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Fandom I Need a Grand Admiral Thrawn or original


Supreme ruler of all things (that I wrote)
Him I typically go by Serenity and I have a craving living rent free in my head that I can’t seek to root out, so I’m looking for a Grand Admiral Thrawn. I’m happy to double and typically do original plots only but today I’ll settle.

**My intro**

My Number One rule: Always be frank with me, it’s always okay to ask to change anything or just let me know that your interest in an idea is waning. I just ask that you say something before it's too late for us to consider an alternative. It will never hurt my feelings to throw out an idea that isn’t right for you.

I’ve roleplayed for as long as I can remember and now that I’m 30… well that’s been a while.

I roleplay as part of my mental health routine, it’s what I enjoy—almost exclusively. So I’m on a lot, and I write a lot. Most of the time this is positive, but if you’re prone to getting overwhelmed… Warn me.

I primarily use Discord for RP but I also get notifications from DMs so we might be able to work something out. I am also willing to set up a second roleplay after we get going if we have another idea to try.

I land somewhere between Literate and Advanced Literate, and I consistently write 3 or more paragraphs even when I’m not trying to match a longer post. Write to match but usually shoot for over 200 words. I haven’t checked the word count for breaking two or three posts on Discord is but occasionally I get up there when that’s being matched. My goal is to find someone who doesn’t mind a little imperfection, but has writing that doesn’t need to be clarified on a regular basis.

I prefer Quality over quantity. **Just let me know up front what length you’re comfortable with.** I tend to get excited and write long starters so don’t shit bricks when I hit the discord character limit a few extra times.

I am looking for a bit of romance with my current plots and if the force ship isn’t sailing let me know and we’ll work on something else. You’re not required to get romantic with your half of the double though. I can enjoy writing two character partnerships that don’t necessarily lead to kissy kissy. I stick to MxF or any combination of Nb for romantic pairings.

If there is ever a hint of a problem remember I’m very flexible, *tell me about it.* This not working? *let me know, I don’t mind backing up*. Having a tough time reply for any reason? *Come ooc chat with me and we can work it out or just be friendly.* Always feel free to overshare or send text walls.

I preferred to stay away from fxf and mxm, none of those RPs hold my creative attention for very long so that’s the only close to a trigger that I can think of. I like to go into very dark themes and must of my character have some kind of trauma that comes up later so please don’t forget to tell me about my triggers you might have.

I don’t usually Fandom, I find I get stuck in cannon details. But I have this idea stuck in my head and if I don’t give it a try it will follow me around living in my head rent free... If you aren’t interested in something specifically, (albiet AIs, Mary Sues, girls with authority, etc.) please tell me up front.

Time Zone: PST

So I loved the Thraw Series and how he was portrayed as not necessarily the bad guy. I’m still catching up on the older books but I was hoping for an admiral willing to question his loyalties after the fall of the empire… but still has his own star destroyer, crew, and word reaches him that a chiss woman is currently a slave on some backwater planet. And of course a rescue mission is in order.

As a new character she’s not yet fully defined, but I was thinking her core name would probably be Aurora.

First of all, Everything is negotiable! I love making new characters and unique stories. This is just somewhere to start. I **really** want to hear about your ideas and anything you are excited about before you think too hard about anything below.

Serenity is a construct, which is to say she’s a humanoid robot body with cloned or otherwise dead human parts. Technically an AI consciousness running on human brain matter and machine processor. She was a young girl in a deep coma (not expected to wake up) when they used her to make an illegal construct. She has the memories of that childhood, and woke up in a lab in an (almost) adult body. Too tall, too sassy, too dangerous. Built to be a walking weapon, this Alpha personality has a very, very dark side; plus some serious self-hate issues. Can be a bit of a Mary Sue because she was built for war, but I think she’s nicely offset by the human characters, body horror and conflicted personality; if Mary Sues bother you, let's open a discussion about how to tweak her character for our RP.

