Chitchat I guess I'll join in on the Q&A/Ask me Anything thingy...


Oddball and author
So... Well... yeah...

Since so many people seem to be doing this, I might as well join in, no?

Ask me anything!
Alrighty, I'll bite!

  • What's your favorite genre or sub-genre of roleplaying?
  • Where do you find yourself drawing inspiration from in writing?
  • What author(s), if any, inspire(s) you?
My favorite genre of roleplay is most definitely fantasy. Preferably set in a medievalish world, but then with magic and elves and everything, so not much for witchburning. Within fantasy, I love Dark Fantasy (mostly because the DM in my dnd campaigns figured all his campaigns are dark fantasy, and I think his stories are amazing!), a slight touch of horror here and there. And the good deal of magic, humor, drama...

I've tried realistic before, but that doesn't quite seem to suit me.

Most inspiration seems to come out of nowhere. I write stories myself too, so sometimes I use those for characters and plot. But in replies I also depend on what my partners write. I subconsciously pull inspiration from books, tv series, dnd campaigns... Sometimes I just blankly stare out of the window and I get a sentence stuck in my head. Before I know it that one sentence is a whole chapter... But yeah... Mostly it comes out of my over active fantasy. Oh, and music! I always listen to music when I'm in the train or when I write. Epic orchestral music like Audiomachine, Two Steps From Hell, and BrunuhVille

Not an author, but as I mentioned, the DM in most of my dnd campaigns is a great source of inspiration. When I write for example, and I get stuck somewhere, he comes with the most amazing ideas that really help me develop the story. Sometimes when I tell him my plot he knows of things to add too.
I'll bite :D

  1. If you were only allowed to keep one possession that you now own, what would it be?
  2. What's your biggest aspiration at the moment?
1. Hmm... this is a very difficult one... Because I have several things I really like. It would probably be my laptop though, since I spend a lot of time on that...

2. To finally finish a study. This year is the third time I've started a different study, at a different college, in a different city. And I really want to finish it for once. Otherwise things get expensive...

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