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I Didn't Mean to Fall in Love

Pretty Peach

A Peach
Punk x Model: Two best friends from high school decide to room together in an apartment. The model is openly gay and the punk is a nice guy who stuck with his friend while many others turned him away. But, the punk is straight, or that's what he tells everyone, including his roommate, whom he has a crush on. The punk does odd jobs while going to community college, while his friend lands a modeling gig for a popular underwear brand! The punk only finds out when he does the laundry and finds underwear more expensive than his steel toed boots. After learning about his roommates new job, he starts to take notice of him more, falling more and more in love with him.
Craig took the laundry basket out of the bathroom and set it in the hallway while he went to get the mesh laundry bags and soap. Today was Sunday, which meant laundry day! The boy had planned on getting it done in the morning, but seeing as though he didn't even get up until one in the afternoon, that plan fell through. He really had nothing to do today except a few chores. Laundry, and then clean the bathroom. Since he really couldn't cook, that was the trade off. He did laundry and cleaned the bathroom, while his roommate would cook and was in charge of cleaning the kitchen. He picked up the basket and brought it down to the laundry room on their floor. There were a few washers already running but no one was in here. Craig tossed in the whites, towels and things, then put in the detergent and turned it on. Laundry was easy so he sort of enjoyed doing it. He was a sucker for a warm blanket and sometimes did his sheets and blankets more often than he needed to just so he could wrap himself in the warmth.

Such a thing was probably uncharacteristic of how he looked. Craig was in casual clothes right now. Casual for him anyways. He wore baggy jeans that showed off his dark red boxers a bit. He wore a belt but clearly it didn't serve it's purpose. For shoes he wore black boots, but they weren't his steel toed boots that he favored. For a shirt, he wore the brand of his favorite skate company. The temperature in their apartment building was nice so he didn't need a sweatshirt. Wearing a t-shirt showed off his tattoos. One arm was completely covered down to his wrist. It was an array of multiple things. Starting from his shoulder, he had a large, black and white angels wing. Then from there it turned into a mix of nature. From grey scale trees to the dark moon in the sky. A wolf was tucked behind the tree. Most empty space was filled with rolling clouds. On his other arm he had a smaller tattoo on his forearm of a crow. He had other tattoos as well, but they were covered by the clothes he wore.

His face was covered in various piercings including snake bites on his lip, an eyebrow ring and he even had a tongue ring. His ears were covered with multiple piercings including stretched lobes to double zeros. He sat in the comfortable chairs while he waited for the laundry. Instead of playing on his cellphone he set cards on the table and played solitaire with himself. Where even was his cellphone? He hardly used the stupid thing. Craig ran his fingers through his short black spiked hair then ran his hand over the stubble on his chin. A bit of stubble looked nice on his masculine face.

As the wash finished, he switched it to the drier without noticing the new articles of clothing in it from his roommate. Again he waited for the drier to finish up. When it beeped finished, he tossed all the clean laundry back into the basket and went back to the apartment. He sat in the living room while he folded laundry. Towels were folded and socks were tossed into a pile until he found all the matches. He folded his own boxers, then pulled out something he didn't expect. He knew his roommate wore boxer briefs, but... Calvin Klein?! He held them up in front of him, staring at the name on the stretch band. What. How?! It didn't help that he pictured his roommate wearing them. Craig peeked over his shoulder to see if his roommate was near. Awkwardly he gave the underwear a hug, then, feeling so ashamed of himself, he quickly folded them and put them away. Craig rarely asked his roommate about his modeling his career other than how it was going and other nice things.
Cameron sat up from the bed. His hair was all ruffled and he realised that he must have fallen asleep. He yawned, standing up and switching off the flat-screen TV that was directly in front of his messy bed. Cameron reluctantly lifted up his wrist, looking down at his silver encrusted watch. 3:oo in the afternoon! His eyes widened, jumping around the room as he began to peel off his already-creased clothes. Cameron had a photo-shoot down by the beach at 3:30, and his manager was always really cranky if he was late. He quickly swung open the cupboard door, throwing out the clothes that the clothes-designer had given him for today. He smiled to himself, remembering last nights events. His roommate, Craig, didn't know that Cameron always secretly watches him go to sleep. Stalker, right? Last night, Craig seemed to be especially cute to Cameron. It was weird though; Cameron didn't know if he has an interest in Craig or not, like, It always changes.

Cameron looked down at the clothes laid down in front of him. The theme for the photo-shoot was: 'Chilled by the Sun'. A black, man tank top with the words, 'I Don't give a ****', across the front and some blue shorts were what his designer had shown for him. He stripped down at put the clothes on in a matter of 5 minutes. He then walked over to his mirror and started gelling his hair upwards, but only the right side. He always put his hair up like this, making sure that he looked like a brown haired Tin-Tin. He laughed at these thoughts and looked more closely at his appearance. It seemed that the tank top showed most of his chiselled abs. He sighed, sure that the designer had made it like that specifically. He walked out of the room and into the living room, surprised to see Craig standing in the living room.

