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Multiple Settings I guess I should try again? Searching for lit-adv.lit partners~! [M/M, romance, realistic, fantasy, historical, and more!!]


Is Blood Sweet?
Roleplay Availability
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HEYO~! It's so nice of you to peek at this thread XD. Nice to meet you! The name is Ayre. I'm a little too hyper and overexcited rn, so forgive me if I spout too much nonsense and put you off T^T. I promise I'm a good and obedient boy hehe >\\\<.

Anyway! I'll keep this thread as simple and short as possible. So, here goes nothing!
  • I'm 20+ yo~. While I will accept anyone so long as they are passionate about writing, I do prefer those around the same age as me. 18+ yo is welcome too^^
  • While it is objective, I consider myself as literate to advance literate. I could even go for a novella when I have enough inspiration and free time ✨. Depending on my muse, I could go for five to more than ten paragraphs a post, which ranged from 500-1.5k words. I'm not expecting you to be the same, but I really love to play with someone who is as passionate about writing as I am. As much as I enjoyed writings, I'm also a sucker for a good read!
  • On the topic of passion, I've roleplayed for around 4-5 years, on and off. But I've been writing stories for most of my life!
  • I prefer to play male and would love to do m/m with you!
  • Let's talk about our interests and exchange stories! I have many horror stories to share, stories about some exciting and weird dreams I had every night, as well as some casual talk over little imperfections in life! I would give you a kiss for every novel you recommended me (especially one that you could read online since I'm a nerd 🤓)
  • I'm not a native English speaker. This limits my writing a lot, but I always tried my best not to make it affect me too much! I used software to help correct any misspelling or grammatical errors, but it's not perfect. So please bare with me! I promise I'll sweep you up into my posts!
  • Sadly, as much as I want to write and play with you every day, I'm a college student that also works part-time jobs over the weekend, so there is a limit on how many times I can reply in a week. I try to go for once every two or three days, but a daily reply would be hard. Please be patient with me T^T.
I may have overdone it a little, but that should be fine, right? In short, I'm looking for a passionate, lit-adv.lit writer who is willing to play m/m, be patient with replies, love to have a fun and fulfilling chat outside roleplay, and - the most important part - interested to play with me too!

To let you know what you could expect from me, here is a writing sample for you to read~
London City, suburban area.

The night sky was overcast by the gloomy grey cloud, not allowing any stars or moonlight to seep through. This made the winding and dark alleyway in this place incredibly gloomy and ominous. Old and cramped buildings framed each side of this narrow alley. Along with the disgusting sewer odor and puddles of dirty water pooling up on the ground, it's clear to all that this is the back-alley or slum area of London where only the poor gathered.

Yet, at this time, a young man who clearly didn't belong to this area could be seen walking down the maze-like narrow alley. The young man was wearing a high-quality grey and black tailcoat suit, a pair of shining leather shoes, and a dark grey fedora hat that hid his eyes in the shadow. Furthermore, the man was also using a rather thick and long cane. From the get-up alone, the young man was clearly someone from the upper-class society, someone you'd never see walking down the slum area like this. It made him stand out like a sore thumb. Many beggars or homeless people along the road couldn't help but stare at him weirdly because of that. This young man is Alchere Baumann, the youngest child of the Baumann family.

Not to mention those people, even Alchere himself was questioning why he was here. Just a few hours ago, Mr. Edward Turner, his direct superior, send him a letter informing him of his next mission. The letter itself was very short. Only stating a location in the suburban area of the city where Mr. Turner would brief him on his mission. But it was passed on to him with great secrecy that quickly made Alchere realize the importance of it. The letter also stated for him to come to this location as lowkey and 'ordinary' as he could. He's not allowed to 'fly' through the air or used too much of his power to get there. But Alchere never expected that the meeting place would be in the slum. He's not familiar with the address written in the letter. But since it was issued to him in a lot of urgencies, Alchere didn't even bother investigating beforehand and just go with his usual getups. Even this was already his most low-key outfit. Now, due to his lack of information, he had violated the very rule of being 'low-key' and stuck out like a sore thumb here.

Internally, Alchere grumbled and complained at Mr. Turner's weird quirk again. This was not the first time that Mr. Turner had set up a meeting place that's both unexpected and bizarre. This middle-aged man had never once issued a mission in the headquarter, saying that it's more fun to have the meeting outside because they would be able to experience different things while they are at it. But this time, the meeting location was really out of Alchere's expectations.

