I am unhappy, like really

Felkis Armata

Guess this character in my avatar.
Since I am making roleplays and released it, no one seems to like or find interest in my role-play. I have been putting efforts of making roleplays since I joined RpNation and what I do get in return? No interest of my role-play. I am frowning and no one wants to join with me, I mean, why? It is my backstory is cliché or blunt? Is my character creation having many applications to add on or Is it my rules are highly strict? I don't feel happy, but to hate myself and all like have a British stereotype of me saying:


This picture says it all to my life. :(
When you say no interest, you mean zero people? Not just one or two?

One or two people is really all you need. It feels cool to have a lot of interest, but it's really not.

If you have at least a few curious, work hard for those one or two people. If you don't have any, ask people around what would make my role play interesting for someone to join.

So don't be sad Felkis, and don't compare your stuff to other roleplays. Remember, all you need is one or two.
I agree with Masquerade. One of the most important things I have learned about roleplays is that quality beats quantity every time. It's super exciting to have 10 people in your RP, but it can, and often will, fall apart easily without everyone's dedication and commitment to the RP.

The best RPs I have been in are those with a small group of loyal and hardworking roleplayers who love and care about the roleplay they're in.

More doesn't always mean better.

If you're getting no interest at all, you may just have to keep trying different things. Make plots simpler, fine-tune ideas, etc.

But trust me, you'll eventually find people who want to join your roleplay. It may not be a whole lot of people, but if they're a dedicated group, it will be enough.
Yeah, I may agree with you, but I am kind of lonely and feeling down, which I don't really have friends. Since I am trying to socialize myself here at this site (I am really talking RpNation.) and hoping to get attention to get one or two people. The reason here I cannot give up with my role-playing life unless if no one is really giving an interest to my role-play when I ask them. Maybe I can just try to get myself smiling if they welcome them with open arms. Someday I could get myself happy and get the hang of it for my role-playing life.
If you would wish, Felkis, I would be perfectly willing to collaborate on a role play with you if you are looking for friends. I myself occasionally have difficulty socializing with people in the "real" world... It would be a good experience for me as well if you are interested. :)

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