Human machine construct (Android/Cyborg) designed to be the perfect spy/espionage tool. She’s gone by numerous names and is a bit disconnected with the idea that she’s actually a person. She appears human in every way but is a digital monster that can hack and break almost any system. She hates this life and hates destroying the lives of all the people that she comes to love. Redhead with brown eyes and beautiful dimple smile. Might be considered pretty enough to be a model but not so pretty that people stare. She most likely walks into someone’s life, fast burn style, and steals his access to his job’s database, makes out with a ton of proprietary data and then disappears. He probably doesn’t realize her disappearance is connected to the theft. She leaves a note, writing in blood, “I’m sorry Please help me.” From there we can plot her potential rescue or something else…

An alien technology that morphs to take on the most convenient/useful form. Tends to bond to a pilot person, mech style. Some think they are sentient, others think they are just advanced self-replicating computers. The debate is very contentious. They work under magnetic bonding and can accumulate modern human technologies as well as bits of their own specialized tech. I’ve wanted to play this one a while now but it never seems to fit other plots. I think someone should discover that they are in fact sentient because humans have thrown the home planet's balance out of whack and they have to fix it. Otherwise it/they can be a ship’s AI computer in general.

Echo has gone by many names throughout the years. Some were stolen, some were erased, some were changed, but Echo is *it’s* favorite. Echo was originally built by a university and helped run a research transport that served as a mobile classroom for deep space education… until they were raided. Years later Echo can be just about anywhere, imprisoned still on/as someone’s ship AI or after *it* escaped.

Human male pilot, lost his father before he was born, was raised by a great uncle who fixed up airplane style ships. Hence he’s young but an experienced pilot. He’s a grease monkey who is addicted to speed. Man of few words with too many cliche idioms. Shy but passionate. Would rather fly than go on a date. He joins an intergalactic police agency and is paired with an alien tech AI spaceship. After a rocky start they start their adventures to protect the galaxy together. Maybe he is part of a team if you're up for doubling?

I have more characters of course. I have a rogue AI that is more of a vague concept than an actual character yet.

Basic role pairings include but are not limited to:

Found family

Arrange marriage

Guy meets girl

Hunter x hunted

Rebel x Slaver

Guard x Prisoner

Doctor x Patient/Experiment/Inmate

Mentor x Trainee

Bodyguard x Royalty

Some possible pairings.

Interchangeable roles either one of us could play: AI, Aliens, Escaped lab experiment, Refugee, Soldier, Spy, and Thief

(My character left X Your on right: )

Mech pilot x team/partner

Mech (NB) x Mech pilot

Hero x Villain/hunted

Bladerunner x Bladerunner

Clone x Bladerunner

Enforcer♀x Undercover or the Boss

Orphaned kid x Soldier

Soldier x Orphaned kid

(Cyborg) prisoner x Soldier

Lab experiment♀x Soldier

Equipment x Post apocalyptic survivor

Lone(ly) Survivors

Survivor x Scientist (obsessed)

Spy♀x handler

Spy♀x Spy♂

Spy♀x Mark

Lab experiment x lab experiment

Doctor x Lab experiment

Lab experiment x Doctor

Escaped experiment x (almost anything)

AI x Creator

AI x Space Pirate/Raider

Remorseful Evil AI x (almost anything)

“*We have an interesting and… diverse skillet. She’s a Construct Engineer, could work on everything from you to your engine.*” There was a half choked sound as her companion swatted her,”*Ship’s! Ship’s engine. And I’m… a mercenary.*”

The doctor informed her privately, unrecorded, “You don’t have to be a mercenary. You can do anything you want with yourself.”

Serenity rolled her eyes.

The stowaways waited inside his airlock, hoping to broker a deal instead of just breaking in and stealing their ride to freedom. It didn’t look like he’d noticed the glitch when she hacked the system yet, and she wasn’t eager to have to explain the reality of the situation to their pilot. “Or we can arrange an electronic payment,” Serenity added, which would be entirely a hacked trick but she was still hoping she could shoot something for him instead of hand him fake money.

• Do you use Discord? (Please send me your handle. I’m Serenity over there.)

• How long are you interested in role playing for? A few weeks/a month or two/summer/this semester/winter/a year or two?

• What kind of activity level are you interested in?

• On a scale of one to five, Five being, that you like to write completely Improv, and One being you like everything planned out no matter what, what number would you assign yourself?

• How long have you been RPing?

• How flexible do I need to be when you need to take a break?

• Triggers?

• How annoying can I be before I get my ass in trouble?

• What’s your favorite/craved Genre?

• What kind of role pairing(s) do you like? (See below.)

Lol. Don’t read too much into these.

Now my biggest problem so far is that people get started with my plots… and then they lose interest and poof. Gone.
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