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Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


Hi! Cherry here, (she/her), I'm craving a good Harry Potter RP more than I'm craving a good cup of tea while writing this. I'm looking for either something long-term, medium-term, short-term, I don't mind! I do have a few ideas in mind for a few pairings but feel free to bring your own, I love new ideas.

About Me

- I'm 18, and currently writing my first novel, so I have a somewhat decent grasp of grammar and spelling (though I may occasionally make a typo, apologies).
- I can write between a paragraph to several, the length depends on whether I'm using the laptop or phone, and if I have enough creative juices flowing around in my brain.
- I prefer to write in PMs, and typically talk OOC in PMs too.
- I am up for romance, as long as it's developed well and not rushed, and anything platonic is okay too.
- Any romantic pairing type is good with me, and I am flexible with playing male, female or non-binary.
- If we're doing Canon x OC, doubling is good with me.
- I am open to darker themes, as long as they go with the plot and aren't just added in for an effect. Such as, if our characters are death eaters, then it's not going to be all light and fluffy β€” it will be dark and violent. However, I do not write abuse, torture or assault in detail, this will fade to black.
- I am ghost friendly β€” I understand that everyone has lives β€” but please let me know so I'm not wasting time waiting for a reply that won't come.


- Write as much as you feel comfortable with, however, no one-liners or two-liners.
- Quality over Quantity.
- Please be 16+ and have a good grasp of grammar and spelling.
- No text-talk IC, I don't mind in OOC.
- Plot with me, I hate having to build up the plot myself. Add in new ideas, and if you don't like the direction the RP is going, tell me and we can fix it, change it to a direction we both enjoy.
- Don't comment on this post, send me a PM with the pairings you want to do and any ideas you have.


Pre-Voldemort's Rise
Canon x Canon
- Dumbledore x Grindelwald
- Newt Scamander x Tina Goldstein

Canon x OC
- Dumbledore (Young or Teacher Dumbledore) x OC
- Grindelwald x OC
- Newt Scamander x OC
- Tom Riddle (School or After Graduating) x OC (more so Voldemort's rise but ehhh)
- Minerva McGonagall x OC
- Tina Goldstein x OC

Marauders Era

Canon x Canon
- Sirius Black x Remus Lupin
- James Potter x Lily Evans
- James Potter x Regulus Black
- Severus Snape x Regulus Black
- Lily Evans x Severus Snape (but less toxic)

Canon x OC
- Sirius Black x OC
- Remus Lupin x OC
- Lily Evans x OC
- James Potter x OC
- Regulus Black x OC
- Severus Snape x OC
- Bellatrix Black x OC
- Narcissa Black x OC
- Lucius Malfoy x OC

The Golden Era

Canon x Canon

- Harry Potter x Ginny Weasley
- Hermione Granger x Ron Weasley
- Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter
- Harry Potter x Ron Weasley
- Hermione Granger x Harry Potter
- Hermione Granger x Luna Lovegood
- Theodore Nott x Harry Potter
- Blaise Zabini x Harry Potter
- Harry Potter x Neville Longbottom
- Hermione Granger x Ginny Weasley
- Hermione Granger x Draco Malfoy

Canon x OC
- Harry Potter x OC
- Ron Weasley x OC
- Hermione Granger x OC
- Neville Longbottom x OC
- Draco Malfoy x OC
- Ginny Weasley x OC
- Theodore Nott x OC
- Blaise Zabini x OC
- Luna Lovegood x OC
- Fred/George Weasley x OC
- Charlie Weasley x OC
- Bill Weasley x OC
- Percy Weasley x OC

I am also open to OC x OC in any canon time period or making up our own time period and history.

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