• When posting, please be aware that artistic nudity is still nudity and not allowed under RpNation rules. Please edit your pictures accordingly!

    Remember to credit artists when using work not your own.

Help I broke my code

So other than an extra [/div] tag floating around, I'm not sure what part of your code is broken.

I would recommend posting the raw code in here, along with additional information as to what, exactly, got broken (wrong format, something not clicking, not appearing, ...)- that way people know both what they're looking at and what they're looking for.
So other than an extra [/div] tag floating around, I'm not sure what part of your code is broken.

I would recommend posting the raw code in here, along with additional information as to what, exactly, got broken (wrong format, something not clicking, not appearing, ...)- that way people know both what they're looking at and what they're looking for.
I actually figured it out after looking through it and I just forgot to read a bracket back in.
So other than an extra [/div] tag floating around, I'm not sure what part of your code is broken.

I would recommend posting the raw code in here, along with additional information as to what, exactly, got broken (wrong format, something not clicking, not appearing, ...)- that way people know both what they're looking at and what they're looking for.

icon area
Nightmare System — daddydomdream.exe
(C:)\Nightmare System\Daddy Dom Dream
Nightmare System
Daddy Dom Dream
character sheet
interest check
  • (C:)
    Nightmare System
    Daddy Dom Dream
    character sheet
    interest check
    Welcome to the System!
    I want to first start off with crediting fluticasone for having such an amazing template and giving me the opportunity to use it for my own creations.
    Secondly, The characters, interest checks, and roleplays listed here can change at any time depending on how everything is flowing. I also request very politely that you do not comment on my thread. If you have something you wish to say or ask regarding this thread, you may DM me. If you wish to roleplay, you can also send me a DM as well
    I hope that we can all roleplay together and have a very enjoyable time.

Okay, I lied, I thought I fixed it but it is still broken. The code above is the code i used when I first started and the code below is what I edited on mobile

icon area
Nightmare System — daddydomdream.exe
(C:)\Nightmare System\Daddy Dom Dream
Nightmare System
Daddy Dom Dream
character sheet
interest check
  • (C:)
    Nightmare System
    Daddy Dom Dream
    character sheet
    interest check
    Welcome to the System!
    I want to first start off with crediting fluticasone for having such an amazing template.
    Secondly, The characters, interest checks, and roleplays listed here can change at any time depending on how everything is flowing. I also request very politely that you do not comment on my thread. If you have something you wish to say or ask regarding this thread, you may DM me. If you wish to roleplay, you can also send me a DM as well
    I hope that we can all roleplay together and have a very enjoyable time.
  • (C:)
    Nightmare System
    Daddy Dom Dream
    character sheet
    interest check
So I'm gonna preface this message by saying never edit a code on mobile if you can help it. Especially with a code like this with a LOT of moving parts and lines that can easily get janky. Unless you're fixing a typo, it's just best to never do it in case something happens to the code/your phone autocorrects something that shouldn't be messed with, etc etc insert something smart about coding here. Especially since I'm not sure if, on mobile, you can click the "toggle BBCode" button and have it stay that way.

Another little thing: for ease of future help, it's probably best to use the [code] [/code] tags so it's easier for people to copy/paste it somewhere and try to fix the issue! Anyway, onto the issue at hand!

I think I fixed what was going on. It looks like, while trying to add an additional character sheet link to the index bit, you copied and pasted this:

                            [div=--sampleIMG: url(https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ba/d6/16/bad61628a348755f8db815ff98bc1960.jpg);
                            flex: 0 200px; ]
                              [div=display: block;
                              aspect-ratio: 4 / 3;
                              width: 100%;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              border: var(--mainBorder);
                              background: var(--directoryColor) var(--sampleIMG) center center/contain no-repeat;
                              overflow: hidden;
                              position: relative;]
                                [url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/festival-for-the-lonesome-noble-or-how-i-was-tricked-into-attending-a-hookup-event-for-unmarried-nobles-characters.544444/post-11974553][div=display: block; top: 0px; left: 0px; position: absolute; height: 100%; width: 100%; background: var(--csIcon);] [/div][/url]
                              [div=display: block;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              padding: 5px 5%;
                              text-align: center;]

There was a missing [/div] tag, and so the code panicked and placed it almost right after the index bit, trying to fix things. This ended up messing with the tabs code, etc etc.

Anyway, save for maybe some images not where you wanted (because I was searching for the issue more than trying to preserve links, I'm sorry 😭 ), it looks like it's back to looking the way you wanted it!

  [div=display: none;]
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            Nightmare System  —  daddydomdream.exe
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        [div=flex: 1 175px; /* base directory */
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              [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][plain](C:)[/plain][/div]
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              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Nightmare System line */
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                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]Nightmare System[/div]
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                [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Restricted line */
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                flex-flow: row nowrap;
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                  [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                  [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem; opacity: .35; cursor: not-allowed; pointer-events: auto;]Restricted[/div]
                [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Daddy Dom Dream line */
                display: flex;
                flex-flow: row nowrap;
                align-items: center;
                gap: 8px;]
                  [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                  [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem; cursor: default;]Daddy Dom Dream[/div]
                [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Daddy Dom Dream level */
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                flex-flow: column nowrap;
                box-sizing: border-box;
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                margin-left: 8px;
                border-left: var(--mainBorder);
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                gap: 8px;]
                  [div=flex: 0 auto; /* character sheet line */
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                  gap: 8px;]
                    [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                    [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]character sheet[/div]
                  [div=flex: 0 auto; /* interest check line */
                  display: flex;
                  flex-flow: row nowrap;
                  align-items: center;
                  gap: 8px;]
                    [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                    [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]interest check[/div]
                  [div=flex: 0 auto; /* roleplays line */
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                  flex-flow: row nowrap;
                  align-items: center;
                  gap: 8px;]
                    [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                    [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]roleplays[/div]
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                  gap: 8px;]
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                    [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]readme.txt[/div]
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              [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--ttemplater);] [/div]
              [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/text-templater-a-plain-text-template-to-form-field-generator.541840/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtColor);]Text Templater[/div][/url][/div]
            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Recycle Bin */
            display: flex;
            flex-flow: row nowrap;
            align-items: center;
            gap: 8px;
            pointer-events: auto;]
              [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--recycleBin);] [/div]
              [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][url=https://www.rpnation.com/members/fluticasone.32692/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtColor);]Recycle Bin[/div][/url][/div]
        [div=flex: 7 250px; /* content */
        height: 35rem;]

        [div=position: absolute; /* tab container */
        top: 0px;
        left: 0px;
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        box-sizing: border-box;
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        pointer-events: auto;]
              [div=position: absolute; /* base empty container */
              z-index: 3;
              pointer-events: none;
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              height: 100%;
              top: 0px;
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              transform-origin: top left;
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                height: 100%;
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                  gap: 15px;
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                  position: relative;
                  font-size: initial;]
                    [div=flex: 1 175px; /* base directory */
                    background: var(--directoryColor);
                    box-shadow: var(--insetShadow);
                    box-sizing: border-box;
                    border: var(--mainBorder);
                    padding: var(--mainPadd);
                    display: flex;
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                    pointer-events: none;]
                      [div=flex: 0 auto;
                      display: flex;
                      flex-flow: column nowrap;
                      gap: 8px;]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* C line */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px; aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--HDDIcon);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][plain](C:)[/plain][/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* C level */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: column nowrap;
                        box-sizing: border-box;
                        width: calc(100% - 8px);
                        margin-left: 8px;
                        border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                        padding-left: 8px;
                        gap: 8px;]
                          [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Nightmare System line */
                          display: flex;
                          flex-flow: row nowrap;
                          align-items: center;
                          gap: 8px;]
                            [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                            [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]Nightmare System[/div]
                          [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Nightmare System level */
                          display: flex;
                          flex-flow: column nowrap;
                          box-sizing: border-box;
                          width: calc(100% - 8px);
                          margin-left: 8px;
                          border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                          padding-left: 8px;
                          gap: 8px;]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Restricted line */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: row nowrap;
                            align-items: center;
                            gap: 8px;]
                              [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                              [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem; opacity: .35; cursor: not-allowed; pointer-events: auto;]Restricted[/div]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Daddy Dom Dream line */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: row nowrap;
                            align-items: center;
                            gap: 8px;
                            pointer-events: auto;]
                              [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                              [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem; cursor: default;]Daddy Dom Dream[/div]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Daddy Dom Dream level */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: column nowrap;
                            box-sizing: border-box;
                            width: calc(100% - 8px);
                            margin-left: 8px;
                            border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                            padding-left: 8px;
                            gap: 8px;]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* character sheet line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]character sheet[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* interest check line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]interest check[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* roleplays line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]roleplays[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* readme line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--txtIcon);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]readme.txt[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* exe line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--exeIcon);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][div=display: inline; background: var(--gradColor1);]daddydomdream.exe[/div][/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Text Templater */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;
                        pointer-events: auto;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--ttemplater);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/text-templater-a-plain-text-template-to-form-field-generator.541840/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtColor);]Text Templater[/div][/url][/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Recycle Bin */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;
                        pointer-events: auto;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--recycleBin);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][url=https://www.rpnation.com/members/fluticasone.32692/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtColor);]Recycle Bin[/div][/url][/div]
                    [div=flex: 7 250px; /* content */
                    height: 35rem;
                    position: relative;
                    z-index: 0;
                    display: flex;
                    flex-flow: row wrap;
                    align-items: stretch;
                    gap: 15px;]
                      [div=flex: 1 100px;
                      min-height: 125px;
                      box-sizing: border-box;
                      border: var(--mainBorder);
                      box-shadow: var(--insetShadow);
                      background: var(--mainIMG);]
                        [div=display: none;]bsghkh[/div]
                      [div=flex: 2 300px;
                      min-height: calc(35rem - 140px);
                      position: relative;
                      pointer-events: auto;]
                        [div=position: absolute;
                        box-sizing: border-box;
                        top: 5%;
                        height: 90%;
                        width: 80%;
                        left: 3%;
                        overflow: hidden;]
                          [div=display: block;
                          position: relative;
                          width: calc(100% + 125px);
                          height: 100%;
                          overflow-x: hidden;
                          overflow-y: scroll;
                          box-sizing: border-box;
                          padding-right: 125px;
                          scrollbar-gutter: stable both-edges;]
                            [div=display: flex;
                            flex-flow: row nowrap;
                            align-items: flex-start;
                            gap: 15px;]
                              [div=flex: 0 0 32px;
                              background: var(--mainWindowIcon);
                              aspect-ratio: 1;]
                                [div=display: none;]burp[/div]
                              [div=flex: 1 100px;
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: column nowrap;
                              gap: .75rem;]
                                [div=flex: 0 auto;
                                font-size: 1.5rem;
                                line-height: 1;
                                padding: 2px 0px 5px 0px;]
                                  Welcome to the System!
                                [div=flex: 0 auto;
                                font-size: .95rem;
                                text-align: justify;]
                                  I want to first start off with crediting fluticasone for having such an amazing template.
                                [div=flex: 0 auto;
                                font-size: .95rem;
                                text-align: justify;]
                                  Secondly, The characters, interest checks, and roleplays listed here can change at any time depending on how everything is flowing. I also request very politely that you do not comment on my thread. If you have something you wish to say or ask regarding this thread, you may DM me. If you wish to roleplay, you can also send me a DM as well
                                [div=flex: 0 auto;
                                font-size: .95rem;
                                text-align: justify;]
                                  I hope that we can all roleplay together and have a very enjoyable time.


