I don't know why I'm posting this


Senior Member
So, umm, I need to vent. While the internet isn't my first choice, it's kind of my only choice.

I'm a 16 year old dude, and I'm writing this to get my frustrations about life off of my chest. I'm frustrated with the world, and the people in it. I like a lot of people, and I don't have a beef with them, but their numbers are way smaller than the people I do. It drives me nuts everyday when I think about love and friendship. Where's my love, there are so many couples out there, and they show it off, and I have nobody. And yes, this is flaring up in part because of Valentine's day. Where's my friendship? I have no friends. Well, no friends my age. I can make friends with adults, and younger kids, but those are not the friendships I'm looking for. I have a hard time finding a decent person my age to connect with, or a person my age to connect with at all. It irritates me, so much. I'm sorry internet people with your own, probably more significant problems, but I had to rant and let this go.

You sound like you could be an ISTP caught in your Ti/Ni loop. Have you done any reading on MBTI? I know that a lot of the personality tests are complete bull, but MBTI actually is really accurate, and can help you work through your problems by finding the cause. Pretty much every ISTP goes through a Ti/Ni loop anywhere between the ages of 16 and 25. I know because I just escaped mine. I could help you find your type and help you try to find a cause for your problem if you'd like.

Imma tell you something, because I am a lot like you. I struggle, at times, to make friends. Not because I'm rude or mean, but because I can be painfully quiet and shy in the real world. Like you, I too made friends with people primarily older than me, because I enjoyed (and still enjoy) mature conversations and I found that people my own age tended to act juvenile (especially in the teen years). I struggled with this for a long time, primarily during my school years, because it felt like I never had any friends. I didn't fit in with my classmates, I had horrible acne, and I was just a plain out loser (according to my schoolmates, anyways).

As you grow older, you will find that you are not weird or wrong. You are probably mature for your age, and as you get older and go into the real world, people will appreciate those qualities in you. You will find people like-minded to you and they will be freaking awesome. They are the type of people who are totally worth waiting for. Unfortunately, those people aren't usually in high school/secondary school. I really encourage you to try and meet people outside of school with similar interests to you. For me, I have always been really into horses, so, I joined my community equestrian team when I was sixteen and that's where I met most of my friends. In fact, I don't talk to any people from secondary school, but I'm still in touch with most of the people from my team. I guess the moral of that point is that sometimes you have to seek a little harder for cool people.

As for relationships, I didn't have my first real relationship until I was about twenty. I don't really know what to tell you about that. It'll come. That is just something you're going to have to be patient for. I really wish I had advice for this, because I'd write a book and become a millionaire if I did.

....If Valentine's day isn't your type of holiday, do what I do, and celebrate the increased sale of chocolates worldwide. (:
@Makise Kurisu I've never really looked into that, and honestly, I don't know if I fit that. I don't know all of them, but I believe I'm probably a mixture of a bunch.

@Mordecai Thanks, and actually, I mightve made a friend tonight during my church youth group. She seemed cool, and we exchanged phone numbers. I think a small part of my problem is my troubles with being bold enough to try. But I took a risk, and
@AgentFire I'm super glad to hear that. I agree. I can be the same way. If I think a person is cool, I may have troubles going up to talk to them. I'm pretty quiet but I've been working on my confidence around people. It's really paid off for me, as most people are super receptive.
@Mordecai I imagine its going to take a bit of time, but, I think I could probably build myself up to have a couple of friends. Which is all I asked for honestly.
AgentFire said:
@Makise Kurisu I've never really looked into that, and honestly, I don't know if I fit that. I don't know all of them, but I believe I'm probably a mixture of a bunch.
There is no way to be a mixture between any of them. Some types can often be mistaken for others, and some people are very hard to distinguish between two, but there is a science behind this.
@AgentFire Well, all good things come with time. I'm twenty-three and I have finally come to a point in my life where I am happy with my small, but incredibly close, group of friends. I no longer let myself hang out with people who were damaging to my self-esteem and have begun to use, and love, the word "no." I was about sixteen when I began to come to the realisation, like you are now, that I was generally unhappy with the people I was hanging around with. Luckily, the only way to fix a problem is to realise there is one! (: There are people out there who are like you and me and who are downright sweet. You just need to turn over a few rocks to find 'em!
Eh, I'd still believe, in my opinion, I'm a mixture. My personal opinion, which I can respect yours and agree to disagree, but my personal opinion is that God created each one of us uniquely, and while a lot of science makes sense, and I do believe in science, here, I believe that some individuals may fit that type, but, others, like me, are a mixture.
Haha, we are so alike it's not even funny. My mum was always my best friend and best supporter growing up. She still is, today.
That's funny x3 My moms the same, although, we tend to go at each other a lot. At the end of the day, she stands by me though.
Oh yea, my mum and I used to bite eachother's heads off. But-- that's what mums are supposed to do, right? (: Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'd definitely hang out with you if I knew you outside the nether world of the internet.
AgentFire said:
Eh, I'd still believe, in my opinion, I'm a mixture. My personal opinion, which I can respect yours and agree to disagree, but my personal opinion is that God created each one of us uniquely, and while a lot of science makes sense, and I do believe in science, here, I believe that some individuals may fit that type, but, others, like me, are a mixture.
Well, that narrows it down to either INTJ or INFJ.



I will leave these links here, it is up to you whether you read them or not, but if you do, I would be interested to hear which one makes more sense.

If there is a god that made us all different, that doesn't mean that we can't share common traits that can narrow us down to categories.
Yep, that's what they're for :) Aww, thanks. Ditto goes to you c:

True, true, but I still think its a bit to complex for that. I'll look and tell you which one is more like me.
Honestly, I cannot say which fits me more. I feel like I can be different types at different times. It truly depends on many varying factors and variables.
Then you are probably an INFJ.

But what is so complex about it? If god really makes all of us unique, then why does the process need two people to combine their genetic code, and why does the child have many similarities to the parents? It's as if god is trying to disguise that it is him making us. And I am sure that if he was disguising it, we would not know.
You know, I've never been the type to understand how people can sum up their personalities in four letters. I, personally, don't believe in it. But, anyways, I hope you find everything you're looking for, Agent. If you ever need a chat, feel free to PM me! I enjoy chatting and I'm online disgustingly often.

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