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I Need Some Partners

Hello everyone! So, life has been kind of up and down a lot lately for me, and as a result, a lot of the roleplays that I was involved with have kind of fizzled out and died. So, I think now is the time I try to get a few new ones rolling and hopefully find a good match in partners for me.

I do have some plots I want to retry if I can find the right partner for them, but first a little bit about what I'm looking for.

  • Somebody who is good at playing 2+ characters. I like 1x1's, but a good plot needs some depth and variety, ya know?

  • Somebody who can write ~3 paragraphs per character per post. I'm okay with more, I'm even okay with maybe two good hefty paragraphs. I usually write at least 3. This is just because I think it paints the scene better and helps me get to know the characters.

  • Somebody who is comfortable playing males and females. I get really annoyed when people insist on only playing females all the time. As a girl, it's my preferred choice as well, however, fair is fair and I actually really enjoy playing males. So I just ask that you do too.

  • Somebody who will communicate their ideas to me. We can PM, we can chat on the forums. It doesn't matter. I just love to bounce ideas off!

  • I have a preference for MxF pairings (straight female here), but I'm not opposed to other pairings. However, I do ask that we try to not make the focus of our rp romance. I love when it's there, I just want there to be other aspects present as well.

  • Somebody who can be flexible. I'm a full time student and it takes up a lot of my time sometimes. There are times when I'll be writing multiple replies a day, sometimes once a day, sometimes only once a week. It really depends on my work load. So just keep that in mind.

  • And last, but not least. I know it's kind of superficial of me, but I'm picky about character pictures. I prefer real people as opposed to sketches and anime pics and such. The reason being is that it makes the characters feel more real to me. I also really dislike it when people use pictures of actors and what not because I spend hours searching for the right picture and... idk. It feels like you didn't try or commit somehow. Also when people pull pictures off of a persons facebook (it's happened before)... it's a little weird. Other than that, though, I'm cool with whatever. Or if you'd rather not have a character pic that's cool too.

  • OH! Actually one more thing. It's not really a request or anything, but I'm like 20 yrs old. I feel like some of you younger peeps on here may want to know that. If anything because I just want to make sure we can be on the same maturity level.

Plot Ideas

Okay, so now that you know what I'm more or less looking for in a partner, I will explain my plot ideas. These first two are things I have tried before that worked and I liked but ended up dying for different reasons. I'd like to give them another go, add new spins to them, etc. If you have an idea that isn't one of these plots, just shoot me a PM and I can give you my opinion as well.

#1: Renaissance period. Royalty, cunning, deceit, murder, and betrayal. Two females, united, and like sisters due to similar circumstances, work together to con the rich. When the young King throws a masquerade months after his wife's passing, the women see an opportunity to pass among the nobility for a night. At first, their plan was small. Make small talk, charm the nobles, sneak into unattended rooms. They would steal valuable jewelry, silver, and gold. By the time morning came, they'd be gone, their fortune made. Their plans get turned upside down, however, when the king takes a special interest in one of the women and she sets her goals higher. Likewise, her partner is unknowingly being watched by the young and troubled duke. His superficial curiosity in her at first leads to him catching her in the act. But instead of having her arrested, he hires her to help him investigate his uncle's murder. How will the girls navigate being thrust into the world at court and manage to keep their heads, and their hearts, safe?

#2: WWI. A brother and sister, son and daughter of an important British figure, are in danger. Their lives have been threatened by the enemy as an attempt to get to their father. As a result, they are forced into hiding in the American country side. An older woman has agreed to take them in and care for them just as she cares for her two grandchildren, whose mother was gone, and father was fighting in the war. In this new environment, the siblings have a difficult time fitting in. The grandchildren are around their age, but they and their friends are a more rugged and wild group than the two are used to. The granddaughter, it seems, is especially attracted to wild and dangerous activities and people. How will circumstance and war fair for the four of them?

#3) To be honest, this one is not as fleshed out. I just have this picture I can't get out of my head of a tall, strong, giant-like (maybe a half-giant though) character paired with either a human or elf. Fantasy genre. I don't do fantasy a whole lot but I want to try and I thought a pairing like that would be cute. As for other characters and specific plot, that can be talked out.

If you are interested, or wish to discuss any of your plot ideas with me,
shoot me a PM. I am only looking for about 3 new roleplays, so please don't be too upset if I have to turn your offer down.

Thank you guys <3


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