I need more 1 x 1 partners?


New Member
Okay, so it's come to my attention that I have limited one on one partners, because my schedule is insane and I can't always update regularly. And then the rp starts losing momentum, and its hard to stay interested in it. But what I'm looking for is some people that are okay with leisurely posting, and can put up with my nonsense lol Personally I can roleplay with male or female characters, and I always post in paragraphs. I don't have a preference for pairings either-- Anything from M/M to F/F to M/M works for me. As long as it's quality work.

Here are some ideas I have for plots and pairings:

Thief/Law Enforcement
: In a world of intrigue, mystery and magic, one girl harnesses the dark power sleeping inside of her to collect some very ancient artifacts before anyone else. The government, the police force, and the rest of the underworld are trying to harvest these artifacts for themselves and she is the only one standing in their way. But what does she want them for?What are her intentions? One of the most elite law enforcement officers in the city is tasked with finding out. By day this magic using thief avoids detection by going to school. By night she becomes a force to be reckoned with and manages to rule the night behind a mask. Will she collect all of the artifacts before she is taken down by her enemies? Or will she fail miserably, and die an early death? (Pairing: F/M or F/F)

Fantasy Academy pairing (Magic user/familiar): In a world of demons, monsters, witches and elementals--everyone of importance is sent to the army, the labor force, or to the academy. In this academy, students are separated according to year, and measured according to their talents. Every person, no matter the species, or culture is inherently gifted with Magic, and all magic needs a conduit. So upon entering this academy each student is gifted with the task of finding a familiar to act as a conduit for their magic. Every familiar has a human form, and a primary bestial form that is devoted to protecting their partners. If they survive their time at the academy they become official magic users and are assigned to a certain area in the Country.(Pairing F/M, M/M or F/F)

PostWar story:(Shapeshifter pairing): Two countries; two cultures; two entities have been completely decimated by war. The survivors are clinging desperately to a life that does not exist anymore. The rulers of the nation are desperate for peace even though their people have developed an earnest hatred for each other. Torn apart by grief, bloodlust, and fear, they decide to unify the nations. The rulers arrange a marriage, and attempt to start anew. However its not just the deaths of thousands of people that separates these 2 warring nations---its genetics. One nation is savage, and their animal side reflects their violent tendencies. The other nation is peaceful, and their animal side mirrors their calm disposition. Only work and sheer luck will bind these two very different people together. But when a darker force is hovering on the horizon, that threatens the life of every shapeshifter, will these 2 adverse enemies work together to save their people? Or will they face extinction separately? (Pairing F/M, M/M or F/F)

Human/Cyborg story: Several years into the future an accomplished Bioengineer loses his family in a tragic accident. Addled by an uncompromising amount of grief, he preserves the bodies of his 2 children in a lab, and begans writing out schematics to advance them---to irrevocably change them into something that death couldn't touch. He saved their lives and raised them as his children, but was constantly forced to upgrade there biotechnics as they grew older. Eventually, one of the children was overwhelmed by the differences that made them more robot than human, and ended up killing their father. Then this new murderous child left home and became an important cog in a criminal organization that was terrorizing the nation. The remaining sibling grew up alone--trying to live a relatively normal life, and managed to succeed until something potentially fatal started to hunt both siblings. Now one cyborg has everything to lose because she wants to keep her human friends and life intact, and the other sibling has everything to gain by dealing with the one enemy they had left. (M/M, M/F, F/F)

Human Pirate/ prisoner story: Commanding a ship. Gathering a crew. Avoiding the Navy. It all sounds downright exhausting but this particular captain does it with a cutlass in one hand,and a cup of booze in the other. And always always always with a smile. This captain has weathered many storms with nothing but a handful of men, and a battered boat to show for it. But now. there's a new problem plaguing this merry band of pirates. The British Navy has started blockading the seas. Watching the ports. And exterminating anyone associated with pirates and is starting to get personal. In response to these attacks, these pirates have taken a possession of a cruise ship with some very Royal passengers on board.and issued an ultimatum: "Stop cutting out the heart out of the country, and we won't cut off the head." With the heir to the throne rotting in the ships gallows--one would think the decision would be simple but its not. Conspiracy, malice, politics, and the first inklings of love threaten the lives of everyone involved: pirate, or noble. (M/M or M/F)

Human (random romance: M/M, M/F, F/F):


College student/Business executive,

Introverted artist/ Partying best friend

Former classmates that end up as roommates

Former Jailbird/Hospital Doctor

Former Jailbird/Lawyer

Or just PM me your ideas or your fandoms. We can make it work :3

Random romance (M/F preferably, but I'm negotiable), Introverted artist/partying best friend, and the Fantasy Academy pairing options all appeal to me ^^
Awesome. xD Someone already volunteered to do the fantasy academy one though. And I'd rather not double up on the same rp. If you want to the introverted artist/partying best friend thing, message me so we can get through some details. :3
I would like to do a one on one and my schdule is a bit hectic too but I am sure we can make it work! I have some ideas too send me a message if you're inyerested. I am a female but I play the male role usually :)

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[QUOTE="Raven Thorne]The pirate one sounds good to me, if that one is still available :)

That one is still very much available. Message me so we can go over the details.

Sorry I'mma bit late in getting back to you. Holidays and College take up so much time! 

ForgottenBlood said:
I'm good at M x M o3o
Can we do teacher x student?
Yes yes we can. xD Message me? 

Sharliery said:
I would like to do a one on one and my schdule is a bit hectic too but I am sure we can make it work! I have some ideas too send me a message if you're inyerested. I am a female but I play the male role usually :)
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Two hectic schedules xD

Okay I shall message you.
I don't know if this is still going but I wouldn't mind a 1x1 RP. I can go both ways :3

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