              [div=position: absolute; /* cs container */
              z-index: 6;
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              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              top: 0px;
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                  padding: 15px;
                  gap: 15px;
                  line-height: normal;
                  position: relative;
                  font-size: initial;]
                    [div=flex: 1 175px; /* cs directory */
                    background: var(--directoryColor);
                    box-shadow: var(--insetShadow);
                    box-sizing: border-box;
                    border: var(--mainBorder);
                    padding: var(--mainPadd);
                    display: flex;
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                    overflow: hidden;
                    text-wrap: nowrap;
                    gap: 8px;
                    cursor: default;
                    pointer-events: none;]
                      [div=flex: 0 auto;
                      display: flex;
                      flex-flow: column nowrap;
                      gap: 8px;]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* C line */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px; aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--HDDIcon);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][plain](C:)[/plain][/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* C level */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: column nowrap;
                        box-sizing: border-box;
                        width: calc(100% - 8px);
                        margin-left: 8px;
                        border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                        padding-left: 8px;
                        gap: 8px;]
                          [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Nightmare System line */
                          display: flex;
                          flex-flow: row nowrap;
                          align-items: center;
                          gap: 8px;]
                            [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                            [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]Nightmare System[/div]
                          [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Nightmare Systemlevel */
                          display: flex;
                          flex-flow: column nowrap;
                          box-sizing: border-box;
                          width: calc(100% - 8px);
                          margin-left: 8px;
                          border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                          padding-left: 8px;
                          gap: 8px;]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Restricted line */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: row nowrap;
                            align-items: center;
                            gap: 8px;]
                              [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                              [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem; opacity: .35; cursor: not-allowed; pointer-events: auto;]Restricted[/div]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Daddy Dom Dream line */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: row nowrap;
                            align-items: center;
                            gap: 8px;
                            pointer-events: auto;]
                              [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                              [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem; cursor: default;]Daddy Dom Dream[/div]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Daddy Dom Dream level */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: column nowrap;
                            box-sizing: border-box;
                            width: calc(100% - 8px);
                            margin-left: 8px;
                            border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                            padding-left: 8px;
                            gap: 8px;]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* character sheet line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][div=display: inline; background: var(--gradColor1);]character sheet[/div][/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* interest check line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]interest check[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* roleplays line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]roleplays[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* readme line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--txtIcon);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]readme.txt[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* exe line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--exeIcon);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]daddydomdream.exe[/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Text Templater */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;
                        pointer-events: auto;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--ttemplater);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/text-templater-a-plain-text-template-to-form-field-generator.541840/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtColor);]Text Templater[/div][/url][/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Recycle Bin */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;
                        pointer-events: auto;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--recycleBin);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][url=https://www.rpnation.com/members/fluticasone.32692/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtColor);]Recycle Bin[/div][/url][/div]
                    [div=flex: 7 250px; /* cs container */
                    height: 35rem;
                    position: relative;
                    box-sizing: border-box;
                    overflow: hidden;
                    box-sizing: border-box;
                    border: var(--mainBorder);
                    box-shadow: var(--insetShadow);
                    background: var(--directoryColor);]
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                      height: calc(100% - 50px);
                      width: calc(100% - 50px);
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                      top: 25px;
                      left: 25px;]
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                        position: relative;
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                          width: 100%;
                          height: auto;
                          gap: 15px;
                          flex-flow: row wrap;
                          align-items: flex-start;
                          align-content: flex-start;
                          justify-content: flex-start;]
[comment] Copy CS template starting here [/comment]
                            [div=--sampleIMG: url(https://i.pinimg.com/736x/92/e4/d4/92e4d4dc6cbb07d0220775a944fe57c1.jpg);
                            flex: 0 200px; ]
                              [div=display: block;
                              aspect-ratio: 4 / 3;
                              width: 100%;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              border: var(--mainBorder);
                              background: var(--directoryColor) var(--sampleIMG) center center/contain no-repeat;
                              overflow: hidden;
                              position: relative;]
                                [url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/o-1-nightmares-book-of-many-faces-1-o.545549/post-11970415][div=display: block; top: 0px; left: 0px; position: absolute; height: 100%; width: 100%; background: var(--csIcon);] [/div][/url]
                              [div=display: block;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              padding: 5px 5%;
                              text-align: center;]
[comment] Copy CS template ending here [/comment]
                            [div=--sampleIMG: url(https://i.pinimg.com/736x/15/b5/07/15b507cb8e88625a1c0c481e26e5cf08.jpg);
                            flex: 0 200px; ]
                              [div=display: block;
                              aspect-ratio: 4 / 3;
                              width: 100%;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              border: var(--mainBorder);
                              background: var(--directoryColor) var(--sampleIMG) center center/contain no-repeat;
                              overflow: hidden;
                              position: relative;]
                                [url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/festival-for-the-lonesome-noble-or-how-i-was-tricked-into-attending-a-hookup-event-for-unmarried-nobles-characters.544444/post-11974553][div=display: block; top: 0px; left: 0px; position: absolute; height: 100%; width: 100%; background: var(--csIcon);] [/div][/url]
                              [div=display: block;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              padding: 5px 5%;
                              text-align: center;]
[comment] Copy CS template ending here [/comment]
                            [div=--sampleIMG: url(https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ba/d6/16/bad61628a348755f8db815ff98bc1960.jpg);
                            flex: 0 200px; ]
                              [div=display: block;
                              aspect-ratio: 4 / 3;
                              width: 100%;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              border: var(--mainBorder);
                              background: var(--directoryColor) var(--sampleIMG) center center/contain no-repeat;
                              overflow: hidden;
                              position: relative;]
                                [url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/o-1-nightmares-book-of-many-faces-1-o.545549/post-11970415][div=display: block; top: 0px; left: 0px; position: absolute; height: 100%; width: 100%; background: var(--csIcon);] [/div][/url]
                              [div=display: block;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              padding: 5px 5%;
                              text-align: center;]
            [/div][/tab][div=position: absolute; /* cs container */
              z-index: 6;
              pointer-events: none;
              width: 100%;
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              transform: scaleY(1.25);
              transform-origin: top left;
              line-height: normal;][div=position: absolute; /* cs container */
              z-index: 6;
              pointer-events: none;
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              top: 0px;
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              bottom: 0px;
              line-height: normal;
              transform: scaleY(1.25);
              transform-origin: top left;
              line-height: normal;][div=position: absolute; /* cs container */
              z-index: 6;
              pointer-events: none;
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              top: 0px;
              left: 0px;
              right: 0px;
              bottom: 0px;
              line-height: normal;
              transform: scaleY(1.25);
              transform-origin: top left;
              line-height: normal;]


