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I am trying to understand how to use rp nation, any advice?


I'm not new to role play in any means, I've just been using Happy Baby (a game on Facebook) but they've recently shut it down. This place seems more difficult to me and I'm not sure about using it any further.
Well, lets see if I could explain things to you in a way that is fairly simple. I was similar to you and that forums seemed a little too intense and cluttered for me, but this one is much easier to use than most so I think it is a fairly good starting point. (I apologize if someone ends up posting before me).

Each section of the different roleplay styles have an interest check area that allows you to recruit people (before or after you made your roleplay) or find a roleplay to join. You can look through the actual roleplays themselves, but the interest checks usually tell you what is active or, like me, what is just starting cause I like to not be overwhelmed.

Now to the roleplay styles, there are multiple styles of roleplays you can do. If you like to roleplay with multiple people then you can pick from particular genres on the front page which include Fandom, Fantasy, Realistic or modern and futuristic. These are usually more than 2 people

Here are the interest checks for them:

Fandom Interest Checks

Fantasy Interest Checks

Realistic/Modern Interest Checks

Futuristic Interest Checks

Next you have one on ones which are roleplays that are for well pretty much just one other person with you. I sometimes post here if I just want 2 people with me cause I don't want to have to reject too many people. You can also look for long term roleplaying partners here.

interest check:

1x1 Interest Checks

Now you have a few other types I am going to add somewhat together. The dice section (Dice Interest Checks) are for roleplays that are like Dungeons and dragons in which you use a role of dice to determine outcomes or stats.

The Nation building section (Nation Building Interest Checks) is where you focus on building worlds instead of specific characters so like whole goverments and things going against others. (I have least experience here)

The Colosseum section (Colosseum Interest Checks) is if you merely want to challenge other characters against your character so like to test out how strong your character is in a fight.

A fairly new section is called the Quest section (Questing Interest Checks) this is like a "Choose your adventure" where one person writes the story, but stops and ask for key moments that others vote for to determine what happens next.

Last, there is the Hosted projects (Hosted Projects | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum) these are large to themselves roleplays that are like a completely other site. They use a lot of resources and take a lot of work. You have to apply to get one of these and fit qualifications just because these are not meant to die quickly.

(Ill continue with other more non roleplaying sections if you like?)
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To add to some of Demon's explanation, I've grabbed a few Tutorials for you to take a look at.

First of all is @Syrenrei 's An Introduction to Forum Role-Playing , then I'd check out @Anomaly 's Site - Dusk’s Guide to Forums, Threads, and Other Nonsense , and then (of course!) there's @CloudyBlueDay 's Roleplay - How to Roleplay! guide. Those are just a few of the resources onsite, but they're ones I'd recommend looking through - they're all very good tutorials.

Do you have any specific questions you need answered?

EDIT: Anomaly you ninja'd me ;-;
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