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I just need a partner

Ben Douglas

Diet Dew, grapes, and my 3DS= My Life
I have a few plots/settings but I'll take suggestions. My OC will be in the comments. But I'll need your OC also in the comments. Or I could go for a PM. I'll need a girl, I'm doing all romances. I only do MxF.


High School romance


Settings (You choose any plot with my approval. It can be your own.):


Apartment Building


Forest Village

Thank you for your consideration.
Name: Alex

Description: Nice, but not very social. He has one friend. He always has his head in one book, it has an unreadable cover, and unreadable text.

Appearance: Red hoodie, orange beanie, blue jeans, black shirt. He has dark brown hair and blue eyes.
Name: Reed Wilson

Description: Rude yet also sarcastic to people she meets who eventually becomes her friend in the end. She doesn't like hanging out in crowds and doesn't trust many people afraid they may hurt her in the end. Is a tomboy


I'm interested in roleplaying with you if you're still looking for people.

How about college romance instead of High School Romance? We could have it in the college campus.

My OC is as below-

Name : Thea Whetherby

Age : 18

Appearance : Thea is the one whom people usually called Beauty with Brains. With Blonde hairs let loose around her, and her head set straight, her eyes which pierced people with interest, she was a jack-of-all trades kind of girl.


Bio: She lost her parents at a very young age and grew up with her grand mother. Though, she never had a lack for anything in her life because of the fortune her parents had left for her. It was her biggest desire to be a writer just like her mother and hence had come to college to major in English.
Ok. You know my OC. I've GTG though, but we can RP later. Alex majors in digital design.
[QUOTE="Ben Douglas]Ok. You know my OC. I've GTG though, but we can RP later. Alex majors in digital design.

Awesome. Just PM me or create a thread (as per your wish) so that we can start off.
Hey, I'll do one! Since I can play male or female, it's fine.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.

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