastion corrected with a slight smile at the technical loop hole and took two steps closer to the girl's bed.

He was a little surprised that she looked so comfortable. As bruised and battered as she was, Jane looked comfortable on the, almost peaceful. Maybe it was something to do with her memories. If you didn't have memories, you didn't have your past to remember. Where she laid on the bed, not rememberibpng anything, Bastion half wished their roles were reversed.

That way he might be able to forget about his wife and the sight thst night he saw when the car skid out of control and crashed. He wouldn't care about the scar that reminded he managed to slip out of death's grasp while his wife had not been able to.

"I'm sure they will find someone that knows you." Bastion comforted the best he could manage. "Until then, if you want, I'll keep you company. I don't have much to do so I can visit any time you want."

So far in his life, Bastion had gotten by alone, needing no one to sit in the evenings and talk with him. Now he stood by the hosoital bed with the girl that looked far worse than he felt and he wanted to speak with her. He wasn't sure why she woukd have this affect on him, it was an odd feeling for him, but not one he didn't enjoy. Quietly he hoped the girwould reject him, send him back to the quiet life he had been living since his wife had passed away.

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"Well, it's the same in this situation." The girl sighed. "You found me, and from what I heard it wasn't good. Had you left me, I probably would've died. It's the same thing to me, so thank you."

He offered to stay and she thought it through. Sure, she didn't mind the company, but she didn't want to impose or enforce any planned visits if he was a busy man. After all, she didn't know what he did, he only found her. It would have been nice to have someone to talk to though.

"I mean, if you want to visit, I'd really like that." The girl tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, then quickly undid it to hide the ugly scar on her face. She wasn't used to the gash. "They call me Jane, but, I haven't thought of a name I like better. I'm still waiting on finger prints but..."

She wiggled her fingers in front of her face, revealing burn marks along many of the centers. It wasn't painful, but the doctors here couldn't figure out if it was recent within a few days, or an accident from a while back. The girl put her hands in her lap and sighed again. She did a lot of that now, sighing, remembering things was hard, and relearning just the same.

"Fingers are burned."

"Someone will find you." The nurse said cheerfully.

"I hope so..."
Bastion pulled up a chair from the eide of the room and sat down close to the bed with the heavy pack he gad been carrying left by the wall. He couldn't help but sit with his back hunched slightly. He felt extremely tired. With everything happening so quickly in the last few days and his dreams allowing him very little sleep, Bastion didn't know long he woukd be able to keep going before it would gecome too much for him.

In the nights that his longing for his wife really hit him, those were the nights that Bastion truly eished he had the courage to make this life come to an end. When he geard "Jane" offer him to visit, he felt relief inside him. With her, even if it was just tlkibg, he might not feel so lonrly anymore. He also saw the scar with the fredh stitches on the side of her face. It made him feel guitly. Maybe if he gad been there sooner, she eoukd not be in this situation.

"I did what anyone else would have done." Bastion said and felt a bit embarrassed to be honest. "Why don't you choose your own name?" Bastion suggested, changing the subject quickly. "You can choose any name you want and no one will say anything. I'm sure you can do that."

As soon as he said the words, Bastion went silent. His first thought was to suggest the name of his dead wife. No one could replace the love he had lost, and it would be wrong of him to take this blank girl and mold her into whst his wife had been. He could never do that to her. But if or when she regained her memories, he wondered if she would still want to talk to him. Shs could turn out to be a completely different person.

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The girl pondered the thought. It was true, she could pick any name in the world she desired. The problem was where to start, there were so many names to choose from. She didn't want the name Jane, though, because of the negative connotation associated with Jane Doe and corpses. Anything but Jane really.

"I'll have to think about it for a while." The girl smiled at him, and played with the ends of her dark hair. "Jane just sounds so..." She shook her head, unable to decide if the death association was the only reason she disliked the name. "So, sad."

The nurse bowed her head to signal her leave. "I'll be back later to give you your lunch, alright?" The girl nodded and the nurse was gone.

It was just the two of them alone in the room, and it made the girl feel nervous. Strangers did that to her. New staff, new anyone (which in truth, weren't that many people) made her a little anxious. Even though this was the man who had found her, she couldn't bring herself to feel very comfortable around him, not knowing him after all. She forced herself to calm down, remind herself he was kind.

"Bastion, see, that's a nice name." She commented, then quickly shook her hands in embarrassment. "Not to be weird, or, sorry. I just need to find a good name." The girl laughed.
Bastion nodded his agreement. "A name must have meaning. Before my wife died...we were thinking of names for our kids, when we would have of course."

This was the first time Bastion had ever spoken about his wife to absolutely anyone. He didn't know why he was opening up to her, he didn't know why he would tell her these things. Maybe it would help her, maybe it made her feel better.

"I could bring you a book with names if you want."

The list of children names they had picked out of the thousans were still in his bag, a small reminder of his life before and everything thst he had lost. Maybe in time, one day, a long time away in the future, he would be able to fill the void he felt whenever he thought if his wife.

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