              [div=position: absolute; /* intcheck container */
              z-index: 6;
              pointer-events: none;
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              top: 0px;
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              bottom: 0px;
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              transform-origin: top left;
              line-height: normal;]
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                height: 100%;
                position: relative;
                overflow: hidden;
                left: 0px;
                top: 0px;
                background: var(--bgColor);]
                  [div=display: flex; /* intcheck Content Container*/;
                  flex-flow: row wrap;
                  box-sizing: border-box;
                  align-items: stretch;
                  width: 100%;
                  box-sizing: border-box;
                  padding: 15px;
                  gap: 15px;
                  line-height: normal;
                  position: relative;
                  font-size: initial;]
                    [div=flex: 1 175px; /* intcheck directory */
                    background: var(--directoryColor);
                    box-shadow: var(--insetShadow);
                    box-sizing: border-box;
                    border: var(--mainBorder);
                    padding: var(--mainPadd);
                    display: flex;
                    flex-flow: column nowrap;
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                    pointer-events: none;]
                      [div=flex: 0 auto;
                      display: flex;
                      flex-flow: column nowrap;
                      gap: 8px;]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* C line */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px; aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--HDDIcon);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][plain](C:)[/plain][/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* C level */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: column nowrap;
                        box-sizing: border-box;
                        width: calc(100% - 8px);
                        margin-left: 8px;
                        border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                        padding-left: 8px;
                        gap: 8px;]
                          [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Nightmare System line */
                          display: flex;
                          flex-flow: row nowrap;
                          align-items: center;
                          gap: 8px;]
                            [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                            [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]Nightmare System[/div]
                          [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Nightmare System level */
                          display: flex;
                          flex-flow: column nowrap;
                          box-sizing: border-box;
                          width: calc(100% - 8px);
                          margin-left: 8px;
                          border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                          padding-left: 8px;
                          gap: 8px;]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Restricted line */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: row nowrap;
                            align-items: center;
                            gap: 8px;]
                              [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                              [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem; opacity: .35; cursor: not-allowed; pointer-events: auto;]Restricted[/div]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Daddy Dom Dream line */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: row nowrap;
                            align-items: center;
                            gap: 8px;
                            pointer-events: auto;]
                              [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                              [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem; cursor: default;]Daddy Dom Dream[/div]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Daddy Dom Dream level */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: column nowrap;
                            box-sizing: border-box;
                            width: calc(100% - 8px);
                            margin-left: 8px;
                            border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                            padding-left: 8px;
                            gap: 8px;]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* character sheet line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]character sheet[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* interest check line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][div=display: inline; background: var(--gradColor1);]interest check[/div][/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* roleplays line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]roleplays[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* readme line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--txtIcon);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]readme.txt[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* exe line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--exeIcon);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]daddydomdream.exe[/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Text Templater */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;
                        pointer-events: auto;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--ttemplater);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/text-templater-a-plain-text-template-to-form-field-generator.541840/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtColor);]Text Templater[/div][/url][/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Recycle Bin */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;
                        pointer-events: auto;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--recycleBin);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][url=https://www.rpnation.com/members/fluticasone.32692/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtColor);]Recycle Bin[/div][/url][/div]
                    [div=flex: 7 250px; /* intcheck container */
                    height: 35rem;
                    position: relative;
                    box-sizing: border-box;
                    overflow: hidden;
                    box-sizing: border-box;
                    border: var(--mainBorder);
                    box-shadow: var(--insetShadow);
                    background: var(--directoryColor);]
                      [div=position: absolute;
                      height: calc(100% - 50px);
                      width: calc(100% - 50px);
                      overflow: hidden;
                      top: 25px;
                      left: 25px;]
                        [div=display: block;
                        position: relative;
                        width: calc(100% + 125px);
                        height: 100%;
                        overflow-x: hidden;
                        overflow-y: scroll;
                        box-sizing: border-box;
                        padding-right: 125px;
                        scrollbar-gutter: stable both-edges;
                        pointer-events: auto;]
                          [div=display: flex;
                          width: 100%;
                          height: auto;
                          gap: 15px;
                          flex-flow: row wrap;
                          align-items: flex-start;
                          align-content: flex-start;
                          justify-content: flex-start;]
[comment] Copy IntCheck template starting here [/comment]
                            [div=--sampleIMG: url(https://i.pinimg.com/236x/1f/23/8d/1f238d7bc5b796a40f222c2d63bbdaed.jpg);
                            flex: 0 200px; ]
                              [div=display: block;
                              aspect-ratio: 4 / 3;
                              width: 100%;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              border: var(--mainBorder);
                              background: var(--directoryColor) var(--sampleIMG) center center/contain no-repeat;
                              overflow: hidden;
                              position: relative;]
                                [url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/island-of-the-lost.545589/][div=display: block; top: 0px; left: 0px; position: absolute; height: 100%; width: 100%; background: var(--icIcon);] [/div][/url]
                              [div=display: block;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              padding: 5px 5%;
                              text-align: center;]
[comment] Copy IntCheck template ending here [/comment]
                            [div=--sampleIMG: url(https://i.pinimg.com/236x/8e/22/08/8e2208e6a1fe2f7346afed4f1c8f7d3a.jpg);
                            flex: 0 200px; ]
                              [div=display: block;
                              aspect-ratio: 4 / 3;
                              width: 100%;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              border: var(--mainBorder);
                              background: var(--directoryColor) var(--sampleIMG) center center/contain no-repeat;
                              overflow: hidden;
                              position: relative;]
                                [url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/cybernetic-rebirth.545666/][div=display: block; top: 0px; left: 0px; position: absolute; height: 100%; width: 100%; background: var(--icIcon);] [/div][/url]
                              [div=display: block;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              padding: 5px 5%;
                              text-align: center;]
            [/div][/tab][div=position: absolute; /* intcheck container */
              z-index: 6;
              pointer-events: none;
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              top: 0px;
              left: 0px;
              right: 0px;
              bottom: 0px;
              line-height: normal;
              transform: scaleY(1.25);
              transform-origin: top left;
              line-height: normal;]


              [div=position: absolute; /* misc container */
              z-index: 6;
              pointer-events: none;
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              top: 0px;
              left: 0px;
              right: 0px;
              bottom: 0px;
              line-height: normal;
              transform: scaleY(1.25);
              transform-origin: top left;
              line-height: normal;]
                [div=display: block;
                width: 100%;
                height: 100%;
                position: relative;
                overflow: hidden;
                left: 0px;
                top: 0px;
                background: var(--bgColor);]
                  [div=display: flex; /* misc Content Container*/;
                  flex-flow: row wrap;
                  box-sizing: border-box;
                  align-items: stretch;
                  width: 100%;
                  box-sizing: border-box;
                  padding: 15px;
                  gap: 15px;
                  line-height: normal;
                  position: relative;
                  font-size: initial;]
                    [div=flex: 1 175px; /* misc directory */
                    background: var(--directoryColor);
                    box-shadow: var(--insetShadow);
                    box-sizing: border-box;
                    border: var(--mainBorder);
                    padding: var(--mainPadd);
                    display: flex;
                    flex-flow: column nowrap;
                    overflow: hidden;
                    text-wrap: nowrap;
                    gap: 8px;
                    cursor: default;
                    pointer-events: none;]
                      [div=flex: 0 auto;
                      display: flex;
                      flex-flow: column nowrap;
                      gap: 8px;]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* C line */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px; aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--HDDIcon);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][plain](C:)[/plain][/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* C level */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: column nowrap;
                        box-sizing: border-box;
                        width: calc(100% - 8px);
                        margin-left: 8px;
                        border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                        padding-left: 8px;
                        gap: 8px;]
                          [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Nightmare System line */
                          display: flex;
                          flex-flow: row nowrap;
                          align-items: center;
                          gap: 8px;]
                            [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                            [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]Nightmare System[/div]
                          [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Nightmare System level */
                          display: flex;
                          flex-flow: column nowrap;
                          box-sizing: border-box;
                          width: calc(100% - 8px);
                          margin-left: 8px;
                          border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                          padding-left: 8px;
                          gap: 8px;]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Restricted line */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: row nowrap;
                            align-items: center;
                            gap: 8px;]
                              [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                              [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem; opacity: .35; cursor: not-allowed; pointer-events: auto;]Restricted[/div]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Daddy Dom Dream line */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: row nowrap;
                            align-items: center;
                            gap: 8px;
                            pointer-events: auto;]
                              [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                              [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem; cursor: default;]Daddy Dom Dream[/div]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Daddy Dom Dream level */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: column nowrap;
                            box-sizing: border-box;
                            width: calc(100% - 8px);
                            margin-left: 8px;
                            border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                            padding-left: 8px;
                            gap: 8px;]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* character sheet line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]character sheet[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* interest check line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]interest check[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* roleplays line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][div=display: inline; background: var(--gradColor1);]roleplays[/div][/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* readme line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--txtIcon);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]readme.txt[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* exe line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--exeIcon);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]daddydomdream.exe[/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Text Templater */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;
                        pointer-events: auto;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--ttemplater);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/text-templater-a-plain-text-template-to-form-field-generator.541840/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtColor);]Text Templater[/div][/url][/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Recycle Bin */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;
                        pointer-events: auto;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--recycleBin);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][url=https://www.rpnation.com/members/fluticasone.32692/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtColor);]Recycle Bin[/div][/url][/div]
                    [div=flex: 7 250px; /* misc container */
                    height: 35rem;
                    position: relative;
                    box-sizing: border-box;
                    overflow: hidden;
                    box-sizing: border-box;
                    border: var(--mainBorder);
                    box-shadow: var(--insetShadow);
                    background: var(--directoryColor);]
                      [div=position: absolute;
                      height: calc(100% - 50px);
                      width: calc(100% - 50px);
                      overflow: hidden;
                      top: 25px;
                      left: 25px;]
                        [div=display: block;
                        position: relative;
                        width: calc(100% + 125px);
                        height: 100%;
                        overflow-x: hidden;
                        overflow-y: scroll;
                        box-sizing: border-box;
                        padding-right: 125px;
                        scrollbar-gutter: stable both-edges;
                        pointer-events: auto;]
                          [div=display: flex;
                          width: 100%;
                          height: auto;
                          gap: 15px;
                          flex-flow: row wrap;
                          align-items: flex-start;
                          align-content: flex-start;
                          justify-content: flex-start;]
[comment] Copy roleplays template starting here [/comment]
                            [div=--sampleIMG: url(https://www.rpnation.com/attachments/1718921051758-png.1168815/);
                            flex: 0 200px; ]
                              [div=display: block;
                              aspect-ratio: 4 / 3;
                              width: 100%;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              border: var(--mainBorder);
                              background: var(--directoryColor) var(--sampleIMG) center center/contain no-repeat;
                              overflow: hidden;
                              position: relative;]
                                [url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/festival-for-the-lonesome-noble-or-how-i-was-tricked-into-attending-a-hookup-event-for-unmarried-nobles-fantasy-light-romance.544442/][div=display: block; top: 0px; left: 0px; position: absolute; height: 100%; width: 100%; background: var(--miscIcon);] [/div][/url]
                              [div=display: block;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              padding: 5px 5%;
                              text-align: center;]
[comment] Copy roleplays template ending here [/comment]
                            [div=--sampleIMG: url();
                            flex: 0 200px; ]
                              [div=display: block;
                              aspect-ratio: 4 / 3;
                              width: 100%;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              border: var(--mainBorder);
                              background: var(--directoryColor) var(--sampleIMG) center center/contain no-repeat;
                              overflow: hidden;
                              position: relative;]
                                [url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-deep-woods-fae-see-shadows-unbound-the-broken-seal.545644/#post-11976640][div=display: block; top: 0px; left: 0px; position: absolute; height: 100%; width: 100%; background: var(--miscIcon);] [/div][/url]
                              [div=display: block;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              padding: 5px 5%;
                              text-align: center;]
            [/div][/tab][div=position: absolute; /* misc container */
              z-index: 6;
              pointer-events: none;
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              top: 0px;
              left: 0px;
              right: 0px;
              bottom: 0px;
              line-height: normal;
              transform: scaleY(1.25);
              transform-origin: top left;
              line-height: normal;]


