I joined today, and I already don't like this site much.


❃ Flower Child ❃
Before I start, just know that I'm sorry to even have to post this.


I've been lurking around all day, perusing all the boards, and even flinging myself into the chat every once in a while (I should say attempting, as it never went over well). My analysis is that as a whole, the community here isn't very openly friendly. Don't get me wrong; I have met a few people that have been kind, and helpful to me, some of whom I already am RPing with, and I greatly appreciate that... However, the vast majority of you are intimidating, via being terribly rude. Is there any reason for that, or...? I want to believe that it's accidental rudeness, or probably just a few bad apples ruining the bunch, because honestly, this is a horrible way to try and run a writing community. I thought we were all supposed to be friendly and cordial, not haughty and terribly reserved.

And before anyone even suggests this, I'm not a mean person (I don't think, I hope I'm not), and I'm not a terrible writer (I'm not the best but come on). In other words, I don't presume that anything I did brought on this rudeness? Which is what led me to believe you're mostly probably just assholes.


Yes, no?

I haven't been on here that long either, and I've never seen anyone be outright rude. I've actually found the community to be overall very welcoming. That isn't to say that nobody on here is rude, but it sounds like you just had a few bad experiences, or you're misinterpreting what they said.
I really hope that's the case. I haven't had a good site in ages and I do love the layout of things here...

Bler. Maybe it's just a bad day. Maybe I am misinterpreting? Oh well.

( :( )

Thanks for the opinion/response though. (<3)
Hi Jamiesue,

I'm sorry to hear you say that. Overall, we've had really great feedback about the friendliness of our community in comparison to other forum roleplaying website. Now, I'm not going to pretend that every user here is overly friendly and helpful, but I've always been overwhelmed with how awesome our community is, in my opinion. For years, I was on a number of other forum roleplaying websites and have never found a community as comfortable as RpNation's. Then again, personal experience is bound to be very different form person to person.

The chat, as you mentioned, is a bit more fast paced than the rest of the site. People often use it to goof off, which I'm sure can come off as rude, but 99% of the time, people are just being silly and trying to have fun. I'd also like to point out that you've only come in to contact with a very small sliver of users on the site. Heck, I'm an administrator, and I haven't interacted with the "vast majority." That said, there are lots of opportunities to make friends.

If anyone one person or persons are giving you trouble, don't ever hesitate to reach out to staff via admin contact or reporting. As staff, we're here to help make your stay as pleasant as possible. You can also use your "block" feature, if someone has been bothering you.

I'm sorry your experience has not been as pleasant as you hoped it would be, but I'm not quite sure what else I can offer you in terms of advice. If you have any additional questions or concerns though, don't hesitate to reach out to me at any time.


Ok, see, this is the cutest, and not what I expected at all, but I'm very pleased.

I really appreciate you taking the time to post to me about this, and as an administrator I feel I have to take your word about the site, really. I realize that I may have been a bit pessimistic in my hasty review of the community, as you're right, I haven't had time in only one day to make calls about the "majority." Perhaps I took something out of context, or there was a miscommunication... I didn't realize there was a block feature, and that I really like, that helps me in fact with the majority of my problem, right there.

Don't be sorry, in fact that was the best advice you could have given me!

I should calm the hell down.

If I need anything I will definitely let you know.

^__^ Well, that's my job! I'm always happy to take time to help new users get acquainted with the site.

Yes, the block feature is a great way to avoid conflicts, y'know? It has helped quell a lot of fights. With a site as big as RpN, there is bound to be different view points and opinions, so it helps users go their separate ways without having to put up a stink. It's really a great feature. (:

Anyways, no problem! I hope you settle in here. There are always going to be the bad apples, but I really think we have some gems here, too. The chat can be a little overwhelming as I've said, but if you'd like, I'd be happy to help you pop in. Sometimes, all it takes is getting involved in a conversation. The people in the chat are pretty friendly, but it moves so fast, sometimes they don't see much besides their own conversations. An unfortunate side effect of a live chat, really.

Anyways, don't hesitate! My inbox is always open.
You mentioned a chat room....if that's what you're judging this site off of, plz don't do that.

I'm new, so I'm not speaking from experience on this site since I've never been in the chatroom here, but generally speaking from my experiences on the interwebs, chat rooms or guilds or anything where groups of ppl can congregate usually suffer from what I like to call Retarded-Highschool-Clique Syndrome.

In other words, people will only talk to people they know. Girls are the worst with this when it comes to other girls since it feels like girls view other chicks as competition to them getting attention or w/e (so much for girl unity blah blah blah).

So if you've had bad chatroom experiences I'd suggest not even going in there. I personally avoid them because I can't deal with the immature clique BS. I just think if someone says hi and is constantly trying to join in on the conversation they should be responded to imo, they shouldn't be ignored because you don't know them or because they're not part of your little clique....and you shouldn't go out of your way to talk about crap/people you know only your little clique understands. <3 <3
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Lots of hate for the chat here, so I'm just going to throw a voice in here. To me, the chat has always been filled with gentlemen and scholars, and though some are very blunt or made crude jokes, I've never seen someone be outright rude. There's always a few who are having a bad day, but not taking things personally and just trying to have fun and interact with the community has never failed me before.

Either way, RPNs communities have always been one of the most helpful and friendly, that I can vouch for.
The chat is a rather nice place but there is one thing you can't do. You can't enter and expect to be pulled into a conversation without some effort.

There are only two times I've seen someone get ignored I'm chat.

1. Being an attention seeker by posting actions regarding crying in the corner alone. (WHICH is why corners were outlawed in the chat.)

