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Multiple Settings i need a writer pls n thank you 😊


Junior Member
Yall ....It has been so long since I've written and I am absolutely dyinggggg to write again.

✨ A little about me ✨
  • I'm 26
  • This site used to be my whole life tbh and before that I used MaxDanWiz to rp ( does anyone remember that ?? i was so sad when they shut it down 😢 )
  • I like lengthy posts and tend to write lengthy posts ( especially the starter ones - ofc I know post lengths will vary )
  • At the absolute very least I can reply once a day, but usually more
  • I don't mind character sheets and I don't mind not using them
  • I do prefer for rp as female
  • I love collaboration and love when whoever I'm writing with comes with their own ideas as well

I have a few ideas here that I've been wanting to write.
  • Doctor Who !!!!! I don't have a specific plot but am rewatching the series and would love to rp as OC x OC Doctor (you would be the doctor and i do have a plot now for this if interested!)

  • Dr. Maddox is celebrated worldwide as one of the best archaeologists, though he prefers the title of treasure hunter, someone who sees the unseen. He believes he is superior to most, if not all, of his peers and students. Every other year, he selects a small group of promising individuals for his expeditions, believing they have the potential to become the greatest in the field. His latest and most ambitious expedition is a trek through the Shadow Woods, a place untouched for decades due to the mysterious disappearances of previous explorers. The forest is notorious for strange occurrences: groups vanished without a trace, their bodies never found. Character A is among the fortunate ones chosen for this expedition. He has spent his entire college career studying Dr. Maddox’s explorations and discoveries, dreaming of the day he could work alongside him. Now, with this opportunity, 'A' is determined not to waste it. Dr. Maddox’s company is a prestigious hub of the brightest minds, and 'A' aspires to be among them. Character B, Dr. Maddox's daughter, is also part of the team, but not because of academic achievements or impressive essays. She had to convince her father to let her join the expedition. Despite the reluctance from her father and the cold reception from the other students, 'B' is resolute. The other students tend to ignore her, and she prefers it that way. At the beginning of the expedition, Dr. Maddox announces that everyone will be paired with a partner, someone they’ll report to, explore with, and rely on. 'A' and 'B' end up being partners. Initially, they maintain a civil relationship, but as days go by, they begin to irritate each other, both there for different reasons. One day, during a walk around the camp, 'B' sees something unusual in the distance and decides to investigate. When 'A'notices her absence, he follows her. They don’t venture far, or so they think, but soon realize they can't find their way back to camp. The Shadow Woods is a place of endless enigmas. Only a small percentage has been explored, and Dr. Maddox aims to uncover all its secrets. The weather is unpredictable, shifting every hour. Day and night follow their own rhythms, sometimes stretching or shrinking the hours. The creatures that inhabit the Woods are unknown, adding to the forest's mystique. The terrain is treacherous, constantly changing, challenging even the most seasoned explorers. Adding to the unease, strange earthquakes occur frequently.

  • Set way in the past, when there were still kings and queens, and castles. Wars fought only with swords and cannons. The kingdom of Hallaway is ruled by tyrants. For the past few years there have been talks of over throwing the King and Queen, a small rebel army has already started gathering and planning. Character A is one of the leaders of the army rebeling. He was sent to the castle to try and find a rumored secret entrance into the castle. He was caught and thrown into the dungeon, they had tried him with treason, his execution date set for the morning. Character B is the King and Queen’s daughter. She knows of the army and while it scares her a little, she knew her parents had to be stopped. When one of the leaders ends up in her parents dungeon she decides to break him out, knowing that this might be the one chance she has to help overthrow her parents. (you would be character A)

  • In the wake of endless wars and societal collapse, humanity has splintered into factions ruled by warlords. Among the most feared and ruthless is Noir, who rules over a territory known as Seven. Her reign is marked by cruelty and tyranny, epitomized by her creation of the arena—a place where captives are forced to fight to the death for her sadistic entertainment. Society's downfall is chronicled through a series of brutal wars and revolutions, leading to the rise of warlords like Noir. Noir ascends to power by eliminating seven rivals, solidifying her control over the territory she names Seven. She establishes the arena as a place where kidnapped individuals of all ages and backgrounds are forced to fight for survival. The Reapers, undefeated champions, are marked by tattoos and feared by all. To commemorate 15 years of the arena, Noir announces The Reaping—a special event where Reapers must fight each other in pairs. The surviving pair will then face off until only one remains. Noir raises the stakes by offering the ultimate prize: freedom for the last Reaper standing, turning the event into a desperate struggle for survival and a chance at liberation. A dystopian future where society has collapsed into chaos and anarchy. Technological advancements are a distant memory, replaced by brutal struggles for power and survival. Character A is a Reaper who is like Noir's son. Character B has tried to assassinate and destroy Noir's rule. (You would be character A)

  • Zombies !!!

  • Character A's father works for the government on highly classified projects, never able to disclose any details about his job or colleagues. One night, in a rare moment of openness, his father warns him that if he ever goes missing or suddenly dies, Character A must leave immediately. He gives him an address where he can find a flash drive containing critical information and some money. His father's last request is for Character A to reveal the truth to the world if anything happens to him.

    Character A is out one night but comes home early, only to witness his father's murder. He fights the attacker and narrowly escapes. Living in a rural area, he runs to the nearest house for help, which turns out to be Character B's home. Character B, a girl he had a brief fling with in high school, is home alone for the summer, house-sitting for her parents.

    When Character A knocks on her door, she is shocked to see him and skeptical of his story. However, her doubts vanish when a man bursts through her door, intent on killing them both.
    (you would be character A, i figured we could plot about what Character A's dad does)

  • A legendary artifact known as the Jade Compass, said to point to the location of the fabled Isla de Esmeralda—a hidden island filled with unimaginable treasures—has resurfaced. The compass was thought to be a myth, but recent rumors suggest otherwise. Various pirate crews, naval forces, and treasure hunters are now in a frantic race to locate it and claim the riches for themselves.

Okay, I think thats everything for now 😂
And honestly if you have any plots that you havent been able to find someone to rp, bring them! Maybe we can figure something out!
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I'm new to the site but i'm generally not new to RPing
So if you don't mind, i would like to set something up!

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