Good Vibes
Hello everyone! So all of today I've basically been road tripping around a couple of buds from school and almost the entirety of the time we had been listening to some totally kick-bum music, and even discovering some new genres / artists / songs along the way. Pretty fantastic, but now I'm hanging in my room watching the luminescent pink blobs of my lava lamp float back and forth. And now I want to role play. I have two characters, one male and one female, that can be claimed for this similar in theme but different in events plot. I'll elaborate soon. Before claiming, I do have some requirements and other things I need to talk about. First of all, be advanced. I would like whomever claims this to be able to write at least 200+ words. I can write up to 500 and more, and it'd be great if that was something that could be achievable between the both of us. c: Because some people's credibility can be faulty, I ask for a sample post, the best role play samples that you could find.
Secondly, please don't totally disappear. Personally, I can be quite busy from time to time and I might only be able to post on the weekends or only once a week, but I'll do my best to let you know. Please do the same. And if you see I'm online and I haven't replied yet, don't pester me. Just let me know if you feel need be, but more often than not I am simply enjoying the forums whilst writing a reply. Lastly, PG / PG13. Don't get crazy thnx.
Naturally, this plot revolves entirely around our two characters, and the paths they take throughout our journeys with them. But unlike usual plots, this one will involve the entirety of their lives. From when our characters were little kids with candy and playtime were the only thoughts on their minds, to the awkward prepubescent stages of middle school where they first started finding out that they liked people romantically and voices started deepening, to high school where friends are made and lost and the weight of the world starts nudging its way onto their shoulders, to young adulthood where once foreign independency and college and parties and clubbing and real relationships and tangible, to true adulthood where children are born and bills are due and marriage is inevitable or maybe not even a thought, to elderly hood of which is filled with memories and grandchildren and the sweet company of one another. This is the story of our two characters who have known each other since they were young children, perhaps as neighbors or simply starting off as friends, and have stuck with one another until they reach seniority. This plot will not be absolutely in a set timeline of events, we can / will be doing snippets of their lives. Ask if you're confused! Inevitably, they fall in love. Or, maybe, they had always been in love - heck, their parents had joked about them getting married since they first became friends. They could start truly addressing feelings in high school or college, we can discuss this. How many kids, if any, will be discussed. For this kind of plot thingy a partner with ideas and willingness to brainstorm is incredibly vital, I won't be afraid to cut it off if all I'm getting it 'oh yeah that sounds good' or 'idk I just don't ever have good ideas'. Quite frankly it gets annoying and I'm not going to carry all of this on my shoulders. I'll do my best to come up with ideas as well, and I actually might use a good amount of ideas from this cute little blog called 'otpprompts' on tumblr. ^^
Killian Vo -- role played by moi. {CLAIMED!}
Killian Vo...well one of the most prominent things about Killian would probably be that he's just simply a big ol' cuddle bug. He's affectionate, sometimes
affectionate, and craves human contact and attention. Like hugs, kisses, pats on the backs, etc. The male is of Filipino and Scottish decent, his father the former and his mother the latter. So, following the footsteps of his father, his hair is a smooth, soft black that is cut to where it is shorter on the side and quaffed towards the right in the front - left shaggier than his mother would prefer. The young lad is tall, bordering on 6'3", and is lean and gangly - his arms sometimes seeming out of proportion. And his eyes are a warm brown, darker on the outskirts and lighter towards the middle, framed by short and straight eyelashes, His skin is smooth, with small obstruction like the hairline scars on his jawline or above his eyebrow. But, if one were to be really close to his face, small lightly colored freckles could be seen splashed along his cheekbones. The young man is very laid back and has the 'Californian' state of mind, and his temper very rarely boils over the edge. However, when it does, it's not a pretty sight. He has a deeply running love for music and refers to himself as a 'multi-instrumentalist', the young man can rarely be found without ear buds in his ears. Killian is quite the friendly character and, no matter where he is or whom he is with, he's smiling.
always smiling
. Causing little wrinkles to form in the sides of his eyes. Though, he's not always a ball of sunshine. On a monthly basis, for at least a few days to a week, he gets he these sad little ruts. No smiling, quiet little Killian. Nothin' you can do about it. One of the young mans' greatest faults, however, would be that he is much too trusting, right off the bat of meeting someone. But, on the contrary, his loyalty is hard earned and hard to lose - if he truly cares about you, he's got you until the end. And that's just a fact. All of those added up, he's a perfect angel. However, his recklessness outweighs all of those traits. and it wasn't like he was reckless in a cute 'badboy' kind of way. He wore his clothes messily (i.e his tie hanging loosely around his neck, or his sweater falling of his shoulders in awkward ways), he very rarely did his schoolwork, he couldn't follow instruction properly to save his life, and he wears his heart smack dab in the middle of his sleeve. But before you start making assumptions what with his carelessness and missing assignments, he's not stupid. Don't
call him stupid, or dim witted. It drives him insane, it all but shuts him down. He's quite the intelligent young man, but he's just absent-minded. On cloud 9. He doesn't
apply himself
. He sometimes lacks common sense. And that's his major downfall. If he doesn't find it interesting he will
not put any work into it. And same goes for relationships. He has a cat named Finn who is the color of butterscotch and is almost always riding on his shoulders like a scarf when he's home.
Charlie Harring-- roleplayed by moi
Charlie's most obvious feature would probably be her freckles. Dotting her arms, face, shoulders, legs. Let's just say she's
in the lightly colored devils. Her hair is a very light brown, almost ginger, and reached to her mid-back in loose waves. Her eyes are a bright, curious green and the overall structure of her head, as well as her body, is rather slim and her skin is a creamy white. Generally even-tempered, it takes quite a lot for her temper to boil over the surface. But when it does, she can become inconsolable and will act very brash, and say things that will cut deep. She's rather down to Earth and is friendly towards the people she encounters, and is pretty open. However, she can be very gullible, cripplingly so. Seeing as she'd lived in a rich neighborhood with caring parents, she's had no reason not to trust anyone and is very trusting right off the bat - which will be quite troublesome in her adult life. If you were to tell her that there was a chocolate fountain in your basement, she would be the first to parade down and have a look-see. Though, this in no way means she isn't smart. She's actually an intelligent young woman running for valedictorian and aiming for a presidential scholarship. She's book smart, but she is no way a 4.0 student when it comes to street smarts. Sometimes struggles with vocal affection and deep heart to hearts, but instead expresses them physically, or in a different form. Such as being a shoulder when you're sleepy or calling to make sure you arrived home alright.
Some songs I heard on the road trip that I sorta inspired this:
Say it, just say it
by The Mowgli's.
You Always Make me Smile
by Kyle Andrews.
by The 1975.
Thinking Out Loud
by Ed Sheeran.
Mad Sounds
by Arctic Monkeys.
Cigarette Daydream
by Cage the Elephant.
by Scouting for Girls.
Song for you
by Alexi Murdoch.
Train Leaving Gray
by Mason Jennings
5 Years Time
by Noah and the Whale
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