"Oh, Good morn--" Cameron shook his head, smirking at him. "Good afternoon, Dude!" He picked up his phone from the kitchen table, flicking onto the notification. It was from his manager and it read: 'Photo-shoot now at 4. So, don't worry if your late.' Cameron fist pumped the air in relief and turned to Craig. "Have you had any food today?" Cameron asked, walking over to the dishes that he had used this morning for his own breakfast. He turned and looked more closely at Craig. "Hey, Are you okay? It looks like you've just seen a ghost?"
Yeah. I did. That ghost was your fucking underwear you twat. He thought to himself as Cameron came into the main room which was the split living room and kitchen. He folded one of their hand towels and set it aside. "Yeah I'm fine. I ate a little while ago. Instant ramen is a meal right?" He said with a chuckle as he looked over what his friend was wearing. He always thought the outfits Cameron had to wear and chose to wear were very fashionable. Although he didn't wear those types of clothes, he would admit that they looked good. "Going to a photo shoot today?" The boy asked as he finished folding the last of the laundry. He set it into four piles. Camerons, his own, bathroom and kitchen. He brought the towels into the bathroom and then the kitchen towels into the kitchen.

He also put away both of their clothes, then came into the kitchen. There was beer in the fridge but it was probably too early to drink. Besides, his roommate was heading out soon. He opened the kitchen window to let a cool breeze inside the apartment. There wasn't much he had to do today. Maybe he could go out with some friends and drink. But he had work in the morning and sort of wanted to stay in. "How long is your photoshoot? If you aren't going out with anyone after, let's drink together. I think I'll pick up a new video game or something." Or a movie since video games were expensive. Craig pulled out his carton of cigarettes from his pocket and sat at the kitchen counter while he smoked.

He wanted to ask about those expensive pair of underwear, but he decided against it. It would be too awkward for a straight roommate to ask about that sort of thing right? Craig always tried to be careful of what he spoke about, though he was naturally friendly despite his deadly appearance. He tried his best to be interested in Cameron's work since a normal friend would be interested right? He was always there on those particularly hard days for Cameron, simply because he was a good friend. Craig kept stealing glances at his roommate. Not perverted ones, but almost like watching something he couldn't have. He loved their friendship too much to screw it up. Besides, he didn't want to admit he liked guys. Not to himself, not to his roommate and definitely not to his friends.

"We should order pizza too." In his head he added up his week's pay check plus the money his parents gave him and knew there had to be enough for pizza at least. He flicked the ash into the ash tray and took another long drag of the cigarette. The problem with his smoking was that he typically only smoked when he was slightly stressed or lost in thought. Right now he was lost in thought about his roommate and about the interesting find from earlier.
Cameron nodded, opening the fridge door and taking out a cold can of soda. "I guess. I had some bacon and eggs, sorry for not waking you up." He said, knowing that Craig would probably not be mad. He poured the soda in a cup for himself and turned back to his roommate, leaning his body against the kitchen counter. He took a sip of his soda and smirked as he watched Craig glancing at him. Cameron always thought that he must just be interested in what he was wearing, but it seemed now that it was the complete opposite; But he decided to not ask him.

"Yeah, We could do that after; You can come if you want?" He shrugged. "It is an open photo-shoot, plus it's by the beach!" Cameron secretly just wanted Craig to come look at him; His photographer always said to make his body language seductive and persuasive, and that's what Cameron wanted Craig to see. He smirked lightly into his cup, taking a sip to disguise the image that just went through his mind. "The photo-shoot is at..." Cameron looked down at his watch, and panicky put his cup down on the countertop. "S*it, It's already 3:45. It's at 4:00, so if you want come you should get ready..." He said cautiously, eyeing the boy up and down in interest. "But you look fine..." He muttered, awkwardly.
"I bet you just want a free ride." He said with a chuckle then shrugged as well. Craig crushed his cigarette in the ash tray and looked up to his roommate. Since he had nothing better to do, he might as well go down to the beach. Clearly, by the paleness of his skin, he didn't get out into the sun much. A little sun would do him some good. "Yeah sure. I'll get my keys." Craig didn't think too much about it and went to his room to get his two motorcycle helmets. Luckily for his roommate, the one he had wouldn't give him too much helmet hair. Nothing that a run of his fingers wouldn't fix. He grabbed his keys from the small dish near the front door then gave a head nod to Cameron that he was ready.

For having fairly cheap clothing and not many commodities, he had a very nice, expensive motorcycle. A black and red kawasaki that he loved to death. "By that beach club yeah?" He asked as he walked the bike out of the underground parking lot. It was loud and the landlord didn't want him to disturb others so he brought it at least to the road entrance. He sat on the front seat and put on his full face helmet. The weather certainly was nice today, even in the late afternoon. There wouldn't be many people at the beach around this time, though he figured many other people would be watching. He always wondered if his roommate got hit on at these photo shoots, especially since he had to pose with other men in those sorts of positions.