              [div=position: absolute; /* readme empty container */
              z-index: 3;
              pointer-events: none;
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              top: 0px;
              left: 0px;
              right: 0px;
              bottom: 0px;
              line-height: normal;
              transform: scaleY(1.25);
              transform-origin: top left;
              line-height: normal;]
                [div=display: block;
                width: 100%;
                height: 100%;
                position: relative;
                overflow: hidden;
                left: 0px;
                top: 0px;
                background: var(--bgColor);]
                  [div=display: flex; /*Main Content Container*/;
                  flex-flow: row wrap;
                  box-sizing: border-box;
                  align-items: stretch;
                  width: 100%;
                  box-sizing: border-box;
                  padding: 15px;
                  gap: 15px;
                  line-height: normal;
                  position: relative;
                  font-size: initial;]
                    [div=flex: 1 175px; /* readme directory */
                    background: var(--directoryColor);
                    box-shadow: var(--insetShadow);
                    box-sizing: border-box;
                    border: var(--mainBorder);
                    padding: var(--mainPadd);
                    display: flex;
                    flex-flow: column nowrap;
                    overflow: hidden;
                    text-wrap: nowrap;
                    gap: 8px;
                    cursor: default;
                    pointer-events: none;]
                      [div=flex: 0 auto;
                      display: flex;
                      flex-flow: column nowrap;
                      gap: 8px;]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* C line */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px; aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--HDDIcon);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][plain](C:)[/plain][/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* C level */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: column nowrap;
                        box-sizing: border-box;
                        width: calc(100% - 8px);
                        margin-left: 8px;
                        border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                        padding-left: 8px;
                        gap: 8px;]
                          [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Nightmare System line */
                          display: flex;
                          flex-flow: row nowrap;
                          align-items: center;
                          gap: 8px;]
                            [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                            [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]Nightmare System[/div]
                          [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Nightmare System level */
                          display: flex;
                          flex-flow: column nowrap;
                          box-sizing: border-box;
                          width: calc(100% - 8px);
                          margin-left: 8px;
                          border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                          padding-left: 8px;
                          gap: 8px;]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Restricted line */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: row nowrap;
                            align-items: center;
                            gap: 8px;]
                              [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                              [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem; opacity: .35; cursor: not-allowed; pointer-events: auto;]Restricted[/div]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Daddy Dom Dream line */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: row nowrap;
                            align-items: center;
                            gap: 8px;
                            pointer-events: auto;]
                              [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                              [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem; cursor: default;]Daddy Dom Dream[/div]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Daddy Dom Dreamlevel */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: column nowrap;
                            box-sizing: border-box;
                            width: calc(100% - 8px);
                            margin-left: 8px;
                            border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                            padding-left: 8px;
                            gap: 8px;]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* character sheet line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]character sheet[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* interest check line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]interest check[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* roleplays line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]roleplays[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* readme line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--txtIcon);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][div=display: inline; background: var(--gradColor1);]readme.txt[/div][/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* exe line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--exeIcon);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]daddydomdream.exe[/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Text Templater */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;
                        pointer-events: auto;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--ttemplater);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/text-templater-a-plain-text-template-to-form-field-generator.541840/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtColor);]Text Templater[/div][/url][/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Recycle Bin */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;
                        pointer-events: auto;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--recycleBin);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][url=https://www.rpnation.com/members/fluticasone.32692/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtColor);]Recycle Bin[/div][/url][/div]
                    [div=flex: 7 250px; /* content */
                    height: 35rem;
                    position: relative;
                    z-index: 0;
                    display: flex;
                    flex-flow: row wrap;
                    align-items: stretch;
                    gap: 15px;]
                      [div=flex: 1 100px;
                      min-height: 125px;
                      box-sizing: border-box;
                      border: var(--mainBorder);
                      box-shadow: var(--insetShadow);
                      background: var(--mainIMG);]
                        [div=display: none;]bsghkh[/div]
                      [div=flex: 2 300px;
                      min-height: calc(35rem - 140px);
                      position: relative;
                      pointer-events: auto;]
                        [div=position: absolute;
                        box-sizing: border-box;
                        top: 5%;
                        height: 90%;
                        width: 80%;
                        left: 3%;
                        overflow: hidden;]
                          [div=display: block;
                          position: relative;
                          width: calc(100% + 125px);
                          height: 100%;
                          overflow-x: hidden;
                          overflow-y: scroll;
                          box-sizing: border-box;
                          padding-right: 125px;
                          scrollbar-gutter: stable both-edges;]
                            [div=display: flex;
                            flex-flow: row nowrap;
                            align-items: flex-start;
                            gap: 15px;]
                              [div=flex: 0 0 32px;
                              background: var(--mainWindowIcon);
                              aspect-ratio: 1;]
                                [div=display: none;]burp[/div]
                              [div=flex: 1 100px;
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: column nowrap;
                              gap: .75rem;]
                                [div=flex: 0 auto;
                                font-size: 1.5rem;
                                line-height: 1;
                                padding: 2px 0px 5px 0px;]
                                  Welcome to the System!
                                [div=flex: 0 auto;
                                font-size: .95rem;
                                text-align: justify;]
                                  I want to first start off with crediting fluticasone for having such an amazing template.
                                [div=flex: 0 auto;
                                font-size: .95rem;
                                text-align: justify;]
                                  Secondly, The characters, interest checks, and roleplays listed here can change at any time depending on how everything is flowing. I also request very politely that you do not comment on my thread. If you have something you wish to say or ask regarding this thread, you may DM me. If you wish to roleplay, you can also send me a DM as well
                                [div=flex: 0 auto;
                                font-size: .95rem;
                                text-align: justify;]
                                  I hope that we can all roleplay together and have a very enjoyable time.
                [div=position: absolute;
                box-sizing: border-box;
                width: clamp(275px,55%,350px);
                height: 25rem;
                left: 50%;
                top: 50%;
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                border: var(--mainBorder);
                background: var(--bgColor);
                padding: 2px;
                padding-bottom: 15px;
                filter: var(--dropShadow);]
                  [div=display: flex; /*readme container*/
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                    [div=flex: 0 auto; /*Window Name*/
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                      [div=flex: 1 150px; /*Window Name Text Area*/
                      display: flex;
                      flex-flow: row wrap;
                      align-items: center;
                      gap: 10px;]
                        [div=flex: 0 0 32px; aspect-ratio: 1; height: 32px; background: var(--readmeIcon);]
                          [div=display: none;]icon area[/div]
                        [div=flex: 1 108px; /*Window Name Text*/
                        font-size: .95rem;]
                      [div=flex: 0 auto; /*Window Btn Area*/
                      display: flex;
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                      gap: 1px;
                      background: var(--borderColor);
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                        [div=flex: 0 32px;
                        height: 32px;
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                          [div=height: 50%;
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                          background-color: var(--txtColor);
                          mask-size: contain;
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                    [div=flex: 0 auto; /*Menu Bar*/
                    display: flex;
                    width: 100%;
                    padding: var(--mainPadd);
                    flex-flow: row wrap;
                    align-items: center;
                    gap: 7px 15px;
                    box-sizing: border-box;
                    border-bottom: var(--mainBorder);
                    margin-bottom: 15px;]
                      [div=flex: 1 100px;
                      overflow: hidden;
                      white-space: nowrap;
                      font-size: .95rem;]
                        [div=display: inline;
                        margin: 0px 6px;]
                        [div=display: inline;
                        margin: 0px 6px;]
                        [div=display: inline;
                        margin: 0px 6px;]
                        [div=display: inline;
                        margin: 0px 6px;]
                    [div=flex: 1 100px;
                    position: relative;
                    background: var(--directoryColor);
                    overflow: hidden;
                    border: var(--mainBorder);
                    box-shadow: var(--insetShadow);
                    margin-left: 13px;
                    width: calc(100% - 26px);
                    box-sizing: border-box;]
                      [div=position: absolute;
                      left: 0px;
                      top: 0px;
                      height: 100%;
                      width: 100%;
                      box-sizing: border-box;
                      padding: 18px 15px;]
                        [div=display: block;
                        position: relative;
                        width: calc(100% + 125px);
                        height: 100%;
                        overflow-x: hidden;
                        overflow-y: scroll;
                        box-sizing: border-box;
                        padding-right: 125px;
                        scrollbar-gutter: stable both-edges;
                        pointer-events: auto;
                        font-family: var(--accFont);
                        font-size: .9rem;]
                          [url=https://win98icons.alexmeub.com/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtAccColor);]Windows Icons[/div][/url] by Alex Meub[br][/br]
                          [url=https://www.deviantart.com/search?q=pixel+star&cursor=MTQwYWI2MjA9NCY1OTBhY2FkMD03MiZkMTc0YjZiYz1OJTJGQSY3ODAwOTk4MiU1QjAlNUQ9MTQ1ODI4NDM3Jjc4MDA5OTgyJTVCMSU1RD0xMDYxMjk4MTczJjc4MDA5OTgyJTVCMiU1RD02ODA4NzcwODkmNzgwMDk5ODIlNUIzJTVEPTM2NjE3NjAxOSY3ODAwOTk4MiU1QjQlNUQ9NzA2MzczMTIx][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtAccColor);]Star Art[/div][/url] by DeviantArt[br][/br]
                          [url=https://i.pinimg.com/236x/0a/b6/46/0ab646018d39e07a0130db38498c4e40.jpg][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtAccColor);]Image[/div][/url] by Pintrest[br][/br]
                          [url=https://www.rpnation.com/members/fluticasone.32692/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtAccColor);]Original Code[/div][/url] by fluticasone[br][/br][br][/br]

                          Original layout inspired by Windows 95 to Windows ME.
                          [div=margin-top: 1rem;
                          padding-top: 1rem;
                          border-top: 2px dashed var(--txtColor);
                          box-sizing: border-box;
                          display: flex;
                          flex-flow: column-reverse nowrap;
                          gap: .3rem;


