Chitchat I Mostly Just Flail Until Things Happen: Ask Me Anything


Hi there! I'm your resident Fellow turned BBCode Helper turned Newsletter Helper and I go by many names, the most recent being Anomaly but the most widely recognized being Dusky. I'm jumping on this bandwagon following @DJ MagicHat and @Tronethiel, since AMAs haven't been popular here since, oh, 2014?

I write things, mostly fiction and poetry, and I try to pretend I'm a very super srs roleplayer but most of what I run is goofy plotless stuff.

I stay up far too late at night and am trying very hard to find a day job and write for a living. I have a web serial in the works.

I've been a member since I think 2012? *checks* Yep, July 2012.

Currently I am obsessed with Stardew Valley and ice cream. I will likely always be obsessed with ice cream.

You may recognize my username from the site's Newsletter.

Well, that's me on the most basic level. Ask me anything!

EDIT: Wow, so, since making this I became a mod and then resigned from being a mod and also underwent a username change and started the web serial then abandoned it and got a job and went back to school and all kinds of things. Um, yes, hi. I'm a regular ol' user. ^-^
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Tronethiel said:
What made you choose the username, Anomaly?
I went on a hiatus of a couple of months back in the Fall, and during that time I underwent a lot of personal growth. My username change was something similar to cutting my hair - a way of letting go of an old me. I'll likely change my username back after the year is up, since Dusky is how I'm known and I do kind of miss it, but for now, this suits me!

As for Anomaly specifically... well, it sounds really cool. ( xD ) And I often feel like a bit of an outlier, set apart from others.
Anomaly said:
I went on a hiatus of a couple of months back in the Fall, and during that time I underwent a lot of personal growth. My username change was something similar to cutting my hair - a way of letting go of an old me. I'll likely change my username back after the year is up, since Dusky is how I'm known and I do kind of miss it, but for now, this suits me!
As for Anomaly specifically... well, it sounds really cool. (> :D ) And I often feel like a bit of an outlier, set apart from others.
Wow, I actually never knew that. I'm surprised I didn't think to ask. You'll always be Dusk to me, but I'm a fan of Anomaly. :P
[QUOTE="M I L K]what is your favourite food? :D

I-I have to pick? I mean, it depends on the meal!! For breakfast, oomph, chocolate chip pancakes! Lunch, fried chicken yaaassssss. Or, or maybe pizza? QAQ This is so hard!

At least I can confidently say that there is nothing better than alfredo noodles.

EDIT: Probably. Maybe.
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What video games do you play, and what is your favorite one? (Any platform)
TeaMMatE11 said:
What video games do you play, and what is your favorite one? (Any platform)
Oooooohhhhh man. I play a lot. Right now I play a lot of Stardew Valley on PC, and I'm also in the middle of The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, and in the middle of Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs as well. So there you have a cute farming game, a mystery, and horror. Preeeetty varied.

My playtime on Long Live the Queen is embarassing...



I wouldn't say it's my favorite game though, as I probably have more hours poured into, say, Skyrim both PC and XBox 360.

I also need to return to Bioshock Infinite for 360 sometime. Hrm.

I also love a number of Harvest Moon games and all of the Rune Factory games and a majority of Legend of Zelda games, which are for a few different systems but all Nintendo.

I'm actually running a Harvest Moon roleplay right now. ( :P )

Catherine could almost be my favorite game - it definitely ranks really high.

I don't think I can pick one favorite game, but I can say my favorite game series is Rune Factory. So much nostalgia. So cathartic. And the casts are hilarious. Also some of those games maaaaaaay have made me cry.
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[QUOTE="Lilah Tunth]From a scale of 1 - 10, where your awesomeness be at?

11, duh.

Frederick said:
Describe the best ice cream you have hereto eaten.
I couldn't possibly call one better than another because it all depends on what I'm in the mood for!

But picture, if you will, an ice cream so dark and chocolatey that the brown of it is nearly black, loaded with streaks of frozen chocolate syrup and chunks of chocolate cups, a hint of a salty taste to offset the sweetness...

That is the wonder of Chocolate Trinity.

*Cue random piano riffs, in minor key, of course*

Oyo, boyo. Did you ever change your accent? Besides just joking, like seriously serious.
I can't say I have! I'm pretty typically American accent-wise, maybe with a hint of the south in there, and I've never consistently talked in any other way.



What is your House in our favourite magic school Hogwarts?
Slytherin Ravenclaw. Definitely Ravenclaw. I am not secretly a Slytherin. No sir ee.
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Couple of things:

Am I limited to one post here?

Do you like flash games? Is there a way I can convince you otherwise?

A game about free will, choice, and commands

Expected Duration: 15-30 minutes

Keyboard Controls:

Loved by Alexander Ocias

A game about morality, time travel, and puzzles

Expected Duration: 30-45 minutes

Mouse Controls:

Play no-one has to die. mobile free

A game about loneliness, coping, and storytelling

Expected Duration: 1-2 hours

Keyboard Controls:

The Company of Myself by 2DArray

A game about meteors, friendship, and loss

Expected Duration: 15-20 minutes

Mouse Controls:

The End of Us

Do you mind reading my old poetry and telling me what you think?

Poetry - Seven
You can post as often as you like!

I do like flash games, though I rarely make the time for them. I'll definitely refer back to your list next time I'm in the mood!

And sure! I may not be able to get to tonight, though. I have some stuff to work on. ^-^;
Is Mordred better than Arthur?

Is Arthur a flat and unlikable choice of waifu that i can never understand why people like?

Would you rather have Donna Burke vocalising in the distance or an overused meme of Morgan Freeman narrating about everything you do in your life?

Will RPN ever have 100% approval on their updates?
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Is Mordred better than Arthur?

Is Arthur a flat and unlikable choice of waifu that i can never understand why people like?

Okay so Mordred is batshit insane but IF YOU'RE INTO THAT he's totally better than Arthur

Arthur IS kinda flat

But I wouldn't say that necessarily makes him worse than Mordred

I mean as far as waifu qualities go you want someone that's somewhat sane.

Would you rather have Donna Burke vocalising in the distance or an overused meme of Morgan Freeman narrating about everything you do in your life?

Morgan Freeman. I am meme trash.

Will RPN ever have 100% approval on their updates?

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