I do love, but i do not remember


New Member
Aire woke up from a coma in a hospital, only to not know who she is. She woke up in a empty hospital with no one there beside her telling her who she is. Aire gets out and doesn't know what to do with her self, she tries for a month desperately to find anyone that loved her, either by family wise or by lover. She finds no one, that makes her majorly depressed so one day she decides that whats the point of living. She jumps off the cliff in to water thinking she will drown only to be saved by a mysteriously nice man.She starts to notice that this man knows everything about her.

The story starts when she wakes up from the hospital.

Aire woke up in the hospital with a start, she sat straight up breathing heavy. "were am i?" she said looking around and trying to get out of the bed bujt being stopped by nurses and the tubes that were connected to her. she quickly start to act by instinct and started to fight but the nurses pushed her down to the bed. One nurse smiled at her and breathlessly said "sweetheart, you were in a car accident, you were in a coma for three months now" Aire slowly relaxed.

~Three hours later~

Aire walked out of the hospital with the look of confusion on her face. She just started walking quickly becoming lost and cold. Aire started to cry because of frustration, but she stops herself and just breaths "Ok, um..." Aire pulls her ID out and tilts her head, sounding out her name "Air-ee" she said sighing then she paused reading the address to the place she lived in.

~Three months later~

"I give up" She said in tears as she stood at the edge of the cliff "im tired of feeling alone, no one want me here anymore" she said as she fell forward into the water.

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