              [div=position: absolute; /* base empty container */
              z-index: 3;
              pointer-events: none;
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              top: 0px;
              left: 0px;
              right: 0px;
              bottom: 0px;
              line-height: normal;
              transform: scaleY(1.25);
              transform-origin: top left;
              line-height: normal;]
                [div=display: block;
                width: 100%;
                height: 100%;
                position: relative;
                overflow: hidden;
                left: 0px;
                top: 0px;
                background: var(--bgColor);]
                  [div=display: flex; /*Main Content Container*/;
                  flex-flow: row wrap;
                  box-sizing: border-box;
                  align-items: stretch;
                  width: 100%;
                  box-sizing: border-box;
                  padding: 15px;
                  gap: 15px;
                  line-height: normal;
                  position: relative;
                  font-size: initial;]
                    [div=flex: 1 175px; /* base directory */
                    background: var(--directoryColor);
                    box-shadow: var(--insetShadow);
                    box-sizing: border-box;
                    border: var(--mainBorder);
                    padding: var(--mainPadd);
                    display: flex;
                    flex-flow: column nowrap;
                    overflow: hidden;
                    text-wrap: nowrap;
                    gap: 8px;
                    cursor: default;
                    pointer-events: none;]
                      [div=flex: 0 auto;
                      display: flex;
                      flex-flow: column nowrap;
                      gap: 8px;]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* C line */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px; aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--HDDIcon);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][plain](C:)[/plain][/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* C level */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: column nowrap;
                        box-sizing: border-box;
                        width: calc(100% - 8px);
                        margin-left: 8px;
                        border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                        padding-left: 8px;
                        gap: 8px;]
                          [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Nightmare System line */
                          display: flex;
                          flex-flow: row nowrap;
                          align-items: center;
                          gap: 8px;]
                            [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                            [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]Nightmare System[/div]
                          [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Nightmare System level */
                          display: flex;
                          flex-flow: column nowrap;
                          box-sizing: border-box;
                          width: calc(100% - 8px);
                          margin-left: 8px;
                          border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                          padding-left: 8px;
                          gap: 8px;]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Restricted line */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: row nowrap;
                            align-items: center;
                            gap: 8px;]
                              [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                              [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem; opacity: .35; cursor: not-allowed; pointer-events: auto;]Restricted[/div]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Daddy Dom Dream line */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: row nowrap;
                            align-items: center;
                            gap: 8px;
                            pointer-events: auto;]
                              [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                              [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem; cursor: default;]Daddy Dom Dream[/div]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Daddy Dom Dreamlevel */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: column nowrap;
                            box-sizing: border-box;
                            width: calc(100% - 8px);
                            margin-left: 8px;
                            border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                            padding-left: 8px;
                            gap: 8px;]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* character sheet line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]character sheet[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* interest check line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]interest check[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* roleplays line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]roleplays[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* readme line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--txtIcon);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]readme.txt[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* exe line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--exeIcon);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][div=display: inline; background: var(--gradColor1);]daddydomdream.exe[/div][/div]
                       [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Text Templater */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;
                        pointer-events: auto;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--ttemplater);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/text-templater-a-plain-text-template-to-form-field-generator.541840/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtColor);]Text Templater[/div][/url][/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Recycle Bin */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;
                        pointer-events: auto;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--recycleBin);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][url=https://www.rpnation.com/members/fluticasone.32692/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtColor);]Recycle Bin[/div][/url][/div]
                    [div=flex: 7 250px; /* content */
                    height: 35rem;
                    position: relative;
                    z-index: 0;
                    display: flex;
                    flex-flow: row wrap;
                    align-items: stretch;
                    gap: 15px;]
                      [div=flex: 1 100px;
                      min-height: 125px;
                      box-sizing: border-box;
                      border: var(--mainBorder);
                      box-shadow: var(--insetShadow);
                      background: var(--mainIMG);]
                        [div=display: none;]bsghkh[/div]
                      [div=flex: 2 300px;
                      min-height: calc(35rem - 140px);
                      position: relative;
                      pointer-events: auto;]
                        [div=position: absolute;
                        box-sizing: border-box;
                        top: 5%;
                        height: 90%;
                        width: 80%;
                        left: 3%;
                        overflow: hidden;]
                          [div=display: block;
                          position: relative;
                          width: calc(100% + 125px);
                          height: 100%;
                          overflow-x: hidden;
                          overflow-y: scroll;
                          box-sizing: border-box;
                          padding-right: 125px;
                          scrollbar-gutter: stable both-edges;]
                            [div=display: flex;
                            flex-flow: row nowrap;
                            align-items: flex-start;
                            gap: 15px;]
                              [div=flex: 0 0 32px;
                              background: var(--mainWindowIcon);
                              aspect-ratio: 1;]
                                [div=display: none;]burp[/div]
                              [div=flex: 1 100px;
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: column nowrap;
                              gap: .75rem;]
                                [div=flex: 0 auto;
                                font-size: 1.5rem;
                                line-height: 1;
                                padding: 2px 0px 5px 0px;]
                                  Welcome to the System!
                                [div=flex: 0 auto;
                                font-size: .95rem;
                                text-align: justify;]
                                  I want to first start off with crediting fluticasone for having such an amazing template.
                                [div=flex: 0 auto;
                                font-size: .95rem;
                                text-align: justify;]
                                  Secondly, The characters, interest checks, and roleplays listed here can change at any time depending on how everything is flowing. I also request very politely that you do not comment on my thread. If you have something you wish to say or ask regarding this thread, you may DM me. If you wish to roleplay, you can also send me a DM as well
                                [div=flex: 0 auto;
                                font-size: .95rem;
                                text-align: justify;]
                                  I hope that we can all roleplay together and have a very enjoyable time.
          [/div][/div][/div][/div][/div][/tabs][div=position: absolute; /* cs container */
              z-index: 6;
              pointer-events: none;
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              top: 0px;
              left: 0px;
              right: 0px;
              bottom: 0px;
              line-height: normal;
              transform: scaleY(1.25);
              transform-origin: top left;
              line-height: normal;][div=position: absolute; /* cs container */
              z-index: 6;
              pointer-events: none;
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              top: 0px;
              left: 0px;
              right: 0px;
              bottom: 0px;
              line-height: normal;
              transform: scaleY(1.25);
              transform-origin: top left;
              line-height: normal;][div=position: absolute; /* cs container */
              z-index: 6;
              pointer-events: none;
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              top: 0px;
              left: 0px;
              right: 0px;
              bottom: 0px;
              line-height: normal;
              transform: scaleY(1.25);
              transform-origin: top left;
              line-height: normal;][div=position: absolute; /* cs container */
              z-index: 6;
              pointer-events: none;
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              top: 0px;
              left: 0px;
              right: 0px;
              bottom: 0px;
              line-height: normal;
              transform: scaleY(1.25);
              transform-origin: top left;
              line-height: normal;][div=position: absolute; /* cs container */
              z-index: 6;
              pointer-events: none;
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              top: 0px;
              left: 0px;
              right: 0px;
              bottom: 0px;
              line-height: normal;
              transform: scaleY(1.25);
              transform-origin: top left;
              line-height: normal;]

Hopefully this resolves the issue!
So I'm gonna preface this message by saying never edit a code on mobile if you can help it. Especially with a code like this with a LOT of moving parts and lines that can easily get janky. Unless you're fixing a typo, it's just best to never do it in case something happens to the code/your phone autocorrects something that shouldn't be messed with, etc etc insert something smart about coding here. Especially since I'm not sure if, on mobile, you can click the "toggle BBCode" button and have it stay that way.

Another little thing: for ease of future help, it's probably best to use the [code] [/code] tags so it's easier for people to copy/paste it somewhere and try to fix the issue! Anyway, onto the issue at hand!

I think I fixed what was going on. It looks like, while trying to add an additional character sheet link to the index bit, you copied and pasted this:

                            [div=--sampleIMG: url(https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ba/d6/16/bad61628a348755f8db815ff98bc1960.jpg);
                            flex: 0 200px; ]
                              [div=display: block;
                              aspect-ratio: 4 / 3;
                              width: 100%;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              border: var(--mainBorder);
                              background: var(--directoryColor) var(--sampleIMG) center center/contain no-repeat;
                              overflow: hidden;
                              position: relative;]
                                [url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/festival-for-the-lonesome-noble-or-how-i-was-tricked-into-attending-a-hookup-event-for-unmarried-nobles-characters.544444/post-11974553][div=display: block; top: 0px; left: 0px; position: absolute; height: 100%; width: 100%; background: var(--csIcon);] [/div][/url]
                              [div=display: block;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              padding: 5px 5%;
                              text-align: center;]

There was a missing [/div] tag, and so the code panicked and placed it almost right after the index bit, trying to fix things. This ended up messing with the tabs code, etc etc.

Anyway, save for maybe some images not where you wanted (because I was searching for the issue more than trying to preserve links, I'm sorry 😭 ), it looks like it's back to looking the way you wanted it!