Regardless of anything, Alchere grew up in a very high-class society where he could have the best of everything. At worst, Alchere would be drenched in the blood of his enemy during the battle. But then, not even a speck of dust landed on his clothes. Being stranded in a place like this, with the muddy pool of water on the ground and disgusting odors wafting about, it's reasonable for him to be so uncomfortable. Just the smell alone made Alchere want to pull out his handkerchief and covered his nose with it. But doing so would violate the code of etiquette he had learned throughout his life. Thus, Alchere endured his discomfort and focused on navigating his way through the maze-like roads of the slum. Even so, his footsteps were clearly faster than ordinary people. Soundless and light to the point where not even a footprint was left behind. It was hard to discern due to how dark the surrounding was. Alchere was actually 'walking on air'. He refused to dirty his spotless leather shoes with the muddy water on the road. Doing this much was already his limit.

After twisting and turning a couple of times while also getting lost more than once during the whole process, Alchere finally arrived at the appointed location. By then, Alchere's face was already as gloomy as the overcast night sky. Mr. Turner better had a good reason for making him go through all this. Or else... Alchere let out a small sigh. After that, he knocked on the door twice, paused, knocked three times, paused again, then knock five times. There was a clicking sound and the door was suddenly unlocked from the inside. Then, it swung open to reveal a middle-aged man with shoulder-length grey hair, silver-framed glasses, and a very friendly smile on his face.

"Ah, my dearest Al is finally here! I've waited so long for you, you know? The always punctual and quick as the wind Alchere Baumann is late for a meeting for once. What a great thing to witness." Mr. Turner greeted him with a large and sickeningly sweet face. It's clear that he's enjoying the situation. Maybe, this was his plan all along. Disregarding the glaring crimson eyes that stared at him in clear annoyance, he stepped aside to indicate that Alchere should come in.

Alchere forced down the urge to scoff sarcastically at that seemingly always smiling face. He respectfully bowed as a greeting before stepping inside the rundown and old building that surprisingly has a really clean and tidy interior. This lessened his annoyance considerably. But he still couldn't help but comment sharply. "If you haven't picked such a bizarre location for a meeting and put a lot of conditions for me to act 'ordinary' on top of that, sir, I would've arrived here before you did." Even as he grumbled, his tone was still very polite, if that even makes sense. He put his grey scarf and fedora hat onto the hanger next to the door. This made his neat jet-black hair and unique crimson eyes to be fully displayed. Then, his snake-like pupils turned to stare at the middle-aged man accusingly.

As if unaffected by his glare, Mr. Turner still maintained the same gentle smile as before while closing the door shut and locking it again. He spoke with a really light and teasing tone. "You are able to go through an interesting experience thanks to me, aren't you? Ah, a young master has taken a stroll through the slum. How fun and interesting! Choosing this place is a great decision, after all." The middle-aged man hummed cheerfully.

Alchere quietly watched as his superior put on a really innocent face as he walked to the sitting area next to the fireplace, gesturing for Alchere to sit down. He gave him one more displeased look before obediently walking over and sitting down on the brown couch, putting his black cane next to him.

Despite working under him for a very long time, Alchere still couldn't fully comprehend the thought process of Mr. Turner. He's an ordinary being with no power or ability whatsoever. Yet, his thought process was often more extraordinary than every extraordinary being Alchere had met. Alchere would rather fight a hundred battles than try to understand this man, much less argue with him. Thus, he chose to go straight to the point. "So, what's the mission, sir?"

Usually, Mr. Turner would've scolded that he's too boring but would explain the mission right away regardless. But now, he just shook his head helplessly instead. "Not yet. There is another person that hasn't arrived yet. Be patient and wait for him first, ok?" He winked at Alchere playfully, smile growing wider when he saw the frown on Alchere's face as soon as he said that.

Another person? He invited someone else here? Alchere wondered in confusion. This has never happened before. He always worked alone so whenever he was briefed on his mission, there would only be him and Mr. Turner. Yet, he invited someone else now. This really made him couldn't help but frown.

As if seeing through his thought, Mr. Turner answered. "The mission you'll get this time would be different than your usual missions. Hence, I will not dispatch you alone this time around. This mission is very important. The great young master Baumann should understand this, right?" He still had the same innocent smile. Yet, his brown eyes finally showed a hint of oppression and seriousness. This made Alchere realize that he didn't have the right to object this time. But before he could do or say anything, Mr. Turner suddenly glanced at the door. "Ah, he should be here now." As for how or why he knew that even if he's an ordinary human, Alchere didn't know. The next second, knocks were heard from the door in a similar pattern as the knocking he did back then. Mr. Turner put on his usual benign smile before walking over to unlock the door again.

