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Realistic or Modern I Fell In Love With My Best Friend

Jess Buck

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
"Have you ever really liked someone? And I don't just mean a school girl crush. But someone you really connected with on an emotional level. Yeah? Ok, now imagine that person is your best friend. Yeah. This is the story of how I fell in love with my best friend."

This is an excerpt from the book "I Fell In Love With My Best Friend" written by Jessica Torres. The book is narrated by the main character Elliot Styles. In the book, Elliot tells the reader the story of how she fell in love with her childhood friend Kelly Landon. Elliot explains how confused she was when she became older and she didn't find boys cute, while her best friend did. Stories of how at sleepovers she would secretly stare at Kelly as she changed in and out of her cloths.

When the book hit stores it became an instant hit. People all over the world fell in love with Elliot and Kelly's story. What everyone doesn't know is that this book his based off of true events. This story, is Jessica's story. This is the story of how Jessica fell in love with her best friend.


This Roleplay will be the events after Jessica has written her book. How she's dealing with her success and how she and her best friend get on after the book has become such a success.


1. Keep characters to a minimum. There is no need for a horde of characters.

2. Please try to be as active as possible. If your going to be gone for a while, make sure to tell me or someone else in the roleplay.

3. Her best friend has to be a girl. No exceptions.

4. Have fun and don't get too crazy.


The roles bare basically self explanatory. Just explain their relation to Jessica.


Name: Please have a text color for dialogue.







Best Friend/s/:





Name: Jessica Christine Torres

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Birthday: July 2nd

Role: Jessica, duh.....

Job: Author, Actress, and Singer

Personality: Funny, outgoing, smart, kind, caring, sweet, loving, quirky, cute, adorable, dorky, and goofy

Best Friend/s/: Krystal Palaad

Crush/s/: N/A




-Jessica is the world famous Author of I Fell In Love With My Best Friend. She wrote the book based off of her personal experience with her best friend whom she has fell in love with.

-Along with being a wonderful Author, Jessica is also a renounced actress and singer. She's been acting since she was about 16 and singing since she could talk. She's been in many movies, TV shows, and even Broadway productions. She's put out a couple of albums but she's not as focused on her singing career as she is her acting and writing.

-Jessica enjoys photography in her spare time. She takes pictures of everything from nature to action shots. She really well rounded in both preforming and visual arts. The only thing she cant do is draw.

-Jessica has two pets that she treats like her children. Her Saint Bernard puppy Tiny and her Birman kitten Big Boy.



Big Boy:


Name: Krystal Marie Palaad

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Birthday: September 18th

Role: Jessica's Close friend and Manager

Job: Manager to Jessica Torres

Personality: Kind, Caring, Funny, Sweet, Intelligent, Smart, and Patient

Best Friend/s/: Jessica Torres

Crush/s/: N/A




-Krystal grew up in a very broken home and never really had much stability, until she met Jessica. She met Jessica when she was a Junior and Jessica a Freshman in high school. The two became instant friends, although Krystal could never live up to Jessica's best friend. Krystal became part of both Jessica's immediate family and her extended family. They adopted Krystal as their own and Krystal has always been grateful to them.

-When Jessica decided that she was going to write this book about her story, Krystal was the first to jump up to help out. She looked for publishers, editors, anything that Jessica would need to be successful. Now that the book his successful, She is helping Jessica with all of the interviews and movie producers coming at her for movies and other such things.

-Krystal has a pet husky/corgi mix puppy whom she's named Berry. He loves that little guy with all of her heart.



Name: Kelia Willows

Age: 25

Gender: male

Birthday: Septet 31

Role: friend to Jessica

Job: Fashion designer

Personality: A mischievous rebel he hates being told what to do or how to act which is why hes his own boss. He has a kind heart though and is affectionate loyal and protective of his friends and the few he trusts. He's very open minded and nonjudgmental but stubborn and determined. He's very curious and smart with a bright outlook on life.

Best Friend/s/:





-He owns his own business and its steadily becoming famous.

- He often travels and goes on adventures when he has the time.

- He grew up traveling with his parents.

- He met Jessica when his family settled down when he was 14.

-He's gay and often cross dresses.

-He has many connections and knows many languages.

-He likes to draw design explore sing and paint.