2. Simply doing nothing but making silly faces and not really talking.

You have to take the initiative to say hello in the chat and be assertive enough to insert yourself into the conversation.

And I completely disagree with Daisy's judgment. Countless times I've seen someone come in and say hi and watched five or six people all say hello and welcome to RPN. Everyone in the chat is friendly 9 times out of 10 and everyone is willing to talk to someone new.
Everyone, please read the part I underlined, put in bold print, and then enlarged.

I clearly said I haven't been in this websites chatroom so I can't speak from experience on this site's chat, so please don't take offense as if I'm speaking about this site's chatroom directly. I'm simply speaking from experiences I've had in other chat rooms or guilds online, and suggesting that
if the OP experienced something like that here then she should just stop going into chat. I'm not saying I know for the fact the chatroom here is like that, I don't, I just wasn't sure if the OP was experiencing chatroom issues or not.

I will admit I sound kinda angry in my original post, but I'm just really sick and tired of dealing with cliques on the internet. They seem to be everywhere nowadays and not enough people speak out against that kind of toxic atmosphere that really ruins the fun of online communities/gaming imo. But I guess people don't speak out about it because once they're inside the clique they dgaf...idk.

I hope the OP stays though and gives the site a try still....I know I plan to! (*U*)
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I'm sure it's been said, though I didn't read through all the comments (it's so early xD !) but I hope you're not going to judge the entire community based on the chat. It's quite literally less than 1% of the entire site's population, and to be kind of frank (though I hope, not rude) folks can be a little curmudgeonly in there. I myself am surprised, sometimes, by the level of untoward hostility... but I guess that's the breaks of having a rather large community. That said, not everyone in the chat is like that, and there is a report button on everyone's profile, should you feel like someone is being disrespectful towards you.

Also -- try to remember (I sometimes forget myself) that the internet has no tone. What someone wrote as humor could very easily be construed as rudeness... because unfortunately there's not a text to indicate sarcasm or jest. It would make all our lives easier if there were, but the internet unfortunately can't do everything, yet (it'll come!).

Honesty, I hope you're willing to give RPN a real shot - Hop into some RPs, get to know some of the less sodium-heavy folks... I encourage you to stick around :) I've been with the site for over a year and while it's not perfect, and I've had my share of issues here and there, I really have never come across a more welcoming, loving environment in any other roleplaying community (and I've been RPing for 18 years, sooo... I've been around xD ).

Hope things improve :)

Best of luck <3
I feel like I have to comment back now, as I don't want anyone to think that I'm not taking their words into consideration. I really appreciate every single person that took the time to comment on this post, because that right there is exactly the kind of kindness that proves my point wrong anyways. Lol. Regardless, as I said in my first reply to the lovely administrator, I may have been hasty in my judgement, and I need to calm the hell down. You're all right in your own ways; Perhaps I have miscommunicated or taken something out of context, and in hindsight, I plan to stay out of the chat anyways, and that's just me. I do in fact plan to stay on the site, as I'm having a blast roleplaying already with multiple people.


Thanks lovely people, but we're good now, it's all good.

Jamiesue said:
I feel like I have to comment back now, as I don't want anyone to think that I'm not taking their words into consideration. I really appreciate every single person that took the time to comment on this post, because that right there is exactly the kind of kindness that proves my point wrong anyways. Lol. Regardless, as I said in my first reply to the lovely administrator, I may have been hasty in my judgement, and I need to calm the hell down. You're all right in your own ways; Perhaps I have miscommunicated or taken something out of context, and in hindsight, I plan to stay out of the chat anyways, and that's just me. I do in fact plan to stay on the site, as I'm having a blast roleplaying already with multiple people.

Thanks lovely people, but we're good now, it's all good.

Glad to hear! And if you got three notifications of me liking that just ignore em, tapatalk hates me lol.
Jamiesue said:
I feel like I have to comment back now, as I don't want anyone to think that I'm not taking their words into consideration. I really appreciate every single person that took the time to comment on this post, because that right there is exactly the kind of kindness that proves my point wrong anyways. Lol. Regardless, as I said in my first reply to the lovely administrator, I may have been hasty in my judgement, and I need to calm the hell down. You're all right in your own ways; Perhaps I have miscommunicated or taken something out of context, and in hindsight, I plan to stay out of the chat anyways, and that's just me. I do in fact plan to stay on the site, as I'm having a blast roleplaying already with multiple people.

Thanks lovely people, but we're good now, it's all good.


Yay, I'm glad you're staying on the site! Hopefully we'll bump into each other again!! (<3)(<3)

I think that no matter where you go where people RP you will come across people who seem to have themselves seated much higher than others, but I think that it is a matter of perspective and comes with the territory. Lots of people are particular about the ways other role play. There's a culture and a language. So people who don't fit that mold seem like outsiders who don't know. And even if you do know you may not come off as "authentic". This is just from my personal observation, not how I feel towards people. I like to welcome everyone.

Nevertheless, writing that is not seen to be up to par, not understanding terms like like god-modding (or maybe I'm just too old), and not fleshing out things in detail is evidence of disingenuous origins in terms of where you stand in the RP community. Even the way people present their writing with too many abbreviation, emoticons and slang. On the flip side I have also found that, like you said, people can come off as intimidating. Sometime the opposite happens where people are intimidated by good writers or by people have high expectations. Feeling like these people try too hard to impress with their proper grammar, long posts and over the top details.

I think everyone should get along and just rp. It isn't too important how well one writes. If there isn't enough details or something is unclear just ask and chances are everyone would love the opportunity to explain themselves. Being mean for petty reasons like these is not a good enough reason to scare off people who really want to be here and have fun. Sorry for the long post, but it's been something that's been on my mind for a while.

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