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The Musical Artist
Ouran Academy in Bunkyo, Tokyo
It had been a long time since Kaito thought about being inside of a classroom. While a lot of his songs that he wrote for their band were inspired from things that happened in his personal life or things that he saw happen, he never once thought to himself 'I'd like to revisit school just because'. No, he was going to be at Ouran Academy for a reunion. It was the 10 year anniversary of him graduating from the school, and he was going to the celebration. It couldn't have come at a better time, as Kaito's band was on a break and he was already in Tokyo to visit his family.

As he rode in the limo driving to the school grounds, he couldn't help but try to remember all of his classmates and what they were up to now. Of course, some of the big names like Kyoya or either of the Hitachiin twins were easy to follow, as they had been widely popular in school and very successful after everyone went their own ways. Just recalling Arisa brought a coat of pink to Kaito's cheeks. Ah, yes. The once brunette friend that Kaito had once upon a time been crushing on, after his short lived infatuation with the Host Club boss, Tamaki Suoh. If he was being honest, he never really had been able to shake the feeling, even almost a decade later. It was hard to not remember what could have been when he would run into them at award shows, or see articles online about their widely admired fashion sense. Briefly, Kaito wondered if they would be there. He sure hoped so.

Before he knew it, the limo driver was pulling up in front of the school grounds, to which Kaito stepped out and flattened out his clothes. Knowing that he was already going to get a lot more attention than he wanted due to being in a band that nearly everyone had heard before, he opted to dress down a bit; his black suit jacket and black slacks were still appropriate, however the chained necklaces and band shirt underneath probably were not. It was tasteful, nice to look at, but didn't draw too much attention to him. This was the goal. He'd only had a few friends at his time here, and he knew that it most likely shocked his classmates that one of the most shy students became a well known name and adored in such a short span. Yes, Kaito was a little excited to show off how successful he was, but he wanted to spend a majority of the time with his friends, not people who looked down on him when he was just trying to get through classes.

The school felt smaller than he had remembered it. The place was massive and intimidating for Kaito when he was just a 15 year old boy attempting to get to his classroom on time. He had many memories of rushing through the halls to get between his room and lunch on time. Now that he was older, the hallways felt narrower, shorter, and ancient. His years at Ouran felt a lifetime ago. Thankfully, the ballroom the event was being hosted at was a short distance from the garden entrance that he had came in at, and upon walking in he did his best to dodge the students he didn't care to speak to, and made a beeline for one of the tables, snagging a drink on his way there.

Kaito had showed up early, but the room was already buzzing with conversation and bodies. There was a dance floor, a section for people to sit and talk (where Kaito was), an entire place to be served food and drinks, and of course there was outdoor seating as well. As he looked around, sipping on his drink, he couldn't find anyone he recognized outside of a few teachers. Or maybe there were students here that he did know, and just couldn't remember? Time would only tell.

Code by Serobliss
The Trendsetter

The mere thought of returning to school irked Arisa to no end. He was already done with the whole education scene and had set his sights on a future filled with even greater fame. While he had gained considerable recognition in Japan, his star power was gradually extending beyond the country's borders. Arisa primarily saw himself as a fashion icon, with his music production being an ancillary pursuit, although his musical endeavors were rapidly taking over. Most of his songs revolved around men embracing their feminine side, but he constantly strived to imbue his lyrics with deeper meaning.

Receiving a last-minute invitation to attend the Ouran Academy reunion threw Arisa into a slight panic. He had absolutely no clue what to wear for this occasion; fancy and expensive were the obvious requirements, but the specifics eluded him entirely. Rifling through their closet, they sighed, growing increasingly hopeless. Perhaps they should just skip the event altogether. No, they had to go. They yearned to catch up with everyone and see how they were doing. Sure, they could look up their old classmates' names, but they preferred hearing from them directly.

After a brief period of contemplation, Arisa settled on a white, open-collared corset top with long sleeves and subtle shoulder pads. They paired it with matching dress pants and stepped into white, chunky platform heels. Arisa slid their phone and a small wallet into their pants pocket before hurrying to the bathroom to apply some quick black eyeliner and a layer of lip gloss. They adorned their fingers with a few silver rings before finally heading out the front door.

He had to wait a couple of minutes for his ride, but it didnโ€™t bother him. He would just show up fashionably late, thatโ€™s all. They looked out the window intently, tapping their black acrylic nails on their thigh anxiously. Once arriving, he sat in the seat for a minute, collecting his thoughts, preparing himself to exit the car. Arisa was more than aware that many would try and converse with them, but it was the least of their worries. It was just one of the setbacks in being more popular, they supposed. What really made their stomach twist in knots was making a fool of themself in front of people they were once very close to. He yearned for at least one connection to be remade and fixed; they had missed every one of the hosts.