  [div=display: none;]
    [font=Source Sans 3][USER=32692]@fluticasone[/USER][/font]
  --font: 'Source Sans 3', sans-serif;
  --accFont: 'Inconsolata', monospace;
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  --txtAccColor: #3CE7C0;
  --borderColor: #7B5F96;
  --gradColor1: #4C4B5E;
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  --mainPadd: 12px 15px;
  --dropShadow: drop-shadow(0 0 2.5px rgba(0,0,0,0.25));
  --mainBorder: 1px solid var(--borderColor);
  --btnHigh: inset 1px 1px 0px #AA6E4E;
  --insetShadow: inset 1px 1px 0px #AA6E4E;
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                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]character sheet[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* interest check line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]interest check[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* roleplays line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]roleplays[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* readme line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--txtIcon);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]readme.txt[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* exe line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--exeIcon);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][div=display: inline; background: var(--gradColor1);]daddydomdream.exe[/div][/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Text Templater */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;
                        pointer-events: auto;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--ttemplater);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/text-templater-a-plain-text-template-to-form-field-generator.541840/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtColor);]Text Templater[/div][/url][/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Recycle Bin */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;
                        pointer-events: auto;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--recycleBin);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][url=https://www.rpnation.com/members/fluticasone.32692/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtColor);]Recycle Bin[/div][/url][/div]
                    [div=flex: 7 250px; /* content */
                    height: 35rem;
                    position: relative;
                    z-index: 0;
                    display: flex;
                    flex-flow: row wrap;
                    align-items: stretch;
                    gap: 15px;]
                      [div=flex: 1 100px;
                      min-height: 125px;
                      box-sizing: border-box;
                      border: var(--mainBorder);
                      box-shadow: var(--insetShadow);
                      background: var(--mainIMG);]
                        [div=display: none;]bsghkh[/div]
                      [div=flex: 2 300px;
                      min-height: calc(35rem - 140px);
                      position: relative;
                      pointer-events: auto;]
                        [div=position: absolute;
                        box-sizing: border-box;
                        top: 5%;
                        height: 90%;
                        width: 80%;
                        left: 3%;
                        overflow: hidden;]
                          [div=display: block;
                          position: relative;
                          width: calc(100% + 125px);
                          height: 100%;
                          overflow-x: hidden;
                          overflow-y: scroll;
                          box-sizing: border-box;
                          padding-right: 125px;
                          scrollbar-gutter: stable both-edges;]
                            [div=display: flex;
                            flex-flow: row nowrap;
                            align-items: flex-start;
                            gap: 15px;]
                              [div=flex: 0 0 32px;
                              background: var(--mainWindowIcon);
                              aspect-ratio: 1;]
                                [div=display: none;]burp[/div]
                              [div=flex: 1 100px;
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: column nowrap;
                              gap: .75rem;]
                                [div=flex: 0 auto;
                                font-size: 1.5rem;
                                line-height: 1;
                                padding: 2px 0px 5px 0px;]
                                  Welcome to the System!
                                [div=flex: 0 auto;
                                font-size: .95rem;
                                text-align: justify;]
                                  I want to first start off with crediting fluticasone for having such an amazing template.
                                [div=flex: 0 auto;
                                font-size: .95rem;
                                text-align: justify;]
                                  Secondly, The characters, interest checks, and roleplays listed here can change at any time depending on how everything is flowing. I also request very politely that you do not comment on my thread. If you have something you wish to say or ask regarding this thread, you may DM me. If you wish to roleplay, you can also send me a DM as well
                                [div=flex: 0 auto;
                                font-size: .95rem;
                                text-align: justify;]
                                  I hope that we can all roleplay together and have a very enjoyable time.


              [div=position: absolute; /* cs container */
              z-index: 6;
              pointer-events: none;
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              top: 0px;
              left: 0px;
              right: 0px;
              bottom: 0px;
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              transform-origin: top left;
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                height: 100%;
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                background: var(--bgColor);]
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                  padding: 15px;
                  gap: 15px;
                  line-height: normal;
                  position: relative;
                  font-size: initial;]
                    [div=flex: 1 175px; /* cs directory */
                    background: var(--directoryColor);
                    box-shadow: var(--insetShadow);
                    box-sizing: border-box;
                    border: var(--mainBorder);
                    padding: var(--mainPadd);
                    display: flex;
                    flex-flow: column nowrap;
                    overflow: hidden;
                    text-wrap: nowrap;
                    gap: 8px;
                    cursor: default;
                    pointer-events: none;]
                      [div=flex: 0 auto;
                      display: flex;
                      flex-flow: column nowrap;
                      gap: 8px;]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* C line */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px; aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--HDDIcon);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][plain](C:)[/plain][/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* C level */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: column nowrap;
                        box-sizing: border-box;
                        width: calc(100% - 8px);
                        margin-left: 8px;
                        border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                        padding-left: 8px;
                        gap: 8px;]
                          [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Nightmare System line */
                          display: flex;
                          flex-flow: row nowrap;
                          align-items: center;
                          gap: 8px;]
                            [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                            [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]Nightmare System[/div]
                          [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Nightmare Systemlevel */
                          display: flex;
                          flex-flow: column nowrap;
                          box-sizing: border-box;
                          width: calc(100% - 8px);
                          margin-left: 8px;
                          border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                          padding-left: 8px;
                          gap: 8px;]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Restricted line */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: row nowrap;
                            align-items: center;
                            gap: 8px;]
                              [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                              [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem; opacity: .35; cursor: not-allowed; pointer-events: auto;]Restricted[/div]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Daddy Dom Dream line */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: row nowrap;
                            align-items: center;
                            gap: 8px;
                            pointer-events: auto;]
                              [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                              [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem; cursor: default;]Daddy Dom Dream[/div]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Daddy Dom Dream level */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: column nowrap;
                            box-sizing: border-box;
                            width: calc(100% - 8px);
                            margin-left: 8px;
                            border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                            padding-left: 8px;
                            gap: 8px;]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* character sheet line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][div=display: inline; background: var(--gradColor1);]character sheet[/div][/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* interest check line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]interest check[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* roleplays line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]roleplays[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* readme line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--txtIcon);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]readme.txt[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* exe line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--exeIcon);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]daddydomdream.exe[/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Text Templater */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;
                        pointer-events: auto;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--ttemplater);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/text-templater-a-plain-text-template-to-form-field-generator.541840/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtColor);]Text Templater[/div][/url][/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Recycle Bin */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;
                        pointer-events: auto;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--recycleBin);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][url=https://www.rpnation.com/members/fluticasone.32692/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtColor);]Recycle Bin[/div][/url][/div]
                    [div=flex: 7 250px; /* cs container */
                    height: 35rem;
                    position: relative;
                    box-sizing: border-box;
                    overflow: hidden;
                    box-sizing: border-box;
                    border: var(--mainBorder);
                    box-shadow: var(--insetShadow);
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                          gap: 15px;
                          flex-flow: row wrap;
                          align-items: flex-start;
                          align-content: flex-start;
                          justify-content: flex-start;]
[comment] Copy CS template starting here [/comment]
                            [div=--sampleIMG: url(https://i.pinimg.com/736x/92/e4/d4/92e4d4dc6cbb07d0220775a944fe57c1.jpg);
                            flex: 0 200px; ]
                              [div=display: block;
                              aspect-ratio: 4 / 3;
                              width: 100%;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              border: var(--mainBorder);
                              background: var(--directoryColor) var(--sampleIMG) center center/contain no-repeat;
                              overflow: hidden;
                              position: relative;]
                                [url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/o-1-nightmares-book-of-many-faces-1-o.545549/post-11970415][div=display: block; top: 0px; left: 0px; position: absolute; height: 100%; width: 100%; background: var(--csIcon);] [/div][/url]
                              [div=display: block;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              padding: 5px 5%;
                              text-align: center;]
[comment] Copy CS template ending here [/comment]
                            [div=--sampleIMG: url(https://i.pinimg.com/736x/15/b5/07/15b507cb8e88625a1c0c481e26e5cf08.jpg);
                            flex: 0 200px; ]
                              [div=display: block;
                              aspect-ratio: 4 / 3;
                              width: 100%;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              border: var(--mainBorder);
                              background: var(--directoryColor) var(--sampleIMG) center center/contain no-repeat;
                              overflow: hidden;
                              position: relative;]
                                [url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/festival-for-the-lonesome-noble-or-how-i-was-tricked-into-attending-a-hookup-event-for-unmarried-nobles-characters.544444/post-11974553][div=display: block; top: 0px; left: 0px; position: absolute; height: 100%; width: 100%; background: var(--csIcon);] [/div][/url]
                              [div=display: block;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              padding: 5px 5%;
                              text-align: center;]
[comment] Copy CS template ending here [/comment]
                            [div=--sampleIMG: url(https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ba/d6/16/bad61628a348755f8db815ff98bc1960.jpg);
                            flex: 0 200px; ]
                              [div=display: block;
                              aspect-ratio: 4 / 3;
                              width: 100%;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              border: var(--mainBorder);
                              background: var(--directoryColor) var(--sampleIMG) center center/contain no-repeat;
                              overflow: hidden;
                              position: relative;]
                                [url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/o-1-nightmares-book-of-many-faces-1-o.545549/post-11970415][div=display: block; top: 0px; left: 0px; position: absolute; height: 100%; width: 100%; background: var(--csIcon);] [/div][/url]
                              [div=display: block;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              padding: 5px 5%;
                              text-align: center;]
            [/div][/tab][div=position: absolute; /* cs container */
              z-index: 6;
              pointer-events: none;
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              height: 100%;
              top: 0px;
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              bottom: 0px;
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              transform: scaleY(1.25);
              transform-origin: top left;
              line-height: normal;][div=position: absolute; /* cs container */
              z-index: 6;
              pointer-events: none;
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              top: 0px;
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              right: 0px;
              bottom: 0px;
              line-height: normal;
              transform: scaleY(1.25);
              transform-origin: top left;
              line-height: normal;][div=position: absolute; /* cs container */
              z-index: 6;
              pointer-events: none;
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              top: 0px;
              left: 0px;
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              bottom: 0px;
              line-height: normal;
              transform: scaleY(1.25);
              transform-origin: top left;
              line-height: normal;]