Alchere also shifted his attention to the door, wanting to see just who is the person that would be working with him later on...

Are you hooked yet?? Can I reel in the bait now? XD. Alright! Here are some plots for you to pick and choose ~. I'll be playing the role in bold.
  1. A hopeless romantic guy has been in love with his best friend since they are young. Being neighbors with mothers that are a pair of very good friends, they practically grew up together. They went to the same daycare all the way up into college and ended up living together for a practical reason. And all those times, muse a has been in love with his best friend. The only problem is, he is a 6'3 tall and big guy with sharp and fierce facial features that also happens to be an emotionally constipated person! Not to mention showing a soft, gentle, and loving expression, he probably won't even flinch if an apocalypse happens in front of his eyes (an exaggeration). And the worst part? His best friend is a dense and slow guy who blissfully dates one person to another and brags about it to him, this single dog with unrequited love, all the time! But then, his best friend suddenly has a painful breakup. It was so painful that his best friend dragged him into a bar and went into a drinking frenzy for several consecutive nights. Looking at his broken-hearted appearance, Muse A suddenly made a shocking offer, "If it's that hard to move on, why don't you try and go out with me? Date me. I'll make you forget about your ex..."
  2. A mega superstar suddenly announced his retirement from stardom at the peak of his career. Millions of his fans cried at the sudden decision, screaming for an explanation. But for a certain anti-fan that was so sick of seeing that face everywhere and anywhere he went, it was simply a bliss! Finally, he no longer had to see that sickeningly sweet face or that obviously pretentious attitude anymore! After the news of his retirement, he even got the luck to live in a shared penthouse with cheap rent! Just great! But when he arrived at the penthouse, it turns out that the owner of the penthouse, his new roommate, is the mega superstar he hated the most!!
  3. Life hasn't been easy for Muse a. He is living all alone, spending every day repeating the same routine and living the same tiring day. Lonely and hurtful, he chanced upon a drenched and tired puppy on his way back home during a stormy night. Perhaps he had just been too lonely, or perhaps he felt a kind of compassion and similarities between them. Regardless of the reason, he ultimately brought the puppy home, completely oblivious to the fact that it was an escaped illegal test subject of some crazy yet mysterious organization. And this 'puppy' could change into a human...
  4. A thousand-year-old vampire woke up someday after sleeping for centuries. Feeling refreshed from the satisfying rest, he planned to go out of his coffin and search for a 'meal' to appease his thirst. But what he didn't expect was that, as soon as he opened his coffin, he had somehow ended up in someone's bedroom...? It wasn't the cave that he dwelled in when he went to sleep! Someone had moved his coffin! How daring! Filled with anger, the vampire was ready to kill whoever dared to move him in his sleep. He had no idea that the coffin he slept in is treated as a historical relic of an ancient kingdom with an astronomical price. The human found this coffin and auctioned it off. Because of the special feature of the coffin, the humans couldn't open it and had no idea that there is a vampire peacefully sleeping inside it! A rich collector bought it and brought it home with him. And thus, this 'historical' vampire woke up in the modern world with a strange yet rich human as his 'owner'. The vampire happens to be a fierce-tempered yet cutely stupid vampire who could easily be fooled into selling his organ for a 'magical talking and shining rectangle thingy' (smartphone). So, would you like to tame this foolish yet cute pre-historic vampire? Who knows, maybe if you treat (fool) him well, he could become a good and obedient vampire (slave) that would 'reluctantly' do whatever you told him to XD.
  5. A human went home after buying a couple of necessities in a thrift store. One of the items he brought home was a weird but cool-looking bracelet that looked like two small and live-like snakes intertwined with each other. It was a little ominous since the snake's eyes seem to glow red, but the craftsmanship was very exquisite despite its cheap price. Who knew that when he arrived at his home and put the bracelet on, the bracelet would suddenly burn on his wrist? It was so painful, but he couldn't take it off no matter what. Then, the bracelet suddenly disappeared. In its place, a tattoo in the same design as the bracelet suddenly formed on his skin. Then, something even more bizarre happened; he could suddenly see ghosts! A hanging man with eyes that almost fell off the sockets, a girl with a bloodied dress and long hair giggled from within his closet, and some kind of black yet thin creature with long hands suddenly reached out to grab him! In the midst of this seemingly straight-out-of-a-horror-movie scene, a conspicuous yet somewhat normal existence caught his eyes. It was a man with large black horns, crimson eyes, a long pointy tail, and an overly revealing and seductive body that seemingly just appeared out of nowhere. A demon. And this demon is angry! How could he not be angry?! He was chilling and enjoying the leisurely life down in hell when a force suddenly pulled him in from within the darkness! The next thing he knew, he was already in the human's house! What's more, he later found out that he, a higher-rank and powerful demon, has been bound with a measly human through a bracelet!