He opened the door, stepping out. His white heels clicked on the pavement, as he stridden to the entrance. Upon entering, some heads did, indeed turn, but it seemed that everyone was too caught up in their own conversations to even notice. Arisa entered the main room, where most former students resided, before he was inevitably stopped by a familiar figure.
"Arisa! It's been so long! I can't believe you made it!" Haruhi chimed warmly. Arisaโ€™s jaw had dropped.

โ€œOh my god! Hi! You look sooo cute!โ€ Arisa made no hesitation to pull Haruhi in for a short hug. โ€œSomething weird happened and I got the invitation in the mail last minute, my clothes are everywhere, I struggled to find something, haha,โ€

Haruhi smiled, returning Arisa's hug. โ€œAw, thanks.โ€ she chuckled at their explanation. "Well, knowing you, Arisa, I'm not surprised you ended up in a fashion emergency. But I'm glad you made it. It wouldn't be the same without you here."

Arisa laughed, a hint of relief evident in their voice. "Thanks, Haruhi. It's good to see you too. So, how have you been? It's been ages since we last caught up."

Haruhi's expression turned thoughtful as she glanced around the crowded room. "Well, life has been... eventful, to say the least. After leaving Ouran, I pursued a law career and things have been going well. But there's always a part of me that misses those carefree days and the friendships we had."

Arisa nodded in understanding. "I feel the same way. It's amazing how quickly time flies. I've been focused on my music and fashion endeavors, but deep down, there's always a part of me that yearns for the simplicity and camaraderie we had back then."

Just as their conversation started to gain momentum, Arisa's gaze shifted across the room, catching a glimpse of someone familiar. "Oh, hold on, Haruhi. I think I just spotted someone I've been dying to see. Mind if we continue this later?"

Haruhi followed Arisa's line of sight and smirked knowingly. "Of course, go ahead. I can see someone caught your attention. We'll catch up later."
Arisa gave a grateful smile and made their way through the crowd, weaving their way towards the person of deep interest. As they approached, they couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. They stood in front of him, and grinned widely.

โ€œOh. My. God. Kaito, is that you?โ€
Code by Serobliss
Last edited:
The Musical Artist
Ouran Academy in Bunkyo, Tokyo
Kaito had been lost in thought when he felt a hand on his shoulder and heard a cool voice speak to him. "Why hello, Kaito Mori. It's been a while, hasn't it?"

The redhead looked up to be greeted by the smile of none other than Kyoya Ootori, the brains behind what once was the famous host club. Kaito smiled in response, and motioned to the seat next to him. He spoke as Kyoya sat down. "Oh hey! It's so nice to see you, how are you?"

Kyoya sat down in the seat next to Kaito and took no hesitation in responding. The answer came out smooth as butter, almost as if it had been rehearsed. Knowing Kyoya, it most likely was. That guy knew how to think on his feet and had a collected head on his shoulders. "I've been great. I work for my father now, I'm going to inherit the family business," he explained. "and I recently got a cat, named Noir."

Kaito grinned in response. "Woah, that's so cool. Congratulations, that's awesome! Do you have a pic-"

Before he could even finish his question, in record time Kyoya held out his phone to reveal a photo of his cat, which both proceeded to gush over for the next few minutes. It appeared that both men were cat lovers. Kaito loved all animals, really, but couldn't justify having any pets when he was gone and traveling so often. However after talking to Kyoya, he was starting to think that traveling with a furry friend couldn't be that difficult. After all, Kyoya was doing it.

As the two talked amongst themselves, Kaito felt his anxiety about the evening fade away. He knew Kyoya was a skilled conversationalist due to the expectations of his father, but the longer they talked, the less worried he was about how the night was going to go. Kyoya was proof that catching up with some old classmates really can't be that bad. Briefly, he wondered where the rest of the old host club was. But as he was about to ask about them, he heard a familiar voice call out that put a halt to Kyoya and Kaito's conversation.

The redhead turned to the voice, his heart skipping a beat. He knew who it was before he turned, but he was still surprised to be greeted with the warm smile of Arisa.

"Oh my gosh, hi! It's been so long!" It was a relief that Kaito was able to get those words out without stumbling around or stuttering. While he was doing alright at the moment, high school him would've been a floundering mess trying to talk to someone as attractive and nice as Arisa. Especially given the time and the almost running into each other all the time.

"Here, sit. How have you been?" Kaito motioned to the chair next to him, and pushed it out a bit incase they wanted to sit and join.

"I will be back in a little bit, I think I see Haruhi and Tamaki." Kyoya said, with a knowing look between the two that Kaito didn't catch at all. As quietly as he arrived, Kyoya made his way back inside to join his friends.

Code by Serobliss

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