              [div=position: absolute; /* intcheck container */
              z-index: 6;
              pointer-events: none;
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              top: 0px;
              left: 0px;
              right: 0px;
              bottom: 0px;
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              transform-origin: top left;
              line-height: normal;]
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                height: 100%;
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                left: 0px;
                top: 0px;
                background: var(--bgColor);]
                  [div=display: flex; /* intcheck Content Container*/;
                  flex-flow: row wrap;
                  box-sizing: border-box;
                  align-items: stretch;
                  width: 100%;
                  box-sizing: border-box;
                  padding: 15px;
                  gap: 15px;
                  line-height: normal;
                  position: relative;
                  font-size: initial;]
                    [div=flex: 1 175px; /* intcheck directory */
                    background: var(--directoryColor);
                    box-shadow: var(--insetShadow);
                    box-sizing: border-box;
                    border: var(--mainBorder);
                    padding: var(--mainPadd);
                    display: flex;
                    flex-flow: column nowrap;
                    overflow: hidden;
                    text-wrap: nowrap;
                    gap: 8px;
                    cursor: default;
                    pointer-events: none;]
                      [div=flex: 0 auto;
                      display: flex;
                      flex-flow: column nowrap;
                      gap: 8px;]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* C line */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px; aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--HDDIcon);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][plain](C:)[/plain][/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* C level */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: column nowrap;
                        box-sizing: border-box;
                        width: calc(100% - 8px);
                        margin-left: 8px;
                        border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                        padding-left: 8px;
                        gap: 8px;]
                          [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Nightmare System line */
                          display: flex;
                          flex-flow: row nowrap;
                          align-items: center;
                          gap: 8px;]
                            [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                            [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]Nightmare System[/div]
                          [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Nightmare System level */
                          display: flex;
                          flex-flow: column nowrap;
                          box-sizing: border-box;
                          width: calc(100% - 8px);
                          margin-left: 8px;
                          border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                          padding-left: 8px;
                          gap: 8px;]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Restricted line */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: row nowrap;
                            align-items: center;
                            gap: 8px;]
                              [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                              [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem; opacity: .35; cursor: not-allowed; pointer-events: auto;]Restricted[/div]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Daddy Dom Dream line */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: row nowrap;
                            align-items: center;
                            gap: 8px;
                            pointer-events: auto;]
                              [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                              [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem; cursor: default;]Daddy Dom Dream[/div]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Daddy Dom Dream level */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: column nowrap;
                            box-sizing: border-box;
                            width: calc(100% - 8px);
                            margin-left: 8px;
                            border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                            padding-left: 8px;
                            gap: 8px;]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* character sheet line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]character sheet[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* interest check line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][div=display: inline; background: var(--gradColor1);]interest check[/div][/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* roleplays line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]roleplays[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* readme line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--txtIcon);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]readme.txt[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* exe line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--exeIcon);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]daddydomdream.exe[/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Text Templater */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;
                        pointer-events: auto;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--ttemplater);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/text-templater-a-plain-text-template-to-form-field-generator.541840/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtColor);]Text Templater[/div][/url][/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Recycle Bin */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;
                        pointer-events: auto;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--recycleBin);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][url=https://www.rpnation.com/members/fluticasone.32692/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtColor);]Recycle Bin[/div][/url][/div]
                    [div=flex: 7 250px; /* intcheck container */
                    height: 35rem;
                    position: relative;
                    box-sizing: border-box;
                    overflow: hidden;
                    box-sizing: border-box;
                    border: var(--mainBorder);
                    box-shadow: var(--insetShadow);
                    background: var(--directoryColor);]
                      [div=position: absolute;
                      height: calc(100% - 50px);
                      width: calc(100% - 50px);
                      overflow: hidden;
                      top: 25px;
                      left: 25px;]
                        [div=display: block;
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                          [div=display: flex;
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                          gap: 15px;
                          flex-flow: row wrap;
                          align-items: flex-start;
                          align-content: flex-start;
                          justify-content: flex-start;]
[comment] Copy IntCheck template starting here [/comment]
                            [div=--sampleIMG: url(https://i.pinimg.com/236x/1f/23/8d/1f238d7bc5b796a40f222c2d63bbdaed.jpg);
                            flex: 0 200px; ]
                              [div=display: block;
                              aspect-ratio: 4 / 3;
                              width: 100%;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              border: var(--mainBorder);
                              background: var(--directoryColor) var(--sampleIMG) center center/contain no-repeat;
                              overflow: hidden;
                              position: relative;]
                                [url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/island-of-the-lost.545589/][div=display: block; top: 0px; left: 0px; position: absolute; height: 100%; width: 100%; background: var(--icIcon);] [/div][/url]
                              [div=display: block;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              padding: 5px 5%;
                              text-align: center;]
[comment] Copy IntCheck template ending here [/comment]
                            [div=--sampleIMG: url(https://i.pinimg.com/236x/8e/22/08/8e2208e6a1fe2f7346afed4f1c8f7d3a.jpg);
                            flex: 0 200px; ]
                              [div=display: block;
                              aspect-ratio: 4 / 3;
                              width: 100%;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              border: var(--mainBorder);
                              background: var(--directoryColor) var(--sampleIMG) center center/contain no-repeat;
                              overflow: hidden;
                              position: relative;]
                                [url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/cybernetic-rebirth.545666/][div=display: block; top: 0px; left: 0px; position: absolute; height: 100%; width: 100%; background: var(--icIcon);] [/div][/url]
                              [div=display: block;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              padding: 5px 5%;
                              text-align: center;]
            [/div][/tab][div=position: absolute; /* intcheck container */
              z-index: 6;
              pointer-events: none;
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              top: 0px;
              left: 0px;
              right: 0px;
              bottom: 0px;
              line-height: normal;
              transform: scaleY(1.25);
              transform-origin: top left;
              line-height: normal;]


              [div=position: absolute; /* misc container */
              z-index: 6;
              pointer-events: none;
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              top: 0px;
              left: 0px;
              right: 0px;
              bottom: 0px;
              line-height: normal;
              transform: scaleY(1.25);
              transform-origin: top left;
              line-height: normal;]
                [div=display: block;
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                height: 100%;
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                left: 0px;
                top: 0px;
                background: var(--bgColor);]
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                  gap: 15px;
                  line-height: normal;
                  position: relative;
                  font-size: initial;]
                    [div=flex: 1 175px; /* misc directory */
                    background: var(--directoryColor);
                    box-shadow: var(--insetShadow);
                    box-sizing: border-box;
                    border: var(--mainBorder);
                    padding: var(--mainPadd);
                    display: flex;
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                    overflow: hidden;
                    text-wrap: nowrap;
                    gap: 8px;
                    cursor: default;
                    pointer-events: none;]
                      [div=flex: 0 auto;
                      display: flex;
                      flex-flow: column nowrap;
                      gap: 8px;]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* C line */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px; aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--HDDIcon);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][plain](C:)[/plain][/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* C level */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: column nowrap;
                        box-sizing: border-box;
                        width: calc(100% - 8px);
                        margin-left: 8px;
                        border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                        padding-left: 8px;
                        gap: 8px;]
                          [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Nightmare System line */
                          display: flex;
                          flex-flow: row nowrap;
                          align-items: center;
                          gap: 8px;]
                            [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                            [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]Nightmare System[/div]
                          [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Nightmare System level */
                          display: flex;
                          flex-flow: column nowrap;
                          box-sizing: border-box;
                          width: calc(100% - 8px);
                          margin-left: 8px;
                          border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                          padding-left: 8px;
                          gap: 8px;]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Restricted line */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: row nowrap;
                            align-items: center;
                            gap: 8px;]
                              [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                              [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem; opacity: .35; cursor: not-allowed; pointer-events: auto;]Restricted[/div]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Daddy Dom Dream line */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: row nowrap;
                            align-items: center;
                            gap: 8px;
                            pointer-events: auto;]
                              [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                              [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem; cursor: default;]Daddy Dom Dream[/div]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Daddy Dom Dream level */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: column nowrap;
                            box-sizing: border-box;
                            width: calc(100% - 8px);
                            margin-left: 8px;
                            border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                            padding-left: 8px;
                            gap: 8px;]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* character sheet line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]character sheet[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* interest check line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]interest check[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* roleplays line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][div=display: inline; background: var(--gradColor1);]roleplays[/div][/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* readme line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--txtIcon);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]readme.txt[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* exe line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--exeIcon);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]daddydomdream.exe[/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Text Templater */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;
                        pointer-events: auto;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--ttemplater);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/text-templater-a-plain-text-template-to-form-field-generator.541840/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtColor);]Text Templater[/div][/url][/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Recycle Bin */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;
                        pointer-events: auto;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--recycleBin);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][url=https://www.rpnation.com/members/fluticasone.32692/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtColor);]Recycle Bin[/div][/url][/div]
                    [div=flex: 7 250px; /* misc container */
                    height: 35rem;
                    position: relative;
                    box-sizing: border-box;
                    overflow: hidden;
                    box-sizing: border-box;
                    border: var(--mainBorder);
                    box-shadow: var(--insetShadow);
                    background: var(--directoryColor);]
                      [div=position: absolute;
                      height: calc(100% - 50px);
                      width: calc(100% - 50px);
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                      top: 25px;
                      left: 25px;]
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                          [div=display: flex;
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                          gap: 15px;
                          flex-flow: row wrap;
                          align-items: flex-start;
                          align-content: flex-start;
                          justify-content: flex-start;]
[comment] Copy roleplays template starting here [/comment]
                            [div=--sampleIMG: url(https://www.rpnation.com/attachments/1718921051758-png.1168815/);
                            flex: 0 200px; ]
                              [div=display: block;
                              aspect-ratio: 4 / 3;
                              width: 100%;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              border: var(--mainBorder);
                              background: var(--directoryColor) var(--sampleIMG) center center/contain no-repeat;
                              overflow: hidden;
                              position: relative;]
                                [url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/festival-for-the-lonesome-noble-or-how-i-was-tricked-into-attending-a-hookup-event-for-unmarried-nobles-fantasy-light-romance.544442/][div=display: block; top: 0px; left: 0px; position: absolute; height: 100%; width: 100%; background: var(--miscIcon);] [/div][/url]
                              [div=display: block;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              padding: 5px 5%;
                              text-align: center;]
[comment] Copy roleplays template ending here [/comment]
                            [div=--sampleIMG: url();
                            flex: 0 200px; ]
                              [div=display: block;
                              aspect-ratio: 4 / 3;
                              width: 100%;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              border: var(--mainBorder);
                              background: var(--directoryColor) var(--sampleIMG) center center/contain no-repeat;
                              overflow: hidden;
                              position: relative;]
                                [url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-deep-woods-fae-see-shadows-unbound-the-broken-seal.545644/#post-11976640][div=display: block; top: 0px; left: 0px; position: absolute; height: 100%; width: 100%; background: var(--miscIcon);] [/div][/url]
                              [div=display: block;
                              box-sizing: border-box;
                              padding: 5px 5%;
                              text-align: center;]
            [/div][/tab][div=position: absolute; /* misc container */
              z-index: 6;
              pointer-events: none;
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              top: 0px;
              left: 0px;
              right: 0px;
              bottom: 0px;
              line-height: normal;
              transform: scaleY(1.25);
              transform-origin: top left;
              line-height: normal;]


