I have joined you all :3


New Member
Hello people of this nation! The best kind of nation, RpNation. Hah xD

So to begin with the basics, my name is Stephanie but just call me Gold or Silv, or pretty much any other contraction of my username, SilverGoldfish. Which, to pepper in a back story, came about when my friends began calling me Goldfish due to my blonde hair, but it isn't actually gold, it's rather silver-y. And thus my name was born. *Sarcastic Fireworks*

I enjoy both fantasy and realistic RPs, but I'm not too into the magic-y and overly sparkly RPs. I have a dark side sadly that likes violent rps heh >.> <.< But I also enjoy others. I've rp'd in the past and did decently well, at least from my point of view. I hope to start RPing again soon :3 First I have to figure out how to work this site >.>

*flails* Love me or hate me, I don't care either way. I'm hungry. That's enough about me. Time for food!

Random facts:

  • I love gaming <3 Pc and Xbox, I don't have a playstation ;-;
  • Favorite tv show is Dexter <3 <3 <3
  • Love anime too much for my own good
  • I have an average wpm (typing) of 120 wpm.
  • I love music such as Five Finger Death Punch, Breaking Benjamin, System of a Down, A Day to Remember, Rise Against, Disturbed, Skillet, Korn, Black Veil Brides, etc. :3 Too many to name! heh
  • I'm blonde and proud
  • I am indeed a female
  • I am not a pedophile
  • I have a Dell that I hate. I hope to get an Alienware soon.
  • I use bullets a lot :3
  • I have 3 horses. George (thoroughbred), Calypso (paint), and Bella (non-fluffy pony.. somethin)
  • I've wasted a lot of time with this
  • I'm done
  • Bye :3
Alienware are overhyped and overpriced, get yourself a custom built rig, customs are under hyped and under priced but they perform just as well if not better than Alienware.

Welcome to the website
bettsyboy said:
Alienware are overhyped and overpriced, get yourself a custom built rig, customs are under hyped and under priced but they perform just as well if not better than Alienware.
Welcome to the website
I have no idea how to custom build xD

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