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Fantasy I can be your hero, maybe?


New Member
New to RP Nation but not to RP.

I have a craving to play a hero. This can be a paladin, a nice-guy with a bad attitude, or even someone who’s strength isn’t immediately apparent; but a hero-type at heart. I play both male and female, straight and gay characters and like to double and create NPCs to people the worlds we build together. I’m most interested in intense, dramatic adventure stories with a lot of character and plot development. Some violence, adult-rated themes and a few plot tropes are to be expected in my story lines, as I like building complex characters then putting them through more “character-building” (i.e., difficult) experiences. I’m most familiar with medieval and modern fantasy settings but interested in trying something new.

Please be 18+ and literate, as I am. Length is flexible depending on what the story calls for: I average 3+ paragraphs of descriptive writing. I can post at least once a week but often multiple times a day, and would love to arrange sessions of quicker back-and-forth. Not picky about what we use, though docs are handy.

A Few Pairing and Plot Ideas:

Slave to Justice:
YC is a captive of some social standing and political worth, taken prisoner and brought to an empire known for its decadence and brutality. MC (male) is a foreign envoy currently in favor with the emperor, and is presented with YC as a “gift.“ Your new “master,” however, is neither who nor what he seems to be. Will YC catch on? And will YC betray him, accept his help- or join him in his mission?

First Responder:
YC sends out a call (A prayer? A summons? A covert call to a little-known organization?) and MC is sent, or called, to seek out yours. They don’t know why; just that YC needs MC’s help. But why- and how? This one can go many different ways.

Ru 4 real rn?:
MC thinks they’ve triumphed over their scary brush with schizo-affective disorder in their teens; but the hallucinations are coming back now. It’s always the same theme: someone needs their help, now, desperately. Needs MC to do things: show up in a certain place at a certain time with food, or medicine, or weapons; retrieve and deliver mystery packages; steal things; say certain words; be seen in certain places and stay away from others. MC has delusions that they have some special power, are someone special, are on the edge of something they don’t understand. For years the hallucinations have grown less frequent and for years MC has ignored them. But they’re not hallucinations, they’re messages from YC; and it’s all real. What exactly has MC been helping you do all these years, and what is it YC need now?

Erth, year unknown:
Humans. Clever, adaptive, selfish. It wasn’t one thing that caused the apocalypse, and it didn’t happen all at once but in fits and starts. War, famine, changing climate, disease; complacency was an option until it was too late. There is little advanced technology in the world now; the occasional gun, a few HAM radios, some steam machinery. The world is wild again, inhabited by the descendants of those wealthy or resourceful enough to survive it. Diverse bands of 30-200 roam between settlements of up to a few thousand preserving and creating what remains of knowledge and culture. And still they war. MC is a “lewtent” (lieutenant; languages have changed and diverged) of warriors in a large alliance defending against frequent raids, beginning to be notorious not just for being a bit of a wildcard and a player or for kicking a$$ but for not exactly following orders. Like helping YC.

What are your ideas? PM me!
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