              [div=position: absolute; /* readme empty container */
              z-index: 3;
              pointer-events: none;
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              top: 0px;
              left: 0px;
              right: 0px;
              bottom: 0px;
              line-height: normal;
              transform: scaleY(1.25);
              transform-origin: top left;
              line-height: normal;]
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                  padding: 15px;
                  gap: 15px;
                  line-height: normal;
                  position: relative;
                  font-size: initial;]
                    [div=flex: 1 175px; /* readme directory */
                    background: var(--directoryColor);
                    box-shadow: var(--insetShadow);
                    box-sizing: border-box;
                    border: var(--mainBorder);
                    padding: var(--mainPadd);
                    display: flex;
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                    pointer-events: none;]
                      [div=flex: 0 auto;
                      display: flex;
                      flex-flow: column nowrap;
                      gap: 8px;]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* C line */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px; aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--HDDIcon);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][plain](C:)[/plain][/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* C level */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: column nowrap;
                        box-sizing: border-box;
                        width: calc(100% - 8px);
                        margin-left: 8px;
                        border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                        padding-left: 8px;
                        gap: 8px;]
                          [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Nightmare System line */
                          display: flex;
                          flex-flow: row nowrap;
                          align-items: center;
                          gap: 8px;]
                            [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                            [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]Nightmare System[/div]
                          [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Nightmare System level */
                          display: flex;
                          flex-flow: column nowrap;
                          box-sizing: border-box;
                          width: calc(100% - 8px);
                          margin-left: 8px;
                          border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                          padding-left: 8px;
                          gap: 8px;]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Restricted line */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: row nowrap;
                            align-items: center;
                            gap: 8px;]
                              [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                              [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem; opacity: .35; cursor: not-allowed; pointer-events: auto;]Restricted[/div]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Daddy Dom Dream line */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: row nowrap;
                            align-items: center;
                            gap: 8px;
                            pointer-events: auto;]
                              [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                              [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem; cursor: default;]Daddy Dom Dream[/div]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Daddy Dom Dreamlevel */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: column nowrap;
                            box-sizing: border-box;
                            width: calc(100% - 8px);
                            margin-left: 8px;
                            border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                            padding-left: 8px;
                            gap: 8px;]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* character sheet line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]character sheet[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* interest check line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]interest check[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* roleplays line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]roleplays[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* readme line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--txtIcon);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][div=display: inline; background: var(--gradColor1);]readme.txt[/div][/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* exe line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--exeIcon);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]daddydomdream.exe[/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Text Templater */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;
                        pointer-events: auto;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--ttemplater);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/text-templater-a-plain-text-template-to-form-field-generator.541840/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtColor);]Text Templater[/div][/url][/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Recycle Bin */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;
                        pointer-events: auto;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--recycleBin);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][url=https://www.rpnation.com/members/fluticasone.32692/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtColor);]Recycle Bin[/div][/url][/div]
                    [div=flex: 7 250px; /* content */
                    height: 35rem;
                    position: relative;
                    z-index: 0;
                    display: flex;
                    flex-flow: row wrap;
                    align-items: stretch;
                    gap: 15px;]
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                      border: var(--mainBorder);
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                      background: var(--mainIMG);]
                        [div=display: none;]bsghkh[/div]
                      [div=flex: 2 300px;
                      min-height: calc(35rem - 140px);
                      position: relative;
                      pointer-events: auto;]
                        [div=position: absolute;
                        box-sizing: border-box;
                        top: 5%;
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                        width: 80%;
                        left: 3%;
                        overflow: hidden;]
                          [div=display: block;
                          position: relative;
                          width: calc(100% + 125px);
                          height: 100%;
                          overflow-x: hidden;
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                          padding-right: 125px;
                          scrollbar-gutter: stable both-edges;]
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                            gap: 15px;]
                              [div=flex: 0 0 32px;
                              background: var(--mainWindowIcon);
                              aspect-ratio: 1;]
                                [div=display: none;]burp[/div]
                              [div=flex: 1 100px;
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: column nowrap;
                              gap: .75rem;]
                                [div=flex: 0 auto;
                                font-size: 1.5rem;
                                line-height: 1;
                                padding: 2px 0px 5px 0px;]
                                  Welcome to the System!
                                [div=flex: 0 auto;
                                font-size: .95rem;
                                text-align: justify;]
                                  I want to first start off with crediting fluticasone for having such an amazing template.
                                [div=flex: 0 auto;
                                font-size: .95rem;
                                text-align: justify;]
                                  Secondly, The characters, interest checks, and roleplays listed here can change at any time depending on how everything is flowing. I also request very politely that you do not comment on my thread. If you have something you wish to say or ask regarding this thread, you may DM me. If you wish to roleplay, you can also send me a DM as well
                                [div=flex: 0 auto;
                                font-size: .95rem;
                                text-align: justify;]
                                  I hope that we can all roleplay together and have a very enjoyable time.
                [div=position: absolute;
                box-sizing: border-box;
                width: clamp(275px,55%,350px);
                height: 25rem;
                left: 50%;
                top: 50%;
                transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
                border: var(--mainBorder);
                background: var(--bgColor);
                padding: 2px;
                padding-bottom: 15px;
                filter: var(--dropShadow);]
                  [div=display: flex; /*readme container*/
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                  overflow: hidden;
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                          [div=display: none;]icon area[/div]
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                        font-size: .95rem;]
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                          [url=https://www.rpnation.com/members/fluticasone.32692/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtAccColor);]Original Code[/div][/url] by fluticasone[br][/br][br][/br]

                          Original layout inspired by Windows 95 to Windows ME.
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                            [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                            [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]Nightmare System[/div]
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                          width: calc(100% - 8px);
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                          border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                          padding-left: 8px;
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                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Restricted line */
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                              [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem; opacity: .35; cursor: not-allowed; pointer-events: auto;]Restricted[/div]
                            [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Daddy Dom Dream line */
                            display: flex;
                            flex-flow: row nowrap;
                            align-items: center;
                            gap: 8px;
                            pointer-events: auto;]
                              [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--openDirectory);] [/div]
                              [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem; cursor: default;]Daddy Dom Dream[/div]
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                            width: calc(100% - 8px);
                            margin-left: 8px;
                            border-left: var(--mainBorder);
                            padding-left: 8px;
                            gap: 8px;]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* character sheet line */
                              display: flex;
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                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]character sheet[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* interest check line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]interest check[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* roleplays line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--closeDirectory);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]roleplays[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* readme line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--txtIcon);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;]readme.txt[/div]
                              [div=flex: 0 auto; /* exe line */
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: row nowrap;
                              align-items: center;
                              gap: 8px;]
                                [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--exeIcon);] [/div]
                                [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][div=display: inline; background: var(--gradColor1);]daddydomdream.exe[/div][/div]
                       [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Text Templater */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;
                        pointer-events: auto;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--ttemplater);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/text-templater-a-plain-text-template-to-form-field-generator.541840/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtColor);]Text Templater[/div][/url][/div]
                        [div=flex: 0 auto; /* Recycle Bin */
                        display: flex;
                        flex-flow: row nowrap;
                        align-items: center;
                        gap: 8px;
                        pointer-events: auto;]
                          [div=flex: 0 0 16px;  aspect-ratio: 1; background: var(--recycleBin);] [/div]
                          [div=flex: 1 25px; font-size: .8rem;][url=https://www.rpnation.com/members/fluticasone.32692/][div=display: inline-block; color: var(--txtColor);]Recycle Bin[/div][/url][/div]
                    [div=flex: 7 250px; /* content */
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                    z-index: 0;
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                      border: var(--mainBorder);
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                      background: var(--mainIMG);]
                        [div=display: none;]bsghkh[/div]
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                      min-height: calc(35rem - 140px);
                      position: relative;
                      pointer-events: auto;]
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                            [div=display: flex;
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                            align-items: flex-start;
                            gap: 15px;]
                              [div=flex: 0 0 32px;
                              background: var(--mainWindowIcon);
                              aspect-ratio: 1;]
                                [div=display: none;]burp[/div]
                              [div=flex: 1 100px;
                              display: flex;
                              flex-flow: column nowrap;
                              gap: .75rem;]
                                [div=flex: 0 auto;
                                font-size: 1.5rem;
                                line-height: 1;
                                padding: 2px 0px 5px 0px;]
                                  Welcome to the System!
                                [div=flex: 0 auto;
                                font-size: .95rem;
                                text-align: justify;]
                                  I want to first start off with crediting fluticasone for having such an amazing template.
                                [div=flex: 0 auto;
                                font-size: .95rem;
                                text-align: justify;]
                                  Secondly, The characters, interest checks, and roleplays listed here can change at any time depending on how everything is flowing. I also request very politely that you do not comment on my thread. If you have something you wish to say or ask regarding this thread, you may DM me. If you wish to roleplay, you can also send me a DM as well
                                [div=flex: 0 auto;
                                font-size: .95rem;
                                text-align: justify;]
                                  I hope that we can all roleplay together and have a very enjoyable time.
          [/div][/div][/div][/div][/div][/tabs][div=position: absolute; /* cs container */
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              transform: scaleY(1.25);
              transform-origin: top left;
              line-height: normal;][div=position: absolute; /* cs container */
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              width: 100%;
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              transform: scaleY(1.25);
              transform-origin: top left;
              line-height: normal;][div=position: absolute; /* cs container */
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              transform-origin: top left;
              line-height: normal;][div=position: absolute; /* cs container */
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              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              top: 0px;
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              bottom: 0px;
              line-height: normal;
              transform: scaleY(1.25);
              transform-origin: top left;
              line-height: normal;]

Hopefully this resolves the issue!
Thank you! It actually did fix the issue!

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