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Multiple Settings I have a desire, but no plot (MxM only) (OPEN)


Dreams Come True
So I don’t really have a plot, but I have a desire and want to RP more than I have been. I have had many major life changes these past few years of the 2020s, and thus have changed a lot about who I am and what I want. But I have always had a love for RPing and thus want to get back into it, even though this time I’m strictly going for MxM only. I have lost interest in MxF RPs for the moment, and even though I’m fine with that being an element still, I would rather do that secondary to the main plot or not at all.

I don’t really care about any “guidelines” as long as you are 18+, operate by the site’s own rules, and are nice and friendly and accepting. Whatever we go with, the RP will be PG-13 material. Also we will be doing the RP on PMs only, sorry but that is the most convenient way for me.

So since I don’t really have any ideas, I would love to hear what anyone out there wanting to work with me has for an idea and seeing if I want to work with it and then coming up with more ideas together. I find it best when working with my partner to come up with the plot. So either post below or send me a PM, and
I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
im a one line and first person role player yes or no?
Sorry, but do you mean just one sentence? Because if thats the case, no. I perfer at least five sentences per post. And, I, myself use third person past tense, but I don't really care what my partner uses as long as they don't mind what I use when it comes to perspective.
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Ello!! I’m interested!! Would you be looking for OCxOC because that would sound super fun! What type of troupe are you looking for? Are you looking for demon/nonhuman lovers with fantasy adventures or a human couple living a completely normal life OR a human and a demon/nonhuman couple???

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