- He's addicted to sweets.

- He has an outrageous style.

-He has a thick accent. The origins is unknown.

-He's homosexual

-He has two half wolf half husky pups named Kala and Kiba.

(Kala right. Kiba left.)


- He has three cobras and a kitten named Rin.

I would join but I don't think I am cut out for it. I can try. This only caught my attention as I relate to it
Name: Adam Devo

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Birthday: January 21

Role: The new guy to the group.

Job: About to start work at a museum

Personality: Fun to be around, always seems happy and ready to help anyone, He is a science geek, loving most things science. He is loyal to any of those he calls a friend.

Best Friend/s/: None yet. He has just moved into the town

Crush/s/: None here, but at home their is one girl who has stolen his heart


He also has several tattoos on both legs. His left leg looks like it could blend into a rainforest and if one looks closely enough various reptiles and amphibians are seen, hidden. His right leg would blend into comic con.

Extra: He moved away from his little town in Georgia. He moved for several reasons.

The biggest was to finish getting his degree as a herpetologist.

One of the larger reasons was to get away from the best friend he loved. He had asked her several times to go out with him but was rejected. If he wasn't so in love with her he would have been fine, but it became too painful. So he figured with a new life he could do it.

Other extras are that he loves spicy food and the winter.

He knows everything about his pets.

He is also the biggest Beatles fan ever

He is an asexual. He also struggles at forming bonds with people.

He does own a few pets:

Stan the Water dragon


Red Eye tree frog (Actually has two of them)


Gallifrey the bearded dragon


Fire Bellied Toads


Martha the Axolotl


Skarro the Pacman


Spielberg the White's tree frog


Dresden the other White's tree frog

Whoa Adam has lots of pets. Hella cool characters guys. We can start once we've got Jessica's best friend.
Thank you. I actually used all of my pets. Easiest to write on what you know and all.Not to mention never really used my pets that much.
At least you have pets. My parents doesn't allow them, although a lot of cat and kittens do come to our yard every morning and afternoon.
Name: Samantha Addams

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Birthday: April 18th

Role: Jessica's best friend

Job: Artist and Comic books illustrator

Personality: She is charming and likeable, a person easy to like and hard to hate. She's a really nice person, always eager to help anyone who needs it. She is down to earth and easy going, not really taking too many things seriously. Although some times she can be very blunt and honest, sometimes hurting others accidentally. She is not easily pissed off, but she turns violent and aggressive once she finally gets angry.

Best Friend/s/: Jessica

Crush/s/: N/A




-She's just a starting artist. She usually draws landscapes and animals, sometimes nature. But the first painting she ever sold and was included in a gallery was actually a painting of Jessica playing with her pets.

-She's also a comic book artist, working in different comic books, and she even has a few web comics of his own.

-She's a great guitarist and pianist, she even considered joining competitions, but she stopped playing ever since her younger sister died.

-She's an avid reader, not only of Jessica's works, but any books as well. She is also a gamer, playing mmorpg and fps.

-She has two cats, Bastet and Artemis.




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Jessica's bf needs to be a girl

CrimsonEclipse said:
Name: Sebastian Andrews
Age: 27

Gender: Male

Birthday: April 18th

Role: Jessica's best friend

Job: Artist and Comic books illustrator

Personality: He is charming and likeable, a person easy to like and hard to hate. He's a really nice person, always eager to help anyone who needs it. He is down to earth and easy going, not really taking too many things seriously. Although some times he can be very blunt and honest, sometimes hurting others accidentally. He is not easily pissed off, but he turns violent and aggressive once he finally gets angry.

Best Friend/s/: Jessica

Crush/s/: N/A




-He's just a starting artist. He usually draws landscapes and animals, sometimes nature. But the first painting he ever sold and was included in a gallery was actually a painting of Jessica playing with her pets.

-He's also a comic book artist, working in different comic books, and he even has a few web comics of his own.

-He's a great guitarist and pianist, he even considered joining competitions, but he stopped playing ever since his younger sister died.

-He's an avid reader, not only of Jessica's works, but any books as well. He is also a gamer, playing mmorpg and fps.

-He has two cats, Bastet and Artemis.




Adam will like her. I mean as a person. He is into the comic book things and stuff. Hence his right leg.... My dream leg.

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