  6. Muse A is the second child of a very rich family. With his elder brother as an heir, he never had to worry about money or being responsible for anything. He could live as free as he want! But then, his family suddenly wanted to pair him off with a lady of a similar background. Heck no! Disregarding the fact that he's gay, he would never accept an arranged marriage with someone he didn't like! Above all, he still wanted to play around instead of settling down so soon! But his family wouldn't accept a rejection unless muse a is truly in love with someone and already in a relationship with them, which he currently isn't. Desperate for a solution, he came to muse b, his best friend since childhood, and asked him to pretend to be his boyfriend until his parents are convinced of it and dropped the matter of marriage. Muse b willingly agreed to his unreasonable demand and play along with him. And thus, muse a and muse b's fake relationship began. But there is something muse a didn't know. Muse B has actually been in love with him for many years. Muse A is just too oblivious to see it. Muse B thought he could never have a chance with muse a because of how clueless he is with his feelings. He didn't want to ruin their friendship over a one-sided love. But this time, through this fake relationship, he swore to slowly make muse a fall in love with him and turn this fake relationship into a real one.
  7. There is a superhero and a supervillain that is famous for always butting heads whenever they met. Every case the superhero get is always about that supervillain, yet, due to the supervillain's ability, the superhero could never catch him. On the other hand, the supervillain si annoyed for always having his mission ruined by that superhero. What is the use of being able to run away if he never ends up getting his job done in the end?? So, both of them have a notorious rivalry where each was eager to catch the other. It was fierce, yet comical at the same time as both of their powers aren't compatible to go against each other, leading to a neverending 'game of tag'. But there is something that both of them didn't know. Outside of their villain/hero job, they are actually long-time neighbors that are even friendly with each other! What would happen when the secret is revealed? Would this pair of friends and neighbors turn against each other?
  8. Gates that connected the Earth with another dimension suddenly emerged all over the world. It was like an apocalypse as monsters with all kinds of abilities invaded the earth through the gates and attacked humanity. When humans were on the brink of extinction in the face of the ever-powerful monsters, humans with abilities suddenly emerged and ended the one-sided massacre. Through these superhumans' efforts, humanity managed to survive by forcing back the monsters into the gates and sealing the entrances. These sealed gates, also known as dungeons, would later be raided by hunters - the superhumans - so that a breakout wouldn't occur. Muse A and muse B are superhumans that dream of becoming great hunters one day. After passing the strict examination to be hunters, they finally went inside their first dungeon. At first, they are strangers who happen to go into the same dungeon as their first one. But one way or another, they coincidentally crossed paths during their hunt and somehow ended up butting heads. Unbeknown to them though, this dungeon is not a low-level dungeon as they thought. It is a mutated dungeon that trapped everyone that came in until either the boss or everyone inside died. And as annoyed and hateful as they are with each other, they have no choice but to work together to escape this dungeon.
  9. A pair of strangers died at the same time from a car accident. Well, they thought they were dead for sure. But when they opened their eyes, something like a holographic notification screen like the one in the game suddenly emerged in front of them. [Welcome to Second Chance! You have died in reality and have been given a second chance to continue living! Complete every objective in every mission world. Solve the puzzles, uncover the mysteries! For each world you cleared, you will be given 10 more days to live. But if you failed... You will die and your whole existence would be erased from your real world. Good luck ^^]
    In each world, the objectives and plot could be different. There could be a scenario world with a pre-existing plot and roles for each character/player. For example, our characters would be given the roles of streamers whose objective is to uncover the mysteries in a large abandoned mansion and successfully escaped. There would also be a world where the objective is simply to survive for a period of time. Our OCs would have to complete these missions to extend their lives. We could play multiple characters for this one!
Are you interested?? Please PM me right away and tell me the number of the plot you are interested in ^^.

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