Good models made clothes sell well. He pulled up into the beach road and slowed a bit as he drove on the rather bumpy sand and gravel leading up to the ocean wall. Just over the large ocean wall was their beautiful beach. As he thought there weren't many, but he figured the group of cars near the end was where his roommate needed to go. There were people with cameras and other people ready to watch. Everyone was setting up and inspecting the area. He parked and then took his helmet off. "Ahh I almost forgot how nice the ocean smells." Craig said as he took a long inhale of the fresh ocean air. "So what are you guys shooting for today? A solo shoot?" He asked, trying to be a good friend and roommate by asking.
Cameron shrugged, smiling sheepishly. "Well, Your ride is pretty sweet!" He shouted, running his hand through his hair and letting it spring back up again. He nodded his head at Craig, turning around and packing his empty cup into the sink. Cameron smirked as Craig came back holding the helmets and Cameron grabbed one. "Awesome..." He said, lightly whilst e traced his fingers around the helmet. Cameron followed Craig down to the parking lot, trying to disguise himself from the fans that would stalk his apartment.

He looked down at the ground and jumped on the bike behind Craig. Cameron wasn't sure what to do now; Was he meant to hold him by the waist? By the shoulder? He sighed quietly and put on his helmet. He shuffled up a little, enough for Cameron and Craig's bodies to touch but not be awkward. He adjusted his hands lightly around his waist, making sure that it wasn't too high or too low.
"Y-Yeah...It is..." He managed too let out and answer his question. Why was this so awkward for him? It was almost as if Cameron was enjoying it...

"Solo." He answered quickly. Cameron took off his helmet and adjusted his hair so that it was perfect. He sighed, looking over at all the people and fans. They had seemed to notice him and some of them had started too walk up to him. He quickly started walking, motioning for Craig to do the same. Once they were both secluded into the area of photographers and various other managers, including Cameron's. He walked over to him and started a conversation.

"Hello Mr. Dallas, You're late...again..." The manager sighed, glancing in disapproval at Craig. Cameron noticed this and quickly blocked the too, not wanting the manager to bore Craig with one of his lectures about clothing and style, which Cameron had suffered many times. "I brought my best friend along, I didn't think it was a problem..."Cameron said carefully. He nodded his head quickly and walked onto the part of the beach that they were setting up to photograph.

Once Cameron was on the 'stage', he was a natural. It was almost as if when he was in his work, he was a completely different person. He did a series of poses: Lying down on the ground, showing his pelvic muscles and his chiselled abs. He didn't know why, but he wanted too impress Craig; He wanted to show him what he was capable of. He glanced at him and watched his facial expressions very carefully.

Craig didn't think much about Cameron having his arms around his waist until he started down the road. It felt good, to have someone holding onto him while he road his motorbike. He didn't have much else to brag about except this bike. His job was not so prestigious, his college was a basic community college. For once in his life he wanted to feel like the cool kid, and having his sexy roommate holding onto him made him feel cool.

"Ah really?" He replied, to show he was listening. Craig quickly followed when his roommate motioned for him to do so. He noticed the fans and how they called out to Cameron and thought about how annoying that probably was. He was always surprised at how many fans his roommate had. Occasionally when he came home he'd find someone outside his apartment and he'd have to tell them that Cameron didn't live there. Upon taking one look at Craig they'd high tail it out of there. The majority of their mail was for Cameron and it was typically fan mail. Craig only ever got the bills.

His own life was pretty dull in comparison, but he knew if he had Cameron's life, he wouldn't like it. Craig took out a cigarette and stared at the man who gave him a once over. When he wanted to he could be a snarky bastard, but Cameron stopped his manager before he could say anything offending. Not much phased Craig, but upon looking around, he noticed a few of the other models. All male. Craig took a seat on the beach wall while Cameron got set up. He didn't want to get in the way or anything nor blow smoke in anyone's face.

He blocked his eyes from the sun and regretted the amount of black he wore. It absorbed the sun and set his skin on fire. But there was no way he could take his shirt off. Aside from the massive amount of tattoos covering his body, he looked nothing like these models. Sure he was slender enough and slightly toned, but not at all like these models. His arms were probably his most muscular part of his body. Since he had beautiful tattoos, he did a lot of upper body training when he had the chance. Though, sometimes he was just too lazy to do so. They weren't nearly as good looking as those guys in front of him.

When Cameron went up, he found himself staring. Unlike the other guys he wasn't staring in an envious way. Sure he wished he had those ab muscles, but what he really wanted was to touch them, to lay down with him on the sand and kiss him. He wanted to take off that tank and gently rub sun lotion on his skin. Cameron didn't need to impress him, because he already had a crush on him. It had taken years to accept his attraction for his roommate. He even owned a few of the magazines that Cameron stared in, though he kept those hidden away in his closet where Cameron wouldn't see.

After this shoot, Cameron was given a break and one of his coworkers came up to him.

"Yo, you finally got that punk of a roommate of yours to come huh?" The man said with a chuckle. "He had his eyes all over you this entire time. Sure